I clicked on a free trial of Acai berry and provided credit card to pay $4.99 shipping. This was on a site meant to look like a personal testimonial site. I didn't realize - if it was even disclosed in fine print - that I would receive another order and be charged $78.00. I called and was given a return number to send back the order - and that I would not be charged again. I sent the order back, and fortunately had a confirmation receipt. I just got my credit card bill and was charged another $83.80 - and haven't even received another order.
I called again to cancel and ask for credit - and was given a "let's make a deal" - I was offered $70 back on the $78.00 and $50.00 back on the $83.80 - even though I do not have any product to show for it. I took the deal and can only hope that this time they will cancel.
Because of their underhandedness I didn't feel confident to go through a credit card dispute - and the fact that I don't really know what I may have clicked, initially, that essentially gave my agreement to be ripped off.
Please beware!