This company has sent a notice stating that my husband owes T-Mobile $ 1, 061.73, from 2002 we have never used T-Mobile and we have had the same service since 1999 which is not T-Mobile. When I asked them to send me proof such as a signature they stated that by law they do not need to and that they had a photo ID when I asked for them to send me such proof because to have that, they have to have a signature no just sends a photo ID out to anyone. She stated that she did not need to.
I stated then you are just letting anyone do things in anyone elses name and she hung up the phone on me. I can not beleave that the law would allow people to do such things.
If they have proof let them show it, if not do not harrass hard working people to scam them out of their money I know that the only cell company we have had is our current company which we have been with going on 10yrs.