Ref: Baggage claim reference # DPRISTEK13408/30th Nov’08
As you can see that we have sent this below message dated 16th Jan 2009, since today we have not received any reply from concern department. Therefore please check this matter and reply us as early as possible.
Best regards,
Akmal Iqbal Siddiqui
Dated: 16th Jan’09
The Airport Service Manager
Emirates Airline,
Jinnah Airport,
Ref: Baggage claim reference # DPRISTEK13408/30th Nov’08
This is with reference to your letter KHI.EK.21.09 dated 13th Jan’09. I totally disagree with your comments that the airline limit of liability is US $20 per Kg, while the other side baggage inventory form shows that Emirates will pay and settle the amount according to description of content values as well as proof given by passenger.
If this is a case that you will pay based on weight lost, there is no concept of taking the description lost contents on foam. However this is not case of baggage lost actually this is stolen case; your staff is responsible who deliberately taking the things out from my bag.
Your letter is not showing that under which clause of Emirates policy you are going to settle this stolen claim by weight. Therefore being a responsible person please settle my declared claim US $650 with out any further correspondence, I hope Emirates Air Line will consider my cause carefully and will arrange claim amount immediately.
Best regards,
Akmal Iqbal Siddiqui
L-10 Rufi Lake Drive,
Block # 18,
Tel: 92-300-8230395
Email: [email protected]