AirTran Airways

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AirTran Airways Reviews

Adrienne January 5, 2009
Unwarranted baggage fees
I'm not much of a complainer and don't have an issue paying overweight/oversize fees when they are warranted but my AirTran experience really bothered me. If there's a link to other AirTran baggage complaints I believe the agent I had in Ohio moved from Philadelphia and "helped" me as well.

I flew to Dayton from Baltimore on Dec. 30, 2008 with no issues. Flying home my suitcase suddenly became oversized. Typical Samsonite rolling suitcase. The limit is 61 inches and somehow the bag that has flown for the past 10 years with zero additional fees is oversized. She measured it at 62 inches and it was the fastest measuring I've ever witnessed. It wasn't stuffed to capacity and the opening flap is soft. I was packed for a five day trip and didn't buy stuff to drag home with me. I'm not one of the idiots who shows up with the biggest bags money can buy and proceed to argue. I'm a seasoned traveler and know how to pack well.

Of course no supervisor is readily available and the 45 minutes waiting to check my bag was getting me closer and closer to the time I need to be at the gate. It gets better because someone had an IDENTICAL bag on the conveyor at baggage claim in Baltimore and was on the same flight. When I asked if he paid an oversize fee he responded, "Why would I do that? This bag isn't oversized."

What was AirTrans' response to my call this morning? It had to be taken care of at the departing airport. There is no refund. Imagine the no-customer service rep repeating this over and over. The fee is no longer $29, it's $39. AirTrans just lost an entire extended family over one ticket agent being rude and taking her bad day out on the customers...the people who ultimately pay her. I hope that $39 was worth the thousands we spent on flights during 2008 alone. She showed me paying a little or a lot more on another airline is worth it to get great customer service and no additional fees when the whim strikes.

Hopefully they pool the money from their bogus bag fees to either pay better reps more or get the ones they have some type of training.

Here's a copy of the email I sent earlier:

I returned home on flight 459 from Dayton to Baltimore yesterday and I am not pleased with your airline. The delay of the flight didn't bother me at all. I understand that weather, mechanical issues or things of that nature can and will delay flights. My problem was my baggage.

Since I travel often I am aware of weight and size restrictions. I used the same suitcase to fly to Dayton as well as return but suddenly on the return flight the bag was too large and needed an additional 39.00 fee to be sent as oversized luggage. I didn't think the representative was speaking to me initially but with the person at the next scale. My suitcase is a standard Samsonite suitcase bought from a department store years ago and it weighed under the 50 lb. limit.

This suitcase has traveled around the world but my confusion set in because it did not exceed the weight limit, was not packed so it was bulky (it was a 5 day trip) and I had just flown on Airtran with the same bag a few days prior with no issue. Perhaps if it were a new suitcase that I had never used to fly but that isn't the case.

I asked that it be measured again and again as well as showing me what she was talking about. I told her I just flew to Dayton on Airtran with the same bag the previous Tuesday. The bag had gone on Delta, Southwest and even the commuter flights that are pretty small and had never been sacked with an additional $39 fee for it's size.

Since a supervisor wasn't immediately available and I was quickly eating into the hour I spend at the gate before a flight I had to let the bag go with it's newly accessed over-size label.

After calling your 800 number I learned my only other option was to wait in the ticketing line again, request a supervisor at the counter, have my bag removed from wherever it heads off to and let them remeasure. I may have failed to add that while this was going on the agent's fellow employees were trying to get her to either go on break or leave for the day by telling her they'd take over and she was supposed to have left 10 minutes ago, then 15 minutes ago, then 20 minutes ago. One even watched her measure and said it's fine but my agent felt otherwise. If I were a rude, loud, vulgar customer I'd accept that my mouth earned that $39 fee. I got ripped off. Your agent knew my option to miss my flight after waiting at least 45 minutes to check a bag even though I had my boarding pass and had paid the luggage fee online was not a chance people would take.

Since this issue couldn't be resolved at Dayton and the $39 fee I was slapped with by your agent who shouldn't have been working but seemed to have fun playing her game, here I am. I want my $39 returned. I don't fly with overweight bags, I don't have some type of special luggage that exceeds size limits, I don't arrive at the airport and blame the agent for the line, I don't get upset because a flight is delayed. Perhaps more supervisors are needed in Dayton or retraining/reassignment for the woman who "helped" me.

