I am sending this email on behalf of a woman who is 5 months pregnant with two children. They were in need of housing and had nowhere else to go. Alice Housing has not provided a safe place for them to live. The persons in charge are not treating the woman there with the dignity and compassion that these women need. These women and their children have left abusive situations that were, in most cases, physically, emotionally and psychologically abused. They have been beaten down and need a safe, comforting, and clean environment that will help build their confidence and provide them with hope and a leg up to regain a position in society.
In addition to that, the individuals who are providing therapy or counselling are not qualified to do so. They do not have the credentials and are not experienced qualified psychiatrists or psychologists and are not equipped to deal with children who are victims of an abusive family nor the mothers who have had the courage to flee from an abusive relationship and need quality care from qualified people.
The environment at Alice Housing is phychologically and emotionally abusive. They are bullied, intimidated and treated with disdain and punished with eviction if they voice their concerns about the conditions and treatment they are receiving. They get very little from the Food Bank deliveries. By the time they are allowed access, there is little left. The women are brow-beaten, sworn at if they do not remain compliant and submissive. How can anyone, but especially someone who is at the end of her rope, desparate to provide food and shelter for their children when they are forced to suffer such mistreatment. If they show any sense of self and speak up, they are summarily evicted and forced to become homeless with nowhere to go but perhaps back to the abusive situation from whence they came, or, be out on the street.
There is neither mercy, empathy, nor respect afforded to these women and children, by those in charge. The generous donations to Alice Housing are not evident in the surroundings. How can these women and children thrive if they are dealt with in a manner that is not only detrimental to their healing process, but destructive to their already pitiful plight.
I am writing this on behalf of one of the many women and children who are forced to submit to these people in charge or risk prompt eviction.
This must be investigated bearing in mind the protection of those whom Alice Housing should be helping.
Please advise what action you will take to remedy the situation and how quickly such action will be taken. It would appear those in charge have "carte blanche" and are accountable to no one. If that is the situation, you know, it is ripe for misuse.
A concerned citizen.