BEWARE - Here is the wording from their website - this is not free@!!!
Start your FREE Trial now to receive a full one-month supply of Acai Berry Supreme (retail price for $119.95). You'll have 15 days from the date your order ships to evaluate the product and see the results for yourself. If you enjoy the formula, simply do nothing. You will be billed the super low price of $88.62 at the end of your 15-day trial period ... a 26% savings! If, for ANY reason, you decide that Acai Berry Supreme is not for you, simply call 1-866-938-4832 by January 29, 2009 and return the unused portion. You will NEVER be billed. Unless you call to cancel, you'll continue to get a fresh one-month supply of Acai Berry Supreme every 30 days for the low price of $88.62 (+$5.95 shipping)... a 26% discount! Cancel anytime.
You sign up for a free trial for ~$5 and are sent a bottle of 60 pills... but you are only given 14 days of free trial... and a charge for $$78.81 shows up on your credit card for the remainder of the pills... that are in the bottle from the free trial...
The next month a bottle shows up at your address and another charge of $83.80 is charged to you...
They say there is wording in the terms you click OK on that explains this... Hard part is - try to find the website after you sign up for the free trial... they must put a cookie on your computer to keep you from going back to the same site to look at the "wording" of the contract.
Got my money back... they still charged me $18 for the trial product that I had used...
Here is the wording from their website - THIS IS NOT FREE>>>>>