I had faltered a Bill Payment for my number in Bangalore intentionally as Customer Care failed to change my address requesting as many times as possible following all possible IVRS, walk-in to store etc. I thought of stopping the payments and get things done. I still owe Bharti my Bill and as an User - I will be paying it - but are there ways correct?
The collections department for Bharthi hinders into its customer's privacy and analyze the calling details and call up your family, near and dear ones and protray as the courier service. I had earlier spend lot of my energy in understanding this and in fact to all my surprises even Legal team of Airtel is aware of it... They have a lame attitude and just say that there's not any compliance which they are not following.
Is this right? the collection team just talk in a very abusive language - not sure how to deal this - but I guess this moves forward. Please feel free to comment and I will be more than willing to contribute...
I gotta call today again and in the same model and with almost similar language... I have attached an email for reference with names and numbers masked...
Sat, November 7, 2009 4:49:53 PM
Re: Regarding airtel payment -98458*****-c
From: MASKED23 <
[email protected]>
View Contact
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Corporate Collections/Vikaas,
I was expecting a response and resolution to the query as mentioned in the email chain below. I would be in position to confirm the due-payments only after your reponse and assurances on the address change and query resolution. Please help me in taking this forward. I would like to retain the number and use it even in coming times. The disconnect to service is understandable on the non-payments of bills.
I appreciate your time for the telephonic discussions yesterday and allowing me for putting forward my concerns to you. I have requested you earlier through this email and assured you that I would be making the payments; but needed an assurance from you on the conflict item which has been long due.
As per my request for not giving me a call, Mr. Ram; an Airtel authority kept calling me and also been arrogant over the discussions. He kept insisting on a negative tone that Payments has to be made today, else he would approach my cousin who stays in Bangalore. Even my request and affirmation to him that I have had an on-going email communication with you; he failed to recognise it and said that I am trying to fool him.
Please note that the he has procured the address of my cousin/aunt in a falsified way by portraying as a Courier guy with undelivered courier. He procured the address from my brother (who's number was picked from my calling list [hindering my privacy]). I have marked my brother in this communication as CC. He did Blackmailed me saying that he is standing outside the gate of my aunt and he would approach my aunt who stays in Nandi Enclave if I do not make a payment by evening.
I would want you to let you know that Mr. XYZ123, my attorney for law; marked on this email will take the discussion forward with you and would like to understand that whether all consumers are treated, blackmailed in the similar fashion; whilst I have been reachable on my alternate number and email. My immediate concern is the safety of my family and friends who has been approached through my references.
I would like to get the payment done only after the resolution has been identified and proper legal action as permitted by Law is done.
Thank You.
Best Wishes,
Phone: +9198458*****
From: MASKED23 <
[email protected]>
[email protected]
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 8:48:30 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding airtel payment -98458*****-c
Dear Corporate Connections,
Thank You for sending across the details and as I understand rightly the due payment is 16612.09 if payment is done by 08-Nov-09. My sincere apologies for not been able to make the payment on time. I would be travelling starting tomorrow and would like to make payments only after, I am back from my travel. Please feel free to add intrests to the payment in case of over dues.
I would also like to bring the following to your notice:
1. A person uses my private calling numbers (people whom I have called in last 3 months ) and reach out friends and relatives seeking false story and trying to defame on the grounds of non-payment bill is highly unacceptable.
2. I have been with the service for more than half decade when Airtel was mere the entry level brand in the market; and expected very high level of professional behavior while resolving the conflict on the item
3. Folks from collection called up my family with false identification of "courier folks" and seeking details when you have had alternate mode of connectivity available.
While I have been missing on the payments in past one year is because of your portal does not allow the change of address when it comes to change the address in city; I have atleast made this statement loud and clear upteenth times that I have got myself relocated to Hyderabad. The loyalty was so high that, I kept the number in Roaming to retain the number and service. I hope you should have realized it by now.
I have earlier written to people on the limitations of portal address not to be changed and expected a response/notifications. Also, the capabilty to make a payment has never been a challenge as my bills have always been around 5k-7k as an average and had been a continous payment throught out.
Mr. Ram (probably name changed) of telephone number +91-99451 96663; had a real bad tone and lacked basic etiquettes to speak to the customer. I would sincerely appreciate if he does the due dillegence and respect an individual before talking to the person.
Please suggest me the next step; and if required I am ready to address the concern in the required legal forums and would like to bring the discrepancy in services from both sides.
I would like to confirm the payment of bill by 07-Nov-09 and response to this email will determine the mode.
Thank You.
Best Wishes,
Phone: +9198458*****
From: "
[email protected]" <
[email protected]>
To: MASKED23 <
[email protected]>
[email protected]
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 9:32:20 AM
Subject: Re: Regarding airtel payment -98458*****-c
Dear Masked23,
Apologies for the inconvience caused...
The mobile number was wrongly mentioned.
This is to inform you that there is an outstanding due towards the mobile number 98458***** of rs 16612.09.
Kindly find the attachment for the bills.
Request you clear the dues on or before 10th November.
Corporate collections.
[email protected]>
11/02/2009 10:14 PM
Please respond to
[email protected]>
[email protected]
Subject Re: Regarding airtel payment -9945689400-c
ï‚ ï€ ï‚ ï€ ï‚ ï€ ï‚ ï€ ï‚ ï Please do not print this e-mail unless it is absolutely necessaryï€ ï
Dear Corporate Collections,
I am one of the defaulters for the non-payment of the bill but I believe the number and amount mentioned is not intended to me. I would like to take this opportunity and request you to share the default details with me. I would also like to bring it to your request that payments will only possible in the next quarter.
Thank You.
Best Wishes,
Phone: +9198458*****
From: "
[email protected]" <
[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sent: Mon, November 2, 2009 4:05:56 PM
Subject: Regarding airtel payment -9945689400-c
Dear Sir/Madam
With regard to the above subject we wish to bring to your notice that there is an amount of 16179.7/- outstanding on your mobile account bearing number- 9945689400
Please note this account is under the scrutiny of our credit control team and Non settlement within10th November- 2009 will force us to initiate further course of action to recover the said dues.
Request your cooperation to clear the dues with immediate effect.
Warm regards,
Airtel Collections
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