I was almost to the point of letting this go until my luggage came out at the baggage claim. Can you imagine what I thought when the bag next to mine on the conveyor was identical? The red scarf tied to mine and the baggage tag easily identified it. Of course I had to ask the gentleman who picked up the bag if he was charged an additional fee for the size of his bag. There was not an additional fee for him to fly from the same airport with the same bag. There also wasn't a fee for the hockey bag that was simply huge. I commented I was glad that wasn't mine because the bag was almost as big as me when I saw it at Dayton.

Maybe I look too nice. Maybe I should have become irate like the other passengers who had issues at the gate. Maybe I shouldn't have been the calm person when dealing with a rude, nasty ticket counter agent.

My extended family and I started using your airline because the flights were less expensive than the ones we usually take. My mother even has the same set of luggage that she received as a gift from me and used the large suitcase when she flew here the week before Thanksgiving as well and the day after Christmas. Her name is XXXXX XXXXX from Dayton to BWI if you need to look it up and she was not charged a fee either.

Legitimate fees don't bother me but a rude ticket counter agent with funny measuring skills bothers me. Her lame excuse that no other airline or Airtran agent did their job for the past 10 years I've flown with the suitcase is garbage. I work too hard to pay illegitimate fees. I fly too often with the same luggage to know when a fee is not accurate. I want my $39 returned to me. The fee was not warranted and your agent took advantage of the lines, lack of a supervisor, the predicament she placed me in and her position. I do not like to be nickel and dimed. I appreciate the quick attention your company is going to use to resolve this matter. The $39 fee can be credited to either credit card that was used or a paper check can be delivered to the address above.

Thank you,

My name and info!
September 9, 2008
Bruce, customer service at BWI
This is the letter I sent to AirTran:

Dear Corporate Complaint Resolution Officer:

I am writing to complain about an incident that happened while checking in for a return flight from BWI to Boston Logan Airport on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 2, 2008.

My wife and I had checked in online several hours before our flight was scheduled to depart and indicated that we'd each have one bag to check. We arrived at the AirTran ticketing counter 90 minutes before our flight. Upon arrival, we proceeded to the self-service kiosk and entered our confirmation numbers. We each received our boarding passes, and patiently waited five, then ten minutes for someone to check our bags for us. Finally, when the female agent behind the counter continued her personal conversation with her friend after ten minutes, we and another traveler, whom we did not know, asked if she could check our bags for us. Instead, she told us that we'd have to take the bags to another agent. We both proceeded to the area she indicated. Three separate agents never even made eye contact with us and continued their personal conversations. So, we went back to the original agent. She again told us we'd have to go to the other agents. When we returned there was now a line of five people in front of us. (The line was not surprising since apparently 90% of AirTran employees' work days at BWI are dedicated to personal conversations. On the plus side, I did get some rather JUICY details about one of their dates, so we can always cherish that.)

At this point I was extremely frustrated and went BACK to the original kiosk to complain about the service we'd been getting. It was at this moment in time when my wife and I were delighted to have had our lives on this Earth cross path with someone who we will never forget. Unfortunately, it was for all of the wrong reasons.

Bruce, one of your lovely Customer Service Officials who you so proudly tout as being specially trained and available at all of your locations, began a course of events that cost you two customers for life.

Let me briefly interject that I am a well-seasoned traveler. My line of work in national, non-profit management requires me to fly frequently. I just recently moved to Boston from the Baltimore area where I was a member of Southwest's Rapid Rewards program and earned countless free flights. So, you can imagine my wide-eyed hopefulness when I realized that a low-cost carrier, AirTran, flew out of Boston to many of the places I need to go. But, I digress.

Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. After explaining the series of customer service failures we'd just experienced, Bruce's first comment was to chastise us that after we check into a kiosk we should never leave. (Nevermind that we were told to leave the kiosk three times from AirTran's own personal Dear Abby.) He then begrudgingly decided to check our bags for us without uttering one word of apology for what we'd been through.

Our first bag was a small duffel bag, no problems. But, Bruce was determined to make sure to lose us as customers. Bag two is placed on the scale. Bruce places an evil smirk on his face as he looks to the scale in maniacal anticipation of our bag being overweight but, alas, it wasn't. Bruce's smirk fades. But wait! Bruce isn't done yet. There is still a way to seek retribution. Perhaps the bag is, wait for it... OVERSIZED!

