I bought a Walther air pistol from one of your stores about 2 years ago. It worked well for me. Unfortunately, like everything else it needs service.
I cannot, through many of your retail store outlets in Toronto and outlying areas find anyone to service my Watlher PPK/S air pistol.
I called Crosman who gave me to Emarexwho is now handling this product.
Several calls to Emarex received by voice mail and no response.
I called at least TWENTY Gunsmiths and sports facilities. Still no sucess.
Question: Where do I go from here? Do I scrap this air pistol.
Suggestion: Do not sell anything that you cannot service or reccommend a service centre for the equiptment to be serviced.
At least TWO weeks of my time has gone to waste.
I have been a Canadian Tire Customer for approximately 41 years and I am extremely disappointed by this issue.