AirTran Airways
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AirTran Airways Reviews
August 28, 2007
Unreasonable extra charge
Airtran Airlines
I had the worst travel experience in my life at Philadelphia Airport July 30th & 31st due to a supervisor who would only give me her first name: "Aleia."
I was returning home after a very pleasant flight on Air Tran Flight 756 departing Fort Lauderdale on July 26.
On July 30th I was scheduled to leave on flight 758 and was late due to a series of problems, (traffic, car rental return, etc.) I arrived at the Air Tran ticket line approximately 45 minutes prior to departure. The line was very backed up and I realized the probability of me making my flight was slim. I was correct. When I got to the counter, the agent, James Brophy, was very nice. He told me he was a new employee in training and told me I was too late and the best he could do was get me on a standby for the next flight. I told him I understood and he asked Aleia (who said she was his supervisor and training him) how to proceed. Aleia came over and immediately reprimanded me and told me I was late. I told her I knew that and explained due to several reasons, including the long Air Tran line, that all I wanted was some guidance how to proceed. She took my luggage and put a tag on it, put in on the conveyor belt and put me on standby for a flight to Atlanta connecting to another flight to Fort Lauderdale. I did not get on that flight (#331 nor the next one, #333.) I went down to the ticket counter and spoke to James Brophy again. He and another agent, Bill Fisher, were very sympathetic and tried to help me. I asked if they knew of another airline that was flying to Fort Lauderdale. At this point, Aleia came over again and wanted to know "what my problem was?" I asked her for her last name because I was not comfortable dealing with her. She would not tell me her last name and said, "if I did not step away from the counter she would call security, and have me arrested." I replied that I am a very reasonable man and did not understand her over-reaction. She repeated the above statement again. I walked away, frightened of her aggressive behavior due to security issues in today's post 9/11 world. Her threat was uncalled for and irresponsible. I called the customer service department and spoke to a supervisor named Debbie during this day of travel mishaps. She told me she was putting my incident in the notes associated with my flight problems.
I was at the airport for over 8 hours and had to finally call a friend in Philadelphia to let me sleep on the sofa overnight. I called customer service again to get a flight the following day and was told that I had to pay an extra $132.00 to be put on a guaranteed flight. I was told I could travel on standby for no extra charge. I explained I had to be in Fort Lauderdale guaranteed.
They charged me the $132.00. The flight #758 I returned on the next day was half empty and I feel the extra charge is unreasonable. I also believe the threat I received from Aleia was ridiculous and terrible training to be giving a new employee. I am 57 years old, have flown all over the world, have worked in non-profit health care all my life and feel like I was not treated the way any human being should be wrongly threatened anywhere, any time, any place.
August 26, 2007
Unacceptable business practices
I recently took my daughter to NYC for a week and was booked on AirTrans for the return flight on Thursday August 23, 2007. We were suppose to depart LGA at 4:59 pm. The flight was delayed for a couple hours due to weather which was irritating but understandable. The rest of the trip was not! We circled Atlanta for over an hour and was finally diverted to Augusta. When we landed in Augusta the flight attendant told us we could depart if we wanted to but that wasn't true. Her comments and major concern was that she was suppose to be home in Jacksonville by then. We stayed in Augusta out on the flight line for a couple hours and finally went back to Atlanta. After sitting for over another hour or more we finally deplaned about midnight (4 1/2 hours late) and were told to see the customer representative about connecting flights. The AirTrans flight attendant had the audacity to tell us she hoped we had a nice flight and have a nice day - I have to wonder what flight she was on? AirTrans had ONE customer rep with hundreds of people in line. According to the pilot there were 82 planes delayed - at a minimum of 100 people per plane that's 8,200 people with one AirTrans rep and one Delta rep on duty in the whole airport. A TSA agent told us there was another AirTrans customer service office in the baggage area so we went down there. After standing in that line for two hours and finally getting in the door, the AirTrans rep there told us she couldn't rebook flights - we had to go back to the other rep or wait until the ticket counter opened at 4:30 am. It would have been so easy for her to announce that information to everyone standing in line before they waited to get to the counter. So, I tried to go back to the other customer service rep only to be told by the TSA agent (Note: this was the SAME TSA agent that told me to go to baggage) that I couldn't get in because my boarding pass was for 8:10 pm and it was 1:00 am so it wasn't valid. I asked her if she had a clue what she was doing? She was the person that directed me to baggage - she'd been working all night and certainly should have known that none of the flights were coming in or going out. So I sat on the marble floor for three and a half hours waiting for the AirTrans ticket counter to open. It was a long night - nothing was open, not event the bathrooms. The only people around were the maintenance crew. The seats were all