January 12, 2010
Run as far away as you can
I Am complaining about a A Company called Affordable Rentals Northwest Inc. I responded to a Craigslist Ad about this company and i was told and under the impression that with my Bad credit and a felony Conviction they would find me a Suitable house for rent and get me into the house with very little hassle. So i went to the Company's Office Located at 2300 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 105, Seattle, Wa, 98102. I Spoke with a Gentleman Named Terrance who promptly Sat down and handed me some paperwork to fill out and told me that if i was looking for something as simple as a 3 bedroom house to fit just my kids and i didn't need anything special in the house he could get me into a House the next Day. He required me to pay $250 for a List of Homes and Said that he works with Landlords that accept people with less then perfect credit and whatnot. i told him i didn't have the whole $250 i only had $195 In Cash he walked out of the room for a minute then came back and Said he could take the $195 as a special Deal. So he handed me a list of Homes with about 50 front and back Pages of Addresses that are suppose to be available for rent. So me and my Wife drove around for two hours that night and Not a Single house that we looked at on that List was available they were all occupied. we confronted terrance the next day and he says All the houses on the list he does not Solicit that all the landlords contact his company to be put on this list. well we eventually got ahold of a couple houses on the list and the landlords or owners Said they don't even know who this company is and have never contacted them to list their property. So this company is Falsely Advertising that they can Get bad credit folks into homes for rent. What they are doing is just scanning ads On Internet Websites and making a list of them and charging people $250 for the List. Affordable Rentals is Falsely Advertising that they are Affiliated with these landowners and the company is refusing a refund due to a contract being signed.