I have an Advanta fraud card. My credit score was over 800! and they raised my interest rate to 35.5%. It is a business credit card since I am a small business owner. I contacted them for an explanation. Their reasoning and explanation was 'It was nothing you did, its the economy.' She also said 'we audited our accounts and re-assessed them'. I refuse to pay this criminal organization. I filed a complaint with the AZ state attorney general. They said they couldn't do anything and referred my complaint to the FDIC. They too said they couldn't do anything.
Our country is lost all humanity and good will towards others in the corporate world. This is loan sharking at its finest and sanctioned by the government. If you are serious about making a stand now is the time! Banks are receiving billions of our tax dollars with no stipulations as to how to use it and they are raping us financially. Please, please help me and make a stand.