I received my PureXS PC on September 15th, so I've had it over 3 weeks. I speak from experience and the glow of the purchase is not upon this review.
There are five sections...
1) Introduction
2) System Specifications
3) Custom Build Quality
4) Support and Customer Service
5) Conclusion
Aside from their impeccable build quality, it's the phone support and pleasant support I've received that makes me think "I'm coming back in two years to order upgrades."
I enjoy my $3, 600 beast so much it has a Web site:
Before I decided to go with All American Computers (AAC) instead of building my own box I called them:
I was impressed with the company owner's knowledge and enthusiasm. While willing to build anyone any PC they wanted, if you listened, he would start to explain all the things he's learned about the various parts as a builder. We talked for 1 hour and 45 minutes on the first call, and I hadn't ordered anything, I was just inquiring.
Found here: http://tabletpcartist.googlepages.com/purexs
It can run Oblivion outdoors and rarely ever dips below 30FPS. 40-50FPS outdoors is normal with everything turned on.
AAC PCs are custom built and tested. Part of the testing is a 24 hour "burn in" where the CPU is bombarded by high math calculations, the testing application knows the answers in advance, so if, after 24 hours, even one answer is off (heat, voltage, etc.) the guys at AAC will know there's an issue. Since they knew I wanted to play Oblivion most, AAC actually ran the game on my system to make sure there were no texture problems before uninstalling it and shipping me the system.
The price of the PC is higher than ordering parts, but I don't have the advantage of easily changing parts if I order and something goes wrong. Having everything ship to me 100% tested, without the malware of DELL (AAC avoids installing anything but drivers on their PCs), is highly attractive.
The computer has custom cut, custom fitted cables, red lights in its two 120mm fans, and an inverted case that puts the Power Supply at the bottom and compartmentalizes the Hard Drives and Power Supply away from the Motherboard and dual GPUs (Videocards). Airflow is incredibly smooth in this thing, but from a company that is used to building custom liquid cooled PC's, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
It is how companies deal with problems and support that really brings out their character, so I'll write about that.
When I got the system I plugged the Crossfire Link into the wrong port on the slave card, so it didn't work. A quick call solved that. The first week I had it I saw some areas in Oblivion that weren't getting the performance I wanted, so I called. Kyle (the owner of AAC) found that by plugging in the Crossfire link to the wrong port, then switching, apparently confused Oblivion. He said he was glad I called because it could have been a problem in other games as well. I uninstalled & reinstalled the ATI drivers (he told me how) and I was set.
Two weeks later my 5.1 surround sound was only coming out of the L & R speakers. I called again, got some friendly help, and uninstalling & reinstalling set everything straight. I should learn the pattern here, but the point is the support:
A) I call because I'm not getting the frame rates in a VIDEOGAME I expect. Rather than blowing me off, they ask me questions and we figure it out.
B) I call because my 5.1 surround is wonky, and they say "It sounds like something has messed with your settings. Try this." and it works.
So not only do I have a $3, 600 masterpiece of construction, but I have 1 year parts, 3 years of free labor and lifetime phone support for the system. Since I plan on upgrading in two years, the labor warranty will be extended...
With helpful service and a great, stable computer, that's cool.
As I said in the intro: "Aside from their impeccable build quality, it's the phone support and pleasant support I've received that makes me think 'I'm coming back in two years to order upgrades.' "
The PureXS runs like a dream; instead of spending hours figuring out what was wonky with my 5.1 Surround Sound I tried just calling AAC, and sure enough it resolved the issue. They're only available 9-6 EST, but I've had Kyle e-mail me back on a weekend. My friend Billy also ordered from him and received support via e-mail on the weekend until Kyle could call him on Monday (Billy ordered parts, not a whole PC).
I don't have any negative experiences here. These guys are serious about making good computers and keeping their customers. Money well spent. In two years I'm coming back for more.