Airtel DTH

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Airtel DTH Reviews

Hari Rana July 8, 2010
Not working Properly
I HAVE TAKEN AIRTEL DTH CONNETION ON 2nd. DECEMBER 2009, FOR ECONOMY PACKAGE WITH A PAYMENT OF Rs. 3450/- for one year subscription. But after every 2-3 months there are always some one call me on my mobile that I have to rechrge my connection because it is due now. When I told them that I have paid the amount for one year in advance than they say sorry, may be there is some mistake from their side. Again after one or two months same complaint that I have to pay for the rechrge money. Now since last two days there is more problem and after veiwing some time there appear a caption that is the card inserted in is not a rcognised airtel card or the card is not inserted properly etc. etc. ERROR 2.
AND SCREEN of TV is becomes black.
Problem is that I am not having anything like some receipt or like that from Airtell as the Service Engineer who had install this connection told us that they are not giving any reciept for except that the number on the Packet of set top box.
Please advise me what to do and how to do.

Hari Chand Rana
Vill. - BALAUR
Pin Code-124507
Mobile- 09968311632
Landline- 01276 239283
mail id- [email protected]
Jason Grover July 7, 2010
Worst DTH Company, Fake promises
I had received a message from airtel on my satellite TV saying recharge for 3months and get the 4month free. I called up customer service and confirmed that whether I can get this offer or not. They said absolutely you will be getting the same. They said you can recharge for rs.1037, I recharged online via my credit card and Guess What the transaction at gateway approved but donot reflected in my account. I called up again, I explained from beginning from the message to recharge failure. Rep said that previous rep had given you incorrect information on the recharge amount, you have to recharge for rs.1092 and I have to wait for 24hrs for the transaction, it will be automatically reflected in my account. Again they said I am eligible for 3months + 1month offer. I called up again after 24hrs and they said that I have to send them an email with the online statement after that they will transfer the money. I forwarded the information and called up again after 24 hrs again they said they have forwarded to their accounts dept. it will take 4hrs. When I called up next day they said that you are not eligible for 3month+1month offer!!

They start disconnecting my calls while I was talking to them saying “thanks for calling Airtel DTH support”. I reported them to their senior and they said that they will take action against them.

They said that they apologize for providing incorrect information and they could not honor the same. We will not honor any offer and you can do what you want but they will not honor!!!

deepak kumar jain June 24, 2010
poor service
I am Deepak kumar jain, i am using airtel tv service, which is not working properly.

I am continously complaining it for long but there is no response agains it, no person attend my complaint in personal or in any way.

My ID-24009572 and mob-98100-20277 in my name.

The service of airtel is so poor that I am force to take decison of dis-continue of the said service from my residence. And in future I am in no way liable for any amount raise by airtel on account of due payment.

Kindest Request
Deepak Kumar Jain
Add- 31- Rajindra Park, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110060
Vinod V June 8, 2010
No service from 3 months
Dear All,

I am struggling with Airtel DTH as i am not getting support from any of the agents from past few months, every month i had to call up the customer care and ask them to activate my channels for what i have paid and they would say a different reason and keep it pending for a long time.

I am struggling from past 25 days for not getting my regional channels (All Malayalam channels). i have never come accros like this support in my life time,

If any body can take my settop box i can give it at free of cost to them.

My customer ID is 3001576717
Name Vinod V
Benjames June 1, 2010
Relocated and requested for a reinstallation of dish
hi, I am an Airtel DTH customer, my first request for people who are / will be reading this message is please take a wise decision before going for DTH ensure that the Customer service it good if not atleast responsive, i have relocated to Hyderabad recently i have recharged my account with 800 Rs for which 600 will be deducted for reinstaslling the dish, i have raised a service request calling 1215023 ( Not a Toll free no they will charge you 50 paise for every 3 mins) and got a schedule on sunday 12 noon ( 30 May 2010) no technician turned up or not even a call from any airtel authirities this happened twice this time an executive took the call and said she is raising a complaint on the issue and said she will call me in an hours time but nothing worked not even a missed call, and again spoke to the customer support executive and escalated this issue and said that i want to talk to the higher authorities in the department and spoke a nice person who promised that the technician will reach my place by 10 am ( 31 May 2010) but no action once again the same disappointment, when i call them this time the executive said the appoinment was missed ( means as if i am not in my home) and said that my compliant status is still showing as open and the dish will be installed today ( 1 June 2010) 3 pm and when i was expecting nothing happened, every time i am getting the same response starts with an appology.

