Airtel mobile-bangalore

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Airtel mobile-bangalore Reviews

September 9, 2008
deduction of charges without accessing anything
Respected sir,
I rohit puri staying in bangalore hereby inform you that i have got an airtel connection
(prepaid) and i am using it for the past one year but did not face any problem . But am sorry to inform you that for the past 2 months my balance is been deducted without i accessing to any sort downloading of music, news, comics etc. I have filed so many complaints but nobody even cares to even attend it . I had such a good impression of airtel and its after sale services but am sorry to say that if this continues to be the case then i have to surrender my sim card . kindly look into this matter as early as possible and desctivate my comic and music immediatedly and refund the amount if possible.

anoop puri

i am enclosing the complaints mailed by for your concern :

Dear Mr. Puri,

Thank you for contacting Airtel.

You had expressed concern over the balance depletion for your Airtel number 9902822954.

Due to technical constraints there has been a delay in replying to your mail on time. We regret the inconvenience caused.

We understand your concern and will work towards resolving the same.

With reference to your previous interaction, we would like to re confirm the same that you have subscribed for Background Music services on 21/12/07 and downloaded a BGM on the same date from your Airtel number.

Also, we would like to confirm that Back ground music has been renewed for your Airtel number and hence for the same you have been charged Rs. 20/- for your Airtel number on 18/08/08.

Kindly be informed that, to deactivate your Background Music services, kindly call 543214 and select option 5, call charges at Rs. 1.50/min.

Also, regarding the Airtel Live ? Comics that you have subscribed for Airtel Live ? Comics from February month through Airtel online and you have been charged for the same on 18/08/08

Kindly be informed that deactivation of comic pack cannot be done from our end.

Hence, we request you to deactivate the service by logging into the site, from which you subscribed the service and get deactivated the same for your Airtel number.

At the outset, we would like to inform you that we are unable to provide refund as the services have been subscribed from your end.

For further clarifications, do email us at [email protected] or send SMS to 121(Toll free).

Warm Regards,

Dharmaputhiran M
Customer Care Executive
Bharti Airtel Customer Care.

---- Original Message ----

Dear Sir
I have checked up and confirm that no such demand?was made by us on the
date specified by you. The facility was never used by us .It is the fault
of your system that should be rectified at your end and the money should be
refunded and discontinued immediately failing which I would be compelled to
take legal /suitable against you. Which please note.
Anoop puri

On 8/28/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:Dear Mr. Puri,

Thank you for contacting Airtel.

You had expressed concern over the balance depletion for your Airtel number

Due to technical constraints there has been a delay in replying to your
mail on time. We regret the inconvenience caused.

We understand your concern and will work towards resolving the same.

Kindly be informed, that you have subscribed for Background Music services
on 21/12/07 and downloaded a BGM on the same date from your Airtel number.

We would like to confirm that Back ground music has been renewed for your
Airtel number and hence for the same you have been charged Rs. 20/- for
your Airtel number on 18/08/08.

Also, we would like to inform you that the charges for Back ground Music is

Downloading charges???? - Rs. 10/-
Monthly rental??- Rs. 30/-.
Re ?subscription????????- Rs. 20/-.

Kindly dial 777 followed by 10 digit mobile number (eg: 7779845012345) at
Rs.1.50 per minute to hear background music. Kindly be informed that Back
ground music services is an auto renewal process and hence you have been
charged for the same.

Also, to deactivate your Background Music services, kindly call 543214 and
select option 5, call charges at Rs. 1.50/min.

Also, we would like to confirm that we have checked our systems and found
that you have subscribed for Airtel Live ? Comics from February month
through Airtel online and you have been charged for the same.

Kindly be informed that deactivation of comic pack cannot be done from our
end. Also, we would like to inform you that deactivation of Airtel Live -
Comics can be done by logging into the site, from which you subscribed the
service and get deactivated the same for your Airtel number.

In view of the above, we would like to inform you that there was no wrong
deduction made to your account. The amount has been deducted as per the
subscription charges for Back ground music services and Airtel Live ?
Comics for your Airtel number.

At the outset, we would like to confirm that there was no wrong deduction
made against your account balance and hence we are unable to provide refund
on the above mentioned concern from our end.