A brief pause here once again. The bag in question has been used in flights on AirTran and other carriers no less than 50 times, including our originating flight from Boston to BWI.

Back to Bruce. Bruce interrupts two different counter agents from their important work as gossip mongers to ask for a tape measure. Then, with lightning speed, Bruce measures two dimensions of the bag, the height and width (not depth). He then, somehow with only taking two measurements, determines that the bag is 63 inches. Finally, Bruce has us in his clutches. A $29 fee is imminent.

After telling Bruce that we had no problems checking the bag when flying from Boston, he indicated that the counter agent in Boston wasn't doing their job and pressed AirTran's cardboard baggage policy stand into my wife's face. Bruce may have thought that being a condescending blowhard works with women in his own personal life, but not my wife. He is lucky that she didn't find another place in Bruce's body to put the tape measure where he wouldn't lose it again.

At this point, I knew there was no arguing with Bruce the Bully. I paid the $29 on my credit card and we boarded the plane. Now that I've had a chance to examine the bag, I realize that it isn't even oversized. It is 28' tall, 21" wide, and 11" deep. In other words, 60".

I have disputed the charge with my credit card company. I insist that my $29 be refunded as well as a letter of apology from Bruce the Bully's supervisor. Unfortunately, I had booked two flights with AirTran before this incident occurred. Unless I receive the refund and the letter, as well as much improved customer service on my next two flights, you can rest assured they will be our last flights ever with AirTran.

I have cc'd the Washington Post's Coming and Going section as well as the travel editor and reporter for the Boston Globe. Since there must be hundreds of other disgruntled AirTran customers, I hope that they will remember this letter when dozens of others arrive.
August 29, 2008
Stay away
This is the letter I wrote to Airtran after my last flight they finally offered a $50 voucher, which as of now has not been received.

To Whom It May Concern:

I emailed the following letter to you weeks ago. Because I have gotten no response, I am following up by sending the letter to you. All I can really say at this point is your customer service as a company in general is lacking, not only do you “over sale” but your people are rude to the customers. You don’t answer consumer concerns. I have no intention of ever using your services again; furthermore, I plan to tell everyone I know about this experience. By the way, did you know, statistics have shown a satisfied customer tells at least 3 people but an unsatisfied customer tells at least 10? Word of mouth is wonderful, don’t you think?

I am writing you because of an incident that happened over the weekend with your branch at IAD. I had flown in to visit and help my daughter out because she was sick. Let me preface by saying I pay extra to fly in and out of IAD, instead of the other airports. On Saturday, I had booked a 6:50 am flight on Air Tran, which was to fly to ATL, then Hobby, We were up at 4am and at the airport by 5am. I went to the machine at the Air Tran terminal and put in my numbers to find that the machine would not take them. Then I waited 20 minutes to reach the counter where 2 people were working, but only one was helping the customers in line the other an older man was moving baggage. There I was told that the flight had been “over sold” and that I may not make it onto the flight. I was also told by the man that they “over sale” all the time. I had to dash off to the security where of course it takes forever to get through, and by the time I got to the gate I was told that I would be on standby for the next flight with no guarantee that I would be able to get on that one, and after that there was a probable 3pm flight. There were two guys there. They had low communication skills and were more than rude!! They told the passengers that they were late in arriving to the airport, and it was their own faults, for being late! We were held up at the counter at the entrance because you over sold tickets!! I was there right on time, The extremely rude man, the one who did most of the talking kept his name tag where it could not be read!! I was told that they could only over sale by no more than 3 people. It seems that they had over sold by 12.

I asked to get a seat on the Sunday flight and go back home with my family for the night, I didn’t want to sit at an airport alone possibly all day, as my family couldn’t sit with me, to wait on the flight. But the Sunday flights were “over sold” too!!

My daughter and son in law were furious about everything, frankly so am I. I paid full price, for a ticket, as well as the other people that were left waiting with me. When I should have been home at 10am I was home at 6pm. I had plans that day! I will never use Air Tran Airlines again. I will be going onto all consumer websites and posting this letter to you so that consumers are forewarned. I want some kind of compensation for this!! How does your employee think he has a right to talk down to your patrons like he did? I paid full price for my ticket not only did I end up not being on the flight, I had some (sorry for the expression) *** speak to me like a second class citizen! My daughter was so embarrassed about my treatment she is writing a complaint to IAD.

