September 23, 2009
Slow response on the job applications
Total disrespect thru the entire 3 interviews, never called back on time, never followed up with me and only pay thru PAYPAL so they can easily put an immediate hold on all your money immediately. Stay away...OR Good Luck!!
December 4, 2006
AFLAC doesn't want to pay!
I took out an AFLAC Intensve Care policy in March 06. The effective date of coverage was April 1, 2006. I actually took the policy because my mother had coverage and it was a wonderful help when she had cancer. In Oct 06, my husband had a heart attack and was in the hospital for 9 days. According to the policy, we are due a per day reimbursement the sub-acute room (8 days),reimbursement for the ambulance and for one day of intensive care. I faxed the claim on Nov. 10. Every single day I am told the claim will be processed that day & they have everything needed for the claim. I can't tell you how many times they have requested new documentation, a couple of times they've asked for the same info twice. Half the time, they deny receiving the paperwork, even though I have the fax confirmation sheet. I always re-fax immediately. I was told AFLAC had a 5-7 day turn around. We are over three weeks now. I have asked every day this week to speak with a supervisor, only to be given reasons why I can't. Reasons range from "I'm in management" to "We don't have per se supervisors" to "I will talk to you and relay your concerns to the appropriate person". Today when I told the customer service rep that this delay was unacceptable, I was told that it was considered "suspicious" that I took out the policy in March and now my husband has Coronary Heart Disease. She said heart disease does not have a sudden onset and he "must have rec'd prior treatment". When I asked if it would help for the primary doctor to send a statement to them attesting to the truthfulness of the claim, I was told that the auditors would really consider that suspicious if I started sending in unsolicited documentation. It was also implied that I have called too frequently this week!!! Hmm, perhaps that could be because my husband has been out of work for 7 weeks now and will not be released to return for several more? I should add that all of the agents are very friendly and polite. A couple of them have offered to call me back if there are more requests for documentation. Of course, none of them have actually done so. I have to call the next day to find out what the new paperwork is for the day.
It is unethical for a company to solicite business, offer coverage, acccept premiums, then when a claim is made, to imply to the policy holder that they are considered to be a liar and a cheat because a claim was made too soon in AFALC's opinion. Even though the hospitalization occured 7 1/2 months after the effective date of coverage.