For further clarifications, do email us at [email protected] or send SMS
to 121(Toll free).

Warm Regards,

Dharmaputhiran M
Customer Care Executive
Bharti Airtel Customer Care.

---- Original Message ----

??????????????????????????????MOST URGERNT

Head of Customer Care
Head Office

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Dated
Dear Sir,

COMPLAINT NO.3081917716900

Please refer to the captioned complaint, I have not heard anything from
your end till date. I would like to brief you in short to enable you to
take immediate action in the matter.
My son Rohit Puri who is pursuing his studies at Bangalore, he?recharged
the above no. against Plan?for Rs.498/-?in which he got talk value of
Rs.298/- and topup for Rs.150/-
[Total talktime thus 298+150=448].The next day the amount was reduced to
418/- on our query we were told that these are the charges for Jokes and
Music [Rs10+20]. We immediately objected to it and lodged a complaint
against it [Complaint no.3081917716900]?as it was never demanded by us
verbally or in writing to Customer Service. Apart of loss of money it is
distracting the student from the main objective for which they have being
sent so far.

2.I strongly oppose to it, kindly? reverse the charges by crediting the
amount to his mobile no.09902822954 under advise to me and note?a caution
against the ?number in future, failing which the matter would be?refered
to?your Chairman Mr. Sunil Bharti.

Yours faithfully

Anoop Kumar Puri
MS-53, sector-D
Land Line -0522-4060237
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the
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The recipient acknowledges that Bharti Airtel Limited or its subsidiaries
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This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies and the original message. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
The recipient acknowledges that Bharti Airtel Limited or its subsidiaries and associated companies(collectively "Bharti Airtel Limited"), are unable to exercise control or ensure or guarantee the integrity of/overthe contents of the information contained in e-mail transmissions and further acknowledges that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Bharti Airtel Limited. Before opening any attachments please check them for viruses and defects.

Reply Forward

anoop puri to 121
show details Sep 4 (6 days ago) Reply


Dear Sir,


Please refer to the complaint under reference. I have to inform you that the Music has since been deactivated but the comics has not. I understand that again Rs.10/- has been deducted from the balance despite my complaint to you to stop it immediately as it was never asked for nor has been ever used. I fail to understand you all are doing there, if you can do a simple job to disconnect the services which have never asked and I am been charged for. I am not getting proper attention of the customer Service People.

2. At last I would request you to discontinue the Comics services immediately from your end and stop charging the money failing which I would be forwarding this to your Head and Chairman too.Please treat it as my final reminder.

anoop puri
- Show quoted text -

On 9/2/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Mr. Puri,

Thank you for contacting Airtel.

You had expressed concern over the balance depletion for your Airtel number 9902822954.

Due to technical constraints there has been a delay in replying to your mail on time. We regret the inconvenience caused.

We understand your concern and will work towards resolving the same.

With reference to your previous interaction, we would like to re confirm the same that you have subscribed for Background Music services on 21/12/07 and downloaded a BGM on the same date from your Airtel number.

Also, we would like to confirm that Back ground music has been renewed for your Airtel number and hence for the same you have been charged Rs. 20/- for your Airtel number on 18/08/08.

Kindly be informed that, to deactivate your Background Music services, kindly call 543214 and select option 5, call charges at Rs. 1.50/min.

Also, regarding the Airtel Live ? Comics that you have subscribed for Airtel Live ? Comics from February month through Airtel online and you have been charged for the same on 18/08/08

Kindly be informed that deactivation of comic pack cannot be done from our end.

Hence, we request you to deactivate the service by logging into the site, from which you subscribed the service and get deactivated the same for your Airtel number.

At the outset, we would like to inform you that we are unable to provide refund as the services have been subscribed from your end.

For further clarifications, do email us at [email protected] or send SMS to 121(Toll free).

Warm Regards,

Dharmaputhiran M
Customer Care Executive
Bharti Airtel Customer Care.

---- Original Message ----

Dear Sir
I have checked up and confirm that no such demand?was made by us on the
date specified by you. The facility was never used by us .It is the fault
of your system that should be rectified at your end and the money should be
refunded and discontinued immediately failing which I would be compelled to
take legal /suitable against you. Which please note.
Anoop puri

On 8/28/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:Dear Mr. Puri,

Thank you for contacting Airtel.

