November 2, 2007
Sim card not activated!
This disgusting that the salesman and salesgirl are responding in such a irresponsible way. Taking a postpaid connection after filling the required forms and paying the deposit amount till now sim is not activated. Customers are served in such a fraud way.
November 1, 2007
i have got cug post paid connection from the company for past 6 months but recently for 3 months i don't get the bill on time due to this i have to call to customer care for every month for my bill and my brother is also having the airtel connection but he receives the bill on time.when i called the customer care number they giving assurance that next time it won't be repeated.my cug post paid connection is registered in my brothers name.this month also when i called there is no response.if the same persists i am planning to quit the connection and i wont pay any extra amount for my surrender of the card.
November 1, 2007
unknown call from aitel no
Sir my sister is getting calls from 9902811092 and she is getting distyurbed mentally ,plz tell who's no is this and where he is from.It will be a good help for me.
October 31, 2007
Out of Order or Some problem with the mobile
My no. is 9993004043. There is no overdue bill pending of this Number. Still I am not able to make or receive any call from this set. What should I do?
October 31, 2007
Do not call registry for Airtel... pure bunkum!
Have registered with their do not call registry more than a month back, but i still continue to receive unsolicited calls!!! i have their confirmatory message still with me but what's the use. What kind of so called 'No. 1' service is this!!!
October 30, 2007
closing the connection
Myself Rajesh k Sharma, R/O 1170-F, Sector 7B Chandigarh has been a subscriber of mobile phone having cell no. 98784-94559. I do not want to continue with the mobile connection, so you are requested to stop the mobile connection and services to my mobile.
You are further requested to adjust the payment/bill against the security deposit of Rs. 250/- deposited at the time of taking connection.
I may be informed through retur mail regarding the return of the sim card and the payment/refund of money after adjusting the bill against security.
It is made clear that after 31-10-2007 I do not require the mobile connection. So you are requested to do the needful at the earliest and inform accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Rajesh K. Sharma.
October 30, 2007
poor care towards coustmer
we took airtel connectionfrom treaures ( dealer ) sanjaynagar bangalore at about 3 monts back, and we paid a premium of rs 5000/ to a particular no. the problem is every 10 days they will disconnect both out going & in comming if we complaint to them every time they say new reason, at last they told its adress verifaction problem, all ready we are holding 5 connections on the same name & same adress, we contacted ccr people they are so answer less and they are not even bother abt my complaint. its wise not go to airtel connection here after
October 30, 2007
improper guidance by customer care
I had availed the facility of Lifetime Plan by echaring Rs.495 on 24 July 2007. Since then I am debited Rs.50 per month. On enquiry in the month of July I was told that I have activated some two Nos. of "Near & Dear" facility. I informed the customer executive that I had never asked airtel to activate this facilityand requested for deactivating the same. But till this month airtel has not done that. From July to October I have been debited Rs.50 per month.
October 30, 2007
registration under do not call registry
I had registered under 'do not call' registry on 17/6/07.My registration number is W1000088909.I was informed that all promotional calls will stop in 45 days.Yet, I am still receiving these calls every day either recorded or personal.They even call when I am traveling and for which I am then wrongly charged as incoming calls in my bill.If these calls do not stop immediately then I will be forced to complain to higher telephone authorities.Please look into my complain.
October 30, 2007
Cancelling a post-paid service without informing customer
A 9 month old post-paid account with international roaming (so that it can be used during overseas travel...duh!!) was canceled because it exceeded the credit limit. There is a history of this account using this to make regular international calls AND paying the bill on time.
Conclusion: Airtel sucks!! and no one should be even touching it with a barge pole.