after been paying my creditcard for a year never late and always i paid more than the minimun balance, i forgot the due payment because i am 6 month pregnat and i did not feel good so i forgot, 3 days later i notice my mistake i did the payment and i sent them an email about it asking them please dont change my 2.99 % fix rate for this mistake, i has been a loyalty client and even i am in foreclousure, i could not paid my morgage since november last year i did the commitment to be responsable and paid all my cards, even knowing my credit is not good any more.
they never answer my email and then i contact them on april 29, i spoke with a customer service rep and a supervisor, i explainted my situation, they raise my interest to 24.99 %
and my last payment of 250 dolars, wich 207 where applied direct to the interest alraedy
now my payment is no fix anymore and raised to $345 which pretty much almost most of the entire amount will go to the paid the interest. i can not affort to paid the card any more under those conditions, i rather to get a deal with my morgage, they did not care, they toldme thath was the best can do and because i fail the agreetment that the result.