Afni Inc. alleges that i owe ATT $80.00 dollars which afni claims ATT has placed this acc with them for collections.
After getting a better deal from a local cable company (Time Warner) for a service bundle of cable TV, digital phone service
and high speed internet, i took the offer, which involved transferring the ph service from ATT to cable service comp.
At the time of of transfer acc balance at ATT was $0.00
ATT continued billing me for four month after the transfer. Each month i got in touch with ATT just to hear them telling me
how sorry they are. i should not be concerned with the bills because they are taken care of... EACH moth.. for four months...
After four months, i got tired of playing their game, thinking they would have to get their their heads out of their butts to do
their accounting, i electronically sent them $80.00.
They caught it. within weeks i received an ATT refund check for the amount i sent them with a note saying i must have made a mistake since i didn't owe... etc, (ATT Ref Ck #6716417763 amount: $80.00 issue date 07/01 /2008)
Wouldn't one think its done? heh, heh, heh, he... we are dealing with ATT, don't you know...
A month later, i received a collections notice from Money Control, informing me they are collecting for ATT.
I sent them the info i had ck number the date the amount and asked " if i owe money to ATT why are they giving me a refund
after i sent it? which evidently made sense, after checking to see if i am telling them a story or...
A month and a half or so later i received a collection notice from Collection Bureau of America, who bought the bill from
the first dip... Of course they received the same info, the ck number etc... The third came from Bay Area Credit Service LLC
after getting the same info to check and seeing nothing to collect who promptly sold the bill, after harassing me a bit...
to our friends at CBCS. who tagged some more money on the original "debt", and receiving the same info wrote back to tell me
they would settle the "bill" for only $43.50! Now there is a collector with a heart...
That brings us to Afni inc. they did like the others, sent me a collections notice, i sent them the same info, and...
About a week ago i became aware of some changes... on files at credit reporting agencies, Afni alleging that ATT placed the
account for collections with them BUT... WAIT! I am going to post (cut and paste) their email to BBB after I filed a complaint
with them (state attorney of Illinois, state attorney of california where i live, FTYC and bunch of boards as well)
AFNI's reply to BBB/ central Illinois:
This is in response to your letter to Afni, Inc regarding the above referenced matter. We appreciate your assistance in bringing our consumer's concerns to our attention. In that regard,
The communication through the Better Business Bureau, as well as his simultaneous multiple emails to various people within Afni, is the first indication that Mr. Celasun disputes the account, despite an initial notice being mailed to his current address on April 22, 2011. In response, I have requested an investigation and validation to be mailed directly to the consumer. This may take up to 30 days. He is welcome to manage his account online at or call a Consumer Relations Specialist at (866) 716-1284. Thank you.
Lisa Anderson
Compliance Manager
Afni, Inc.
404 Brock Drive
OOOOOOO Lisa, Lisa, Lisa... How did that go again? "on or about March 2001, AT&T notified Afni the above referenced account remained due and owing from Mr. Celasun. This account was established on March 1, 2008 and was considered delinquent by the creditor on October 24, 2008. The service address for the account was his still-current address.
Looks like Afni is a tat confused... how, just how did ATT deemed appropriate to contact Afni "on or about March 2001
an acc established on October 24 2008?
See, people what i have to deal with...?
When I got the wind of it they are claiming i owe money to ATT but should pay them... but weren't too pleased with the info,
a particulars of refund check, etc. and in retaliation flagging my credit files with "collections" notices... as I mentioned above,
with the State Attorney's Office, California, State Attorney's Office Illinois, FTC What they are trying to do is legal? HAH! They are claiming ATT referred the alleged acc at alleged amount TO AFNI on 2011. ( like they contacted afni "on or about year 2001 for an acc established 2008) Total falsification of records which i have copies of. See what they are trying to do? By claiming without shred of evidence ATT placed the said bill with Afni.
I am an old man. i am deaf cannot use phone for voice communication. I have worked hard to stay on top of bills THEIRS
I will pursue this matter, will post for all to see what they are about.
Thank you.
for collections (ATT DID NOT. They placed it with "Money Control" ) they are trying to extend the life of the alleged debt.