full, the marble floor was cold and hard - we were in hell in Atlanta. When theAirTrans ticket counter did open I was offered a flight the next day going to Ohio. I was traveling from NY to Las Vegas and was being offered to go to Ohio where the odds of a flight landing were minimal since Ohio, Chicago, Wisconsin were all flooded with more storms on the way. I was told that I couldn't get a refund because I refused to wait another 30 hours in the airport for a flight to somewhere I didn't want to go. When I told her I didn't want to go back where I came from but West she handed me a phone number for an air charter company and walked away. I bought two more tickets on another airlines and finally made it home 36 hours after I left NYC. I travel alot and understand delays due to weather, mechanics and circumstances out of your control. But AirTrans should have had control of their service standards and staff. They didn't and it was totally unacceptable. Typically when you're delayed like this when you get off a plane there is a customer service rep with information that you have already been rebooked on a new flight. AirTrans had two flights going to Las Vegas that morning and were oversold - I should have been rescheduled on that flight before I ever left NY. AirTrans put me in the air knowing that I wouldn't make Atlanta, knowing that I would not make my connecting flight and you did NOTHING. Their staff was rude, unconcerned and the worst I've ever dealt with. The fact that a flight that should have taken 6 hours took 36 is horrendous. It is unbelievable to me that the person running the AirTrans Atlanta office would not call in additional staffing to help people, that they don't have a Crisis Communication plan in effect, that they don't train their staff for service nor require them to have one ounce of logic or empathy for their guests. My inconvenience was not even acknowledged - I don't get a refund or a credit - I'm just out of luck! I can't understand how you can still be in business after reading all the complaints online about them but I do know that I will make sure that I let people know their business practices in every way possible and look forward to the day when AirTrans is one of the airlines that didn't make it. Air travel has gotten terrible under the guise of Homeland Security and unfortunately most people accept what should be unacceptable - AirTrans takes advantage of that beyond normal practices. The only thing that kept me from going over the counter that morning was the threat of going to jail and the fact that I was in such pain from the trip.
June 19, 2007
Unacceptable flight problems and rude customer service
On Sunday, May 27, 2007 I boarded a flight in Akron/Canton to Atlanta then to Jacksonville, FL. My flight was to depart at 10:12am and arrive in Atlanta at 11:53am. AirTran delayed the flight and passengers had to board a new plane. This flight left Akron/Canton at 11:00am and we arrived in Atlanta at 12:23pm. This delay caused me to miss my connecting flight to Jacksonville resulting in a 6 1/2 hr layover in Atlanta. I approached customer service and have never been treated so rudely. I am a frequent traveler and found AirTran's customer service and its passenger treatment to be unacceptable. In my 25 years of flying (at least once per month), I've never experienced such horrible service. In Akron/Canton we were told that Atlanta was well aware of our delay and would make accommodations for us. The man at the flight door in Akron/Canton also said they would hold the flight for us. Additionally, two flight attendees said they would hold the flight in Atlanta. We arrived only to find that the flight to Jacksonville had departed. Not only did I miss an entire day of important activities planned at my final destination, I was lied to by three of AirTran's staff. This was my first experience with AirTran and I can't help but think it may have been the last for me, my staff, family and colleagues.
I received an email response from AirTran's customer service representative. Basically we're sorry you were unhappy, we met our obligation, but I can give you $50 towards another AirTran flight within one year.
June 19, 2007
Treat customers as nuisances
On Thursday June 7, 2007, around 2:15-2:30 pm, I checked into Denver International Airport, (airport code, as I was corrected by an Airtran employee, Lynn, DEN, not DIA) for my flight to BWI, Baltimore Thurgood Marshall Airport. I did not catch the name of the reservationist, but she was very nice, polite, and seemed very efficient at her job. I checked one item and carried on another item. As I was walking away from the ticket counter, i looked down at my boarding pass to look at my seat assignment, the reservationist had complimented me on how I had a "good Seat"-If you're that detail or untented to notice that, then I have more faith in you checking me in. So, imagine my surprise when I looked at my ticket and saw the name "Shane J Ber ens" and an airport code of that was not my destination. I immediately rushed back to the ticket counter and went straight back to the agent that checked me in (i couldn't believe she even looked at my ID! my legal name is LEIGH J BARAN and that is what appears on my Driver's license, not even close to Shane J Berens! The agent apologized and took all the boarding stuff she gave me, including the baggage claim receipt (unbeknownst to me at the time) and trashed it, then proceeded to print new boarding passes. I specifically reminded her I checked a bag, and she assured me the bag would arrive at BWI, she would change it, not to worry. My flight left at 3:35pm so I believed her, then rushed to go through Security. I boarded the flight, a little uneasy, but had very limited choices at this point.
