I am a tour guide in the western cape. Gary Clegg is a tour operator in Canada doing safari's in Southern Africa. I did a week of tours for him in August, before the tour started he sent a proof of payment (bank transfer) for the tours. 3 days before the tour was ment to start I had still not received any money, but thought I would give him the benefit of the doubt and proceed with the tour thinking the transfer has just been delayed. Luckily before the clients arrived I double checked all their bookings (accommadation) and found that nothing had been paid, so I had to do a lot of running around after him to make sure everything was secure. To cut a long story short the tour went very well, but Gary Clegg has still not paid me for the work I have done. I have sent him numerouse emails of which he may reply to 1 every 2 weeks. he is always sorry and says he will sort it out asap, but nothing ever happens...
He even changed his business name from Safari Consultant to African Safari Consultant
Gary its been 3 months now, be a man and pay your debt.