I demand some sort of compensation, I demand answers! If a football stadium with thousands of seats can sale and not over sale, how can an airline with less seats not get it right?
July 24, 2008
Last month (May 2008) I have had the worst airline experience I have ever had with Airtran. I was incorrectly charged for an oversized bag and Airtran seems to be unwilling to do anything helpful. If you are flying Airtran, beware, they look to charge you extra even if your baggage does not warrant it. Below is a copy of the correspondence I have had with Amy Baker in their customer service department about refunding the money for the oversized baggage fee. This will by my last time flying with Airtran.

"On Thursday, 5/29/08, I flew Air Tran for the first time in several years from Philadelphia to Orlando. In the past I have flown Air Tran multiple times, all with good experiences. This is why my boyfriend and I chose to drive down to Philadelphia instead of flying out of Newark, which is much closer to us. Upon arriving at the ticket counter in Philadelphia, we were greeted by a ticket agent who looked as if she would rather be anywhere than behind the counter. The first word out of her mouth was not a cheery hello, instead it was a rude, condescending comment of, "That bag is oversized." I was completely shocked. First of all the bag was behind my boyfriend and I, and was not very visible to her, and second, she hadn't even asked if we were checking it in the first place. When I finally did get a chance to put my bag up on the scale, this woman did an extremely quick measurement of the bag, not even bothering to tell me what the measurements were. She then just said, "It's oversized. It's going to cost you $29.99." Of course, I argued this. I have traveled on Air Tran, and many other airlines with this bag and have never had any problem before. The piece of luggage in question is a standard size Samsonite rolling suitcase. No other airline has even asked to measure my suitcase before, my last flight being less than three months ago. As I tried to argue my case to this woman, she became very loud, causing a scene that embarrassed my boyfriend and I tremendously. I finally demanded to see her supervisor. She called over another ticket agent, who I guess was her supervisor, but she certainly didn't act like any kind of manager or supervisor I've ever seen. This woman who looked to be in her late 40's, just looked at me and said, "Oversized is oversized, you'll have to pay", and then she walked away. I was completely shocked. She didn't even offer to remeasure my bag, and there certainly was no apology for how my boyfriend and I were being treated. At this point, we were running out of time to get to our flight. My boyfriend is on crutches and I didn't want to rush him through a busy airport. I finally just handed this woman my boyfriend's credit card and said to just charge the fee. I figured that she would just quickly add the fee and we could be on her way, but I was wrong yet again. This woman took ! her time entering in the credit card information, typing it in manually instead of swiping the card. When I advised her that we had a flight to catch, she simply said, without looking up, "That's not my problem, you should have gotten here earlier." I did not say anything further to this woman, as I knew she would just continue to give me smart answers back and no real assistance. On our return trip we arrived at the ticket counter in Orlando, which was very busy. When we explained that our flight was leaving in about an hour they extended the courtesy of allowing us to check in right away. It was actually the shift supervisor who checked in our bag. He did measure it, but he did it very carefully and then told me that my bag was fine. Needless to say there was much more inside the suitcase on the return trip. I do not see how my bag could have shrunk any, seeing as it is a hard suitcase, and upon returning home we measured the dimensions of length, width and height which added up to 60 inches. I would expect at a minimum, the fee charged to my boyfriends credit card be refunded, but since your company claims to have great customer service, I hope you will extend more to us than just the refund we deserve, as we were embarrassed for about 30 minutes by this rude woman. If you choose not to do anything, we will be taking this matter up with our credit card company, and will never fly Air Tran again as we live closer to Newark, and it is much easier to fly Jet Blue, as they offer exceptional customer service."

"Dear Ms. XXX,

I am sorry to learn your experience with AirTran Airways was less than satisfactory. All of our Crew Members are instructed to professionally perform their responsibilities while providing the highest level of Caring Customer Service. There is simply no excuse for the manner in which our ticket agent behaved toward you and your boyfriend. I have forwarded a copy of your comments to the appropriate department head for review and corrective action.

The maximum weight is 50 pounds and maximum size is 61 inches (length + width + height). Oversize baggage with dimensions from 62 to 70 inches will be accepted, subject to an oversize baggage charge of $29.00. Baggage measuring between 71 and 80 inches will be subject to a fee of $69. Baggage over 80 inches in dimension (with the exception of some sporting equipment) will not be accepted.

