I recently vacated my apartment with 2 months notice and received a phone call 5 days ago that I owed approximately $178 for 2 months behind water, 3 days prorated rent, and a carpet cleaning fee. When the man told me that I would be turned over in a week to a collections agency because I had not paid all of the fees, I requested why I had not been informed of these charges in a timely order. I had submitted a forwarding address, multiple phone numbers, an e-mail address, and I still hadn't been contacted. The guy had no response.
I had told the apartment management that I did not want to stay in the apartment any longer than the end of my lease. I never told them why, but I think they didn't take that well.
I had many reasons why I did not want to stay in these apartements. 1: The neighborhood was not good by any means. I only trusted 3 of my neighbors out of about 120. Two had had property burglarized or stolen. One had his car completely totalled by a high neighbor hitting it at 45 mph at 04:00 in the morning. Drug use and dishonesty was not uncommon by any means.
2: The facilities and apartments were not well kept, clean, or otherwise in a serviceable condition. I suspect that the security cameras were never hooked up (never saw any t.v. screens anywhere in the management building), and the lights and fences regularly were broken.
3: The maintenance guys regularly refused to fix problems. Anytime something breaks, be ready to fix it yourself. Chances are that you will not be able to get them to fix anything short of a clogged drain.
Overall, I've learned that the satisfaction of renters is not at all a concern for the management of these apartments. Just look at the board in the main office. It has stats on who needs to get more people into apartments and who is on top. You don't have things like that in plain sight of customers. I wish these people had some manners and professionality.