I am an Airtel prepade customer having Mob. No 09892009755. Airtel deducted Rs.99 on 13th jun from my balence for a scheme for which i was not requisted.I contacted to the Airtel custmer care 121 immediately on the same day and requisted them for deactivation and refunding my money. i have contacted them many times till this date regarding this problem but they always told that they will shortout my problem within 24 hrs.i have alrady filed my complaint in my Airtel galery chembur,mumbai.but till this date i have not got any solution and my deducted money.
Some of Airtel Costomer care Excutives (Mrs. Tillotma,chembur galery,Mr.Gungesh and Mr. Kiran at 121)are talked with me very carelessly and in misguiding way so I want the name of The concerning officer of Air tel Mumbai as soon as possile for fililing the case againt Airtel and them in consumer court.