some time these executives used to diconnect the call when we start questioning them, my current balance is some where around 700+ it is being deducted for not watching any channel this implies that if you have a balance in your account no matter whether you are watching or not or the connection is available or not they will be deducting the amount

If any airtel authorities happens to read this please help me with a resolution, i have recorded one of my conversation with the executive who diconnected the call when i was asking for an assurance
Deepak Hegde May 8, 2010
Worst Ever Customer Service - Beware
I bought this connection in december last year and on april 27th, I logged a request to move the connection/dish to my new house i.e to de install everything from my old house on April 29th and reconnect to my new one on 30th.

Technician did not turn up on 29th, and on 29th i again called the customer service and logged a complaint. (ref no : 2583881 and 2632397)

Since then I have been calling them. I am now moved to my new house and I had to remove the dish myself. today its 8th May.. No signs of Airtel guys coming in and fixing my connection

All they had been doing is to deduct money from my account daily for the service that I am not using since April 29th.

They also have closed my complaint saying the customer move his dish himself ! and did not bother to check with me before closing.

I have been since then calling them repeatedly and everytime they told me that some one will be in touch. Infact couple of times they did call me to say, some engineer will call to fix up an appointment

I am still waiting with my dish lying in living room area of my house

Worst Customer Service experience I have ever had. I think these guys take the customers for granted.. as in india we do not have proper the exploitation

Deepak Hegde
deepakdsz April 5, 2010
Airtel Frauds
I am existing customer of Airtel DTH. Since I wanted a 2nd connection I was asked to pay 1750/-. The sales team (to increase their target) updated this as new connection request.
Mine was a online payment. After Airtel received their money, I now have no way of getting them correct their intentional Fraud. Every call to customer care is disconnected saying they will transfer to another dept.
Though I have made more than 10 calls, all disconnected nobody has cared to call back. The Nodal officer is not answering his calls. I am cheated by AIRTEL.
Airtel the biggest company in India has established its position by robbing customers of their money, Unethical ways.
I have all documents and reference to prove this. Sunil Mittal is alsoa fraud, he has not set a clear escalation/resolution path.

[email protected]
RAJESH KATARYA March 26, 2010
I am writing this after so much of harassment caused by Airtel DTH services and their unprofessional call centre chaps to me that I am repenting the very day that I choose Airtel DTH services. And after all that I have gone through I have decided to boycott their mobile phone services and sell all the shares of Airtel that I currently hold

My problem started when I purchased my LG LCD TV in Oct 2009, I got an Airtel digital TV activation Kit along with the TV and, this, perhaps was one of the reason for going for LG LCD TV.

This DTH was installed in my premises on 29 oct 2009 However for some strange reasons best known to Airtel I was not given any customer ID for 4 months – an anomaly that was realized when I wanted to recharge my connection during last week of FEB 2010.

It is at this time that my ordeal started and I used to be on phone for hours at a stretch talking to customer care stating my problem only to be told that I cannot be helped as I was not having a customer ID not realizing that not having cust ID was my exact problem. During one of these calls I was told that the activation kit no that I have provided has already been installed to some other customer in gurgaon. Numerous calls to the Nodal officer Punjab proved futile as either he did not pick up the phone or his phone came busy.

The second blunder committed by me was on 23 march 2010 when I asked for the second time a new Airtel DTH to be installed at my premises. My happiness this time lasted only 3 days as on 26 march the services were discontinued saying that my acct in not recharged(this is when I was given four months free economy package). Once again my calls to the call centre proved futile and I was shocked when I told them my cust ID they informed me that it was activated in someone else’s name.

Now Nothing but a refund of my money will satisfy me. I request Airtel Authorities to get their 2 STB, s and 2 antenna’s collected from my premises after giving my refund otherwise I am left with no recourse but to seek intervention of consumer court to end my mental and financial harassment.
Ragunath March 2, 2010
Poor customer service. Delayed installation
Purchased by calling the customer care and paid through credit card. My cusotmer Id was generated immediately with the confirmation that I will get the service with in 24hrs.

