If you thought that Continental suck, Read this about AEROMEXICO: I was flying from Mexico City to Houston Texas on the Flight 418 from with Aeromexico and was taken out of the boarding line together
with other 15 passengers last Saturday March5, 2011 around 5 pm.
The 'selected' passangers were most women traveling alone and foreign couples (in MExico City Aerport). I bought my ticket 2 months ago. Their excuse: changes in the temperaure of the aircraft. Supposedly they picked the passengers that documented last. I documented 2 hours before the flight! and atthta time I culd have gon to COntinental to catch another flight.
They offer another free ticket which I dont care to take to experience their horrendous mega-bad service. They put us in a flight 5 hrs later.
Their staff did not even apologize or brought the manager to agve us a decent explanation. If that was not bad enough the pilot of the 8pm flight got about40 min late! Is a women with curly hair, overweight and did not even apologize. What a disrecpect! Dont flight inAeromexico. They really suck!