I, Shri Pratik Sureka, residing at 3, Burdwan Road, Alipore Residency Kolkata - 700027, paid an amount of Rs.8700/- to "A-SQUARE ENTERPRISES", 133, Cotton street, 2nd floor, Kolkata-700007, corporate office BG-07, salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091 (Phone-033-40216200) towards Annual Package - Primary Connection of Digital TV.
The above amount includes towards Airtel Digital T.V & Activationket for Rs.3, 500/- and towards Airtel Package charges of Rs.5, 200/- vide Invoice No.276 dated 25.06.309 & customer id is 3001006773.
But despite several reminders over phone and also personally request to the Agent of Airtel (mentioned above) for connection but our request fell on deaf ears.
You are requested to please look after this case and if you require any further information please mailed to me.
Please also let us know whether I shall go for legal action or not.