My contract location was at BSH Home Appliances, New Bern, NC 28562. I was a security office and Receptionist.
We had a problem with the mail machine and postal carrier. The rates changed but we were a comp base rate. Ms. Upson of BSH had Pitney Bowes take the maching to post office to make sure our postage rate was correct.
The mail carrier Tracy got very upset with me, why? I don't have any idea. When I reported her actions to my boss Mr. George Reese of Allied Barton Security would responde back to me that I was causing Drama and it had to stop.
I was there answering the phones and someone called from the post office stating they had a complaint. So I transferred the call to Ms. Upson who was in charge of the mail room. She came out and told me that Tracy the carrier made a complaint that my mail was never ready and she had to wait. This was not true and they have videos on the entire building and could easily see this.
Then Saturday at the Main Gate I worked with Charles and the mail lady came in flying by and turned around very fast. I told her she would need to slow down, and we had a speed limit sign posted. She started yelling at me, then I was holding the door for her to bring in the mail, she pushed through and slammed the mail box on my toes, don't really know if that was her intention. She then told me she was going to have me fired buy calling in again. I ask her what did I do to you to make you feel so hateful to me, she would not answer. Just kept saying she would have my job.
So again, I reported this actions to my boss Mr. Reese and Mr. Tucker (Plant Manager) and wrote up an incedient report.
The next Wednesday when I retuned to work, I had yet another Email from George Reese stating that this had to stop and they had never had anyone have problems with the mail carrier up front before. Stated that he would remove me from my job, if I had one more problem.
I had been to the Post Master General in New Bern, Mr. Davis and he assured me she would be taken off that route. But she would have found a way to get another complant on me not matter what.
So I wrote back as stated in our manual that we were to give notice of resignation, which was for 2 weeks.
I retuned to work on Thursday, and I was told I was no longer allowed on the premise and was terminated.
They required you to be on your job 15 minutes prior to work but you had to work setting up. So I was always 30 to 45 minutes early for work. I worked anytime they needed for anyone, even in the snow and sleet weather.
I had so many people at BSH tell me that I was doing a wonderful job all the employees like me, I greeted everyone professionally and made them smile and motivated.
BSH Home Appliances head of Security is Ronnie Weems, AL Jones. These two men would cuss and say the most vulgar things and then apologize, there was sexual harrassment they would not take care of.
Ronnie Weems daughter worked P/T Reception as well, and they even gave her a washer and dryer on demo. Which I thought this was not permitted.
He never liked me and wanted me gone from the very beginning. I have no idea of what I even did to him, other than being a professional at my job and his daughter took a different approach.
I have spoked to NC Labor, Work Force, Unemployment Commission and Lawyer and my intentions are to make sure this doesn't happen to others. This kind of employer and employee realtions are not legal and need to be stopped.
Thank you,
Deborah Goldman