In an effort to provide consistent service to our customers and in compliance with Federal Aviation Regulation, our agents are instructed to verify the size and weight of checked luggage. Our company instruction includes the correct procedure for bag measurement and fee assessment.

While I sincerely regret any inconvenience this matter caused you, please understand that the baggage fee was applicable. Therefore, I must respectfully decline your request for reimbursement. I apologize for any disappointment this response may cause you.

Your continued support is important to us. We hope to have an opportunity in the future to serve you again and regain your confidence in our airline.


Amy Baker

Customer Relations Department

AirTran Airways"

"Ms Baker,

After reading your reply, I am more than convinced that I will never fly with your company again and I will make sure to let everyone that I know hear about the way that your company does business. It is very obvious that this issue will not be resolved by AirTran's customer service department so I will be taking the matter up with my credit card company. I doubt they will give me the same run around that you have.

According to your baggage policy, " The maximum weight is 50 pounds and maximum size is 61 inches (length + width + height). Oversize baggage with dimensions from 62 to 70 inches will be accepted, subject to an oversize baggage charge of $29.00. Baggage measuring between 71 and 80 inches will be subject to a fee of $69. Baggage over 80 inches in dimension (with the exception of some sporting equipment) will not be accepted.", my bag should not have been subject to a fee as it is at the size of 60 inches (length + width + height).

I want to thank you very much for obviously not taking the time to carefully read my prior email. AirTran's lack of care towards their customers has truly shocked me. I would have expected a phone call at least, but instead I received a standard form letter. Your pilot summed up AirTran's customer service best when he said, "Thank you for flying AirTran where we love your money." I guess now that you have our money, you don't need to provide any level of customer service.

From now on, I will be spending the extra money to fly on JetBlue. You should really take a lesson on customer service from them. I hope you will take the time to actually read this email and take the correct steps to resolve this problem, but I won't hold my breath."

"Dear Ms. Choromanski,

I am sorry that you are disappointed with my response, please understand that this department corresponds with customers by e-mail only. Please know I did read your email and also reviewed the comments in your record. Your bag clearly states it measured at 63 inches.

I am sorry to hear that you will not be flying AirTran in the future. I hope that we can have an opportunity to better serve you so that we can prove our commitment to you.
July 18, 2008
Worst customer service I have ever recieved
When we arrived at the Airtran Airways podium 41 minutes before the departure of our flight we were informed they would not take our checked luggage. They did not tell us why, we had never even heard of this policy before in any airline, and since the price of a ticket includes the checking of one bag, I naturally asked to speak to a manager.

I was told this was not possible.

I told them it was not possible that they would not check our bags, as it was part of the contract between ourselves and the Airtran Airways instated when I purchased a ticket.

After 10 minutes of asking to speak to a manager, one finally came out and said--- and I QUOTE, "I will give you a refund because I would rather give you a refund than deal with B*!@#es like you."

I could go on, the ordeal lasted about 4 hours (during which time the manager who verbally abused us made a point of smiling smugly at us often- nothing is going to happen to her), but I think it is sufficient to say that my relationship with Airtran Airways was FOREVER concluded with my refund.

Because of this, my plans to see my brand new baby nephew will be considerably postponed, as I do not know when I will be able to take time off of work again.

They made no real apologies, made no attempt to even explain their policy, no attempt to make us aware of the policy before we arrived, no attempt to help us out or offer feasible solutions, no attempt to make restitution for their verbal abuse, no attempt to treat either of us like human beings- let alone paying customers. Instead, they made it very apparent that they thought we were worth no more than dirt.

I filed a complaint with the company, which I am fairly sure is as much of joke as the "manager" I spoke with. These are the other places I filed complaints. IF YOU HAVE COMPLAINTS, PLEASE USE THESE RESOURCES:

* The Aviation Consumer Protection Division of the US government:

* The Better Business Bureau (will contact the company and ask for resolution):

* (compiles complaints for possible class-action lawsuits):

No business has EVER made me feel so helpless and degraded.

I eagerly await the day Airtran Airways goes out of business- though I am sure no one will even notice.
July 16, 2008
Verbally abused
Airtran Airways is the worst airline I have ever flown.

