We have completed a debt repayment program through A New Horizon which was set up through AFS. This program took us 4 years, and we are so proud of ourselves for finally paying off our creditors. It was a hardship on us, as the amount we had to pay each month was nearly the same as our mortgage payment, but we did it.
At the start of our program, AFS required a deposit of $866 to begin the program. Though it was difficult, we made the deposit. We were told we would get this money back when we completed our debt repayment program. As stated above, we completed the program. We have a certificate saying we completed the program, but I cannot fax it to Mr. Van Auken, because all of AFS's numbers have been disconnected. A New Horizon, who claim they are no longer affiliated with AFS, does not have any new number for AFS either.
I am alarmed by two things. The first is that I cannot reach Mr. Van Auken. The second is that language which specifies 'successful' completion. Well, Mr. Van Auken, if you are reading this, we did complete the program successfully. We did not file bankruptcy. We paid all of our creditors in full. Yes, we made a couple of the payments a bit later than we intended due to financial crises that hit people from time to time. But the bottom line is that we successfully completed the program.
Please, sir, contact me so I can send you the necessary documentation and get back the $866 given to you in good faith.