My daughter was attending Agency89, we signed a contract with them in November of 2007 after I had contacted them to get some advice on AMTC(actors models and talent competition). I was then ask to bring her in for an open call so that they could take some pictures of her, talk with her and get her measurements. At the open call there was many people and it was very unorganized. After walking the runway we then waited for her name to be called to have a three minute conversation with one of their so called 'agents' later to find that it was just a teacher, but anyways after talking with the agent she was then accepted to come back for a second interview. This is where you find out that you will be paying, in our case $90.00 a month for her to come to a class once a week from 4:30 to 6:00.
We started classes and everything was just fine, I can even say it was fun for my daughter. She loved everyone there and looked up to them in a big way. That is one reason why everything that I have found out about the agency itself and the president of the agency(Cortney Sells) pisses me off so bad. The agency itself is just ran very poorly. Nothing is organized and the people that work there don't even seem to know what they are doing or know whats going on in the modeling industry period. I have even seen one of the teachers fall off the runway during a model march at the end of class.
In my opinion agency89 is a big scam. They NEVER book any work while you have to pay them every month for 'training'... and the people that work there, you can tell are fake. None of them has an extensive modeling background or career. The classes has way to many kids in there and the teachers don't really care about the childs progress. It seems like they accept everyone that walks through the door thats willing to pay them.
When my daughter had her first photo shoot with them they didn't even fix her hair very well, they just left it down and put some hairspray in. Eventhough the shoot itself was free and the photos you had to buy was cheap, why would YOU have to buy a picture of yourself for THEIR advertisement?? I could go on and on about this company and all the little things that I have seen.
My daughter attended agency89 fire n ice fashion show audition. They were somewhat working on learning new walks in there class but none of the smaller kids knew them very well. At the audition they had 15 minutes to learn the fashion show choreography well enough to audition. And well the teacher that was teaching didn't even know the choreography herself, she kept asking another pre teen girl how it went as she is falling out of her high heels.
When it came time to actually audition they did the choreography as a group and it went as good as it could have considering the circumstances, but when it was time to audition individually when it was my daughters turn she stated her name, age and how long she had been with the agency and stood there waiting for Cortney to tell her what to do next. She told her 'walk to me' she didn't give her a specific walk to do or anything, as for the other kids she would say for example 'do the eskimo walk for me and show me a line turn'.
Needless to say my daughter didn't get accepted that time, so we came back the next week for her to try again. She didn't make it this time either but let me explain... Cortney had two moms that didn't know the first thing about modeling or the choreography teaching them, had my daughter sit out for the first three times of the group doing the choreography and when she did get to practice it she had to follow another girl, at this time I ask how she is suppose to follow this other girl when it would never work because they would be getting all tangled up with each other and they did.
After asking my daughters agent, Cortney, this she said and i quote 'She(which is my daughter) doesn't have the mentle capacity or the attention span to get this coreography right' at this time I ask her if there is any reason for us being there and she said ' yes because she can do the model march and 89 unveiled'(but i wasn't there for that, it was a FASHION SHOW AUDITION).
Eventhough at this time i was very upset at the fact my daughters 'agent' basically just called her stupid, i walked away and let things finish up. I am not here just to complain that my daughter didn't get accepted because I can accept the fact that she didn't make it but what I cant accept is the fact that they didn't give her a real chance. I was informed that at the audition there would be outside judges come in to choose the sixty something people that would be selected for the show.
When i got there it was just the teachers judging and while suppose to be watching the people auditioning Cortney is over there talking to a friend like a ditzy school girl, not to mention during the practice part she couldn't help herself but to walk a few laps around the building with her boyfriend, i think all of this is very unprofessional.
My question is, why she sign my daughter in the first place if she doesn't think she has the mentle capacity or attention span to do the ONLY thing that agency89 has going for themselves, (fire n ice) and it ain't even all that, but one fact to prove that my daughter in fact does have the mentle capacity and attention span is that she learned a choreographed dance within no more than 5hours for a beauty pageant.
I don't see how these other moms can put up with it. Stop and take a look around, open your eyes and don't just research the company name try researching the people behind it, you may be surprised of what you find. The truth is if there is an agency out there that wants you, no doubt they are going to do what it takes to get you. They are not going to make you pay them hundreds of dollars.
I have never seen anyone make it at agency89, there isn't not one person that i know of thats made money through them. It disgust me that someone can take advantage of people this way. This agency is stealing many peoples dreams and making them think they are something when in reality they are no more than they were the first time they walked through those doors.
They give people hope and relief that they now have the title 'model' but remember you are not a model until you get paid and its claimed on you taxes. Avoid Agency89 at all cost!!! They will just waste your time and money on top of crushing your dreams and making you nothing. They don't have anything to show for and will get you nowhere in the modeling business.