my mobile no. 9871856284 last 3-4 years but 5-6 chance from airtel regarding amt. deduct without any services, like hellow tunes etc. then after cal to cust care then refund the amt. i am not satisy from airtel.
now, last two months amt deduct from airtel ( rs.30-40 rs. per months ) without any service subcurs. and call to airtel custcare - 9810198101 last 1-2 months but no talking to cust. exct. only computer talk regarding some option and disconnect the phone. kindly refund my payment and close all services - like helloe tunes, miss call, song etc.
i am not satisfied from airtel services becaudse amt deduct and any services start without any take services then call to airtel but no response and services is very poor.
rajeev gupta