After 24hrs from the time of purchase, they turned back for installation and with repeated complaints. After that no one from the customer service knows who will activate my account. Peoples from the customer care just present to speak empty without any valid reasons.

I now felt Tata Sky which gives best customer service and peoples there knows what to speak and how to assist.

From my point I felt why I went to Airtel, when soo many other options are there.
VIBHOR GOYAL January 13, 2010
*(This is what i recently have written to Airtel Nodal Office and their other departments and all that has happened to me within the last four months of using airtel dth service.)



I am using airtel dth service since October 2009 (CUSTOMER I.D - 3001640031), have got 1 + 1 multi connection. I have made full payment for one year in advance at the time of taking connections. Firstly, i had wrongly been given a low price channel package (since October 2009) on my second multi connection BUT charged me for the higher/desired rate channel package. All the channels were freezing from the very first day on one of the dth connection, the set top box was performing really slow and a other few problems i have noticed during this time. After causing me all harassment and a lot of pain, and by making 25 calls, speaking and explaining my situation each and every time to at least 10 different customer advisors, 6 team leaders/supervisors, 3 customer retention executives, 5 technical engineers; finally my dth channel package got rectified during November 2009.

Now from the month of December 2009, both of my dth connections are showing continues video and audio disturbances all over the day, within different time gaps. I have already complained 7 times at least, calling 16 different customer care executives at least (their is no way to track the last person i was speaking to AND they don't disclose their i.d, neither do they maintain any notes on the last conversation with the customer to avoid repeated explanations every time and inconvenience causes due to that), out of which nine couldn't understand or shown interest in resolving my problem and disconnected my calls in between after keeping me on hold and saying me to wait and that they are transferring my call to their senior. This again has caused me a lot lot harassment/trouble by wasting my time and effort, and and still the problem is not resolved, i.e till 13/01/2010. During this time, six different airtel dth engineers have already visited my house and all of them couldn't find any logical clue to the real problem, and the last time they just changed some hardware device on mere guess work, saying me that now the problem won't come (without even intimating me that i'll be charged for that replaced hardware AND that as the connection is hardly four months old yet the malfunctioning hardware is not covered by airtel). For this hardware Rs.1050 has already been deducted from my airtel dth account on the 12/01/2010 without my permission. As a matter of fact the the same video and audio problem is continuously coming and has never stopped till this day.

Again, i have already spoken to at least six different customer advisors in between 12/01/2010 to 13/01/2010. Five of them (their names are Faisal, Anurag, Sandeep, Seema, Sunil) listened my full case and finally said me that they are transferring me to their senior, kept me on hold and disconnected my call after few minutes. They never told me their i.d despite requesting them for the same during the whole conversation. The last female customer advisor who attended my call today (on 13/01/2010) at about 13:30 has registered a complaint first time for the video and audio problem in my dth service, and that it'll be resolved by 17:00 today. She also told me that she has made a request to refund my Rs.1050 for the wrong charges deducted from my account due to unnecessary hardware replacement by airtel dth engineer. I have also requested her to make a complaint to refund all of my subscription charges on both of my dth connections for the number of days this problem is causing me problem. She assured me that she has registered all of these complaints/ requests (reference no. 1754481) and my problems will be resolved asap.

Airtel recently have stopped telecasting the World Space Radio service within their dth service, which they have promoted hugely through advertisements during the marketing of their dth service. These World Space Radio service usually comes for a monthly charge, if taken separately. But as airtel was providing it for free, so it was one of the main reason that i have opted for airtel dth service out of several other service providers in the market. These channels have stopped coming on my airtel dth service from the last one month (December 2009), and in place are are replaced by the regional FM Radio stations, which are of no use to me.

I guess i shall now appoint a separate staff to handle the airtel dth service due to the time and efforts it need to get the "world class service".

I am writing you this letter (Nodal Officer, Airtel) despite knowing the fact that you'll soon going to send me another email address (write to '[email protected]', which i have already did) without even reading this whole letter to contact with for the above problems. And that the next person/department ([email protected]) will generate another automated message/reply, and then finally this letter will be lost forever in the precious airtel database without any further response or reply. I know these facts coz i am facing all these problems from the very first day, since i have made a mistake taking airtel dth service. But since i have already made the mistake now, so i have got no other option but to struggle or going to the consumer court. So i am only gathering important evidence here, by giving you another chance to perform.


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