You had expressed concern over the balance depletion for your Airtel number

Due to technical constraints there has been a delay in replying to your
mail on time. We regret the inconvenience caused.

We understand your concern and will work towards resolving the same.

Kindly be informed, that you have subscribed for Background Music services
on 21/12/07 and downloaded a BGM on the same date from your Airtel number.

We would like to confirm that Back ground music has been renewed for your
Airtel number and hence for the same you have been charged Rs. 20/- for
your Airtel number on 18/08/08.

Also, we would like to inform you that the charges for Back ground Music is

Downloading charges???? - Rs. 10/-
Monthly rental??- Rs. 30/-.
Re ?subscription????????- Rs. 20/-.

Kindly dial 777 followed by 10 digit mobile number (eg: 7779845012345) at
Rs.1.50 per minute to hear background music. Kindly be informed that Back
ground music services is an auto renewal process and hence you have been
charged for the same.

Also, to deactivate your Background Music services, kindly call 543214 and
select option 5, call charges at Rs. 1.50/min.

Also, we would like to confirm that we have checked our systems and found
that you have subscribed for Airtel Live ? Comics from February month
through Airtel online and you have been charged for the same.

Kindly be informed that deactivation of comic pack cannot be done from our
end. Also, we would like to inform you that deactivation of Airtel Live -
Comics can be done by logging into the site, from which you subscribed the
service and get deactivated the same for your Airtel number.

In view of the above, we would like to inform you that there was no wrong
deduction made to your account. The amount has been deducted as per the
subscription charges for Back ground music services and Airtel Live ?
Comics for your Airtel number.

At the outset, we would like to confirm that there was no wrong deduction
made against your account balance and hence we are unable to provide refund
on the above mentioned concern from our end.

For further clarifications, do email us at [email protected] or send SMS
to 121(Toll free).

Warm Regards,

Dharmaputhiran M
Customer Care Executive
Bharti Airtel Customer Care.

---- Original Message ----

??????????????????????????????MOST URGERNT

Head of Customer Care
Head Office

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Dated
Dear Sir,

COMPLAINT NO.3081917716900

Please refer to the captioned complaint, I have not heard anything from
your end till date. I would like to brief you in short to enable you to
take immediate action in the matter.
My son Rohit Puri who is pursuing his studies at Bangalore, he?recharged
the above no. against Plan?for Rs.498/-?in which he got talk value of
Rs.298/- and topup for Rs.150/-
[Total talktime thus 298+150=448].The next day the amount was reduced to
418/- on our query we were told that these are the charges for Jokes and
Music [Rs10+20]. We immediately objected to it and lodged a complaint
against it [Complaint no.3081917716900]?as it was never demanded by us
verbally or in writing to Customer Service. Apart of loss of money it is
distracting the student from the main objective for which they have being
sent so far.

2.I strongly oppose to it, kindly? reverse the charges by crediting the
amount to his mobile no.09902822954 under advise to me and note?a caution
against the ?number in future, failing which the matter would be?refered
to?your Chairman Mr. Sunil Bharti.

Yours faithfully

Anoop Kumar Puri
MS-53, sector-D
Land Line -0522-4060237
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the
intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies and the original message. Any
unauthorized review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or
copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
The recipient acknowledges that Bharti Airtel Limited or its subsidiaries
and associated companies(collectively "Bharti Airtel Limited"), are unable
to exercise control or ensure or guarantee the integrity of/overthe
contents of the information contained in e-mail transmissions and further
acknowledges that any views expressed in this message are those of the
individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or
assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Bharti
Airtel Limited. Before opening any attachments please check them for
viruses and defects.
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies and the original message. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
The recipient acknowledges that Bharti Airtel Limited or its subsidiaries and associated companies(collectively "Bharti Airtel Limited"), are unable to exercise control or ensure or guarantee the integrity of/overthe contents of the information contained in e-mail transmissions and further acknowledges that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Bharti Airtel Limited. Before opening any attachments please check them for viruses and defects.

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