After being treated rudely because we arrived 4 minutes after their cut off time for checking baggage (which we were never informed of), and after not receiving any answer at all as to why they would not take our bags, we asked to speak to a manager.

The "Station Manager" at San Francisco Airport came out to tell my mother and I that she would, "Rather give us a refund than deal with *** like us."

Customer service did not care at all that we had been verbally abused, made no attempt to help us or reconcile anything. We were issued a refund, and I will never fly their airline again.
July 8, 2008
Avoid them
I had the first and worst experience of flying when I took airtran. All their flights were over booked. The flight to ATL from where I had to catch a connecting flight got delayed cus the crew wanted to be well rested ( I was taking a red eye and the PA system mentioned that the crew were onboard well rested). So I could not get the connecting flight and since their flights were overbooked, I had to stay in ATL for a whole day. They never paid any compensation and their costumer service was pathetic to say the least. I met several people in the same situation and some in the airport for more than 2 days. Things I will do to avoid flying airtran include volunteering on a manned mission to the end of the universe.
July 4, 2008
I will not use them again
Somebody in aitran needs to be fired! I booked to single flight at Airtran, I never flew with them and will never again. The 1 flight was booked for September 20 White Plains to San Francisco. 3 weeks later I receive a confirmation schedule by email that it was changed to September 20 with another schedule, that's fine but the rental car reservation has to be re rescheduled... the second change was worse. I booked for October 1st San Diego to White Plains and I receive it has been re-scheduled to October 2nd. That’s unacceptable rude. When you call customer service they say that it s company policy and that they can change your schedule anytime. So that one I cancelled and re booked on another airline with a big financial lost but that's life... I just want other people knows that Aitran play with the people schedule and looks like somebody is having lot of fun doing that. That's a shame for the industry and the guy doing the schedule should be fired immediately before he brings Airtran to the bankrupt. On my side it's done, they will not see me anymore.
June 4, 2008
We will never use them again
I must start by saying that the actual flight, including the attendants, for all four of the flights we took between May 24th and May 28th 2008 were great. It was the customer service/check-in, etc. that we dealt with mainly at the Atlanta airport.

On May 24th our flight from Flint Bishop Airport was literally 5 minutes late, which prevented us from making our connecting flight to West Palm Beach FL. We were late due to the fact that we had to wait for another AirTran flight to arrive so we actually had a crew on our flight. Although we were told by the customer service agent in Flint that they would call ahead and try to have them hold the connecting flights in Atlanta, I hardly think that happened.

We arrived in Atlanta at 8 a.m. only to be told we couldn't be guaranteed another flight until 8 p.m. While we did try to get stand-by seats on a 10:30 a.m. flight that one came up overbooked, which was a word I heard throughout the C Concourse frequently for AirTran flights during the 12 hour stay I endured at the airport.

Of course when we finally got to West Palm Beach late that night, we had to go on a hunt for our luggage at the AirTran desk where the lights were off and the 800 number that was posted on the desk led to a recorded voice message. Luckily there was a lovely young lady in the back who did have our bags. They basically screwed us out of an entire day of vacation.

I also find it odd that while we were only offered 1 meal voucher (for 12 hours) for unwillingly having to wait for a later flight - people who voluntarily gave up their seats to take a later flight were offered free flights! Good luck! Free flights with them are still too pricey! I do agree with another complaint I read on here that the AirTran staff at Atlanta Airport are Horrible.
April 25, 2008
AirTran Cancellation Charges
I fail to understand AirTran's method of "charging" the customer for a cancellation. The majority of airlines charge the "penalty" - a rebooking fee of anywhere from $75 to $100 per - at the time of rebooking, whereas AirTran wants it's money up front.

I had to cancel my husband's ticket to Florida - a ticket that was originally priced at $215.00 excluding taxes, etc. Because we hoped he'd be able to make the second leg of the trip, I originally cancelled only the outbound leg. AirTran charged $75.00 for that "change" reducing the value of the ticket price.

When it was determined that my husband would not make the second (return) leg, I called a day in advance to cancel the flight. AirTran again charged $75.00 to cancel the flight.

So, a ticket that I originally paid $255.80 for is now worth a whopping $76.40 ... AirTran has quite the scam going on!

I'm sure that airlines can set their penalties and fees however they want ... perhaps it's time forthe Government to step in to ensure that the customer is getting a fair shake in transportation!

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