I arrived at BWI around 11:30pm, went to baggage claim and stood around, waiting for my bags. At the end of the "baggage parade" my bag, along with about 15 other folks did not have their bags on the flight! (Many were connecting flights, either from Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and I was the lone Denver passenger) Danielle, the ticket agent appeared very busy and was actually a little rude to the passengers. She is only one person, and she did have a throng of people asking her questions re: their luggage, in my opinion, if Airtran routinely loses people's baggage, they either need to pay them more or hire one more person on staff. Anyway, I was the last person she helped b/c most of the other passengers were flying home to BWI, whereas I am visiting through June 11 and I did not have my temporary address. (it was around 12:15 AM at the time and i had to wake up the people I was staying with.) Danielle helped fill out my claim form, then gave me the customer service phone #, assuring me this number is not the standard 1-800 number. She also told me to call first thing in the morning, to see if the bag arrived. I called today, June 8th at 11:00 am an began the normal customer service ritual, calling the 800 numbers, getting passed around, no one is willing to help b/c they're not the ones who created the problem, so they don't have to go the extra mile, or do their jobs to locate their mistake. The first person I spoke with on the phone was Lynn, at the special 800 "customer service" number that Danielle gave me. She promptly told me she needed to transfer me to the Baggage people at BWI, she's not at the airport. I pointed out that Danielle the previous evening told me to contact this number, didn't matter, she couldn't help, then transferred me to BWI. I didn't catch the name of the person I was transferred to; she was not Danielle, and not helpful. My bas is still missing, and they do not even show I checked a bag in their system!
AHHH! Danielle had tried to call Raleigh, which is where "Shane J Berens" was traveling to, but they were not answering their phones. I tried to get the new lady on the line to do the same, they weren't answering their phones again! I then asked if she could call Denver to speak directly to the ticketing agent that screwed up everything in the first place and she refused! IN my mind, to fix this problem, I would expect a company to be proactive and utilize every measure/idea, backtrack, to locate the missing item, question the people now while they still remember!
Instead, the lady on the line was snide enough to tell me that the agent would not remember me amongst the "thousandths' of people they help each day!
Well, i don't know about you, but if i saw a passenger twice in 15 minutes, that would stand out in my mind! She then told me Then I proceeded to tell her, well, this is about the time I checked in, there were only 4 agents working, can't you find out who it was through process of elimination? Well, that agent would not be working at this time, you checked in at 2:30, it's 9:30 in Denver ( 30 minutes of my life wasted trying to fix a problem I did not create, and I tried to proactively resolve) Finally I told her, just call, please and find out, said our goodbyes, then called the "special 800 #) back, Unbelievably I get Lynn again and she remembers me calling.
I tried to get her to help me locate my bag and was given the same answers, not at the airport, can't help you. Then, that is when I asked her, i thought this number was for customer service- she responded its for customer complaints-what?!? Why are all the AIRTRAN employees more interested in correcting the customer when they're the ones that screwed up? Lynn, let me know I could be reimbursed for anything I had to purchase but no guarantees, and was very good at why she couldn't do something, like call Denver, b/c of corporate policy! With the airline industry already struggling, it appears this airline is unaffected, since they continue to treat the customers as nuisances and they under deliver when they do make a mistake, not putting themselves in the shoes of their customers when they screw up!
Leigh J Baran
January 22, 2007
Boycott this airline so that they come to their senses!
My family and I were booked on flight 678 Orlando to White Plains on January 15 (8:25am scheduled departure). We got to the check in counter 45 minutes before the flight and were told by one of the AirTran employees that the flight was closed.
He directed us to a counter where we were supposed to rebook our flight. We protested that we should be able to check in for our flight since we were there before the Orlando minimum check-in time (=40 minutes) but the employee refused. We were told by him that the security line alone was 40 minutes long. After we waited in line we were offered standby tickes for a flight leaving at 5:15pm. After we left the counter we passed by the security line and guess what? There was no line! At that time there was still 20 minutes until the scheduled departure of the flight and we could have made it to the gate without problems. Needless to say, the flight at 5:15pm was fully booked so that we had to wait a full day to get home. Since we had been at the airport prior to the minimum check-in time the irresponsible behavior of AirTran's employees led to a denied boarding situation. At the time of our arrival and after denial of boarding we were NOT presented with a written statement as indicated in their contract of carriage. Since AirTran did not provide acceptable "alternate transportation" as also described in detail in their contract of carriage (we were supposed to arrive at our destination within 1 hour of orignial arrival) we are entitled to a payment equal to twice the sum of the face values of our itinerary. Of course AirTran is not answering my e-mails. I hope enough people will start to boycott this airline so that they come to their senses!!!
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