My name is Rajiv Agrawal. In case you need I will provide names of other sufferers.
I and public like me (general public) has a common complaint regarding differential rates in treatment for public.
All the hospitals have now two catelogues. One for normal public and other with medi-claim.
How can a doctor charge more money (nearly triple of normal) to a patient with medi-claim facility. A person is subscribing to medi-claim from his own pocket and normal sum is insured.
My cousin is charged Rs.42, 000/- for his treatment at ghatkopar hospital with medi-claim facility which is otherwise charged Rs.18, 000/- by the same doctor in same hospital.
My aunty is being charged Rs.35, 000/- for eye treatment which is otherwise being charged Rs.15, 000/- under normal circumstances.
I have visited in many hospitals wherein different quotes are prepared for patients with medi-claim facility and for other patients.
How can doctor or hospitals charge with such a differential rates, which varies hugely.