I have extended Interest that other People have complaints against Alarm Companies.
Alarmed Companies are all alike
Nothing but lies. and Complaints, one is held on the phone for ever.
Alarm Companies can't wait to get you as their Customer, when it comes to Complaints, they take their sweet old time.
I had this alarm company before I finally move, 2 year contract.
well, okay these jerks will get their notice when the contract is up.
finally the day came when I move and wanted to cancel being their customer.
Well, I had to have it in writing. okay fine.I stop by and hand it to the morons. the moron asked me if I wanted service at my new address sense I was moving, I said NO!
So, I move and the People before me, had one alarm company, and my house that I brought had another company.
So, I called another Company, oh, no problem they People will be out in a few days. the Person that put it in was not too bright, took forever, and felt hustle in my House. the Attitude Complaint was this person had a Cancellation. ha. ha. their must be a problem.
So, over night, I change my mind.
I celled in and the person on the other end, could had cared less. and needed a notice over night, I said, 3 days, are you crazy, fine you will have the notice on Tuesday, the Post Office is close at noon on Saturday and not open until 7 am Monday and would not gotten their any faster.
So, I order to have their stupid system taken out. well, after wasting time, one appointment that took it out did not show up and had to recall.
okay fine, it will be about 10 days.
Well, as it turn out, I got a 100% refund. and it came out in my favor.
cause, I won the argument.
What is so phony is Insurance Company will give you 20% if one applies.
yeah right, say that the service coat $50 a month, *12 comes out to $600. including extended plan and check ups.
okay, you Insurance bill would have to be $750 a year to get 20% to break even, if only 10% off the Insurance would still be $750 a year and perhaps $675, then raise your deductible to break even.
I think that the Insurance broker herd enough complaints about Alarmed Companies, it does not pay for them to argued
Hay if you must have alarmed they be wise
Alarms can be false. and too many time one will be fine.
it is not worth the hassle. it is a risk either way,
My House minor repair and cleaning guys fines Alarms pains.
and would have no clue what to do if their is a false Alarms if the Cops show up.
I lucked out, I believe too many complaints the alarmed companies are wising up. hay my Brother does not have a alarmed either.
I will not tell you where I live or whom I am. however, what I will tell you is that I know People that sells Insurance, and they finally put in a alarmed on their own House, however, I hardly think that they ever turn it on.
10-20% off may be a big deal, rase the deductible may break even.
Life is a risk. Think about it, Crossing the Street ridding a bike even with a helmet, drive or be driven. taking a bus or other transit, Amtrak, Airline. and the wrong place at the wrong time. It does not make sense to go on.