I was recently terminated from Allied Barton for job performance. My job performance was above and beyond I was promoted
three times in one year, never repremanded and have several letters of accomadation from the client.My accont Mgr was also fired
for economics issues, I had a major issue with the HR personell that during a hurricane instead of allowing me to go take care of my family they tried to force me to go to the office and do scheduling for one week out that had already been done the day before the
HR person instead called me cussing and screaming at me on the phone, I called the head of Allied's HR personell and reported it and she told me that she would take care of it.Instead they retaliated and terminated me after she told me there would be no
reprocussions. None of the upper management will take responsibility for their own actions instead they will blaim it on lower people.They have blamed me for losing an account that they never bothered to read the contract were it st6ated that they will pay the officers travel instead they billed there client, I followed the operation manual that their district MGR made for me to follow and followed to a tee but yet I was blamed for that also they have left a very bad taste in my mouth about the whole security
industry and I will not ever go back into and will urge everybody that I talk to about security to think of another career because
#1 security is to far underpayed and company's like Allid Barton due nothing to take care of thie employees all they care about is there bank account.