The Alliance Law Center to me is bull chit. I paid them $4500.00 for a modification ten months ago and tomorrow I have to pay the bank of America $80.000.00 for back payments. After three months of not paying my house payment I asked if I should start paying my payments again and the attorney said no. I was told that you needed to be three months behind in your payment before the bank would talk to you about your Modification. I asked the attorney what was going to happen to my back payments and he said that the bank would put the back payment would be put on the end of my loan. Wrong. That’s way I'm having to pay eighty thousand dollars back to the bank so I don't get foreclose on. I now want my moneys back plus the Eighty thousand dollars I had to make up and compensation for coning me. I thank they all should be put away and there attorney license be taken away. And yes when you call you almost never get the same person or you get the answering machine telling you that there so busy they can’t answer. There not going to do a dam think but masturbate you. I’m not done with then. I’m calling the attorneys board tomorrow also. They need to be disbarred but I’ll be back after I talk to the bank on Thursday 8/20/2009.
David D
Alamo ca