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Alltel Reviews

October 9, 2008
Unauthorized charges
In October 2008, Alltel put on my bill $169 for equipment we did not have. When I called the 800 customer service, they told me to go to the store that had put the charge on - 100 miles away. Then I asked what good would that do anyway, it would be their word against mine, and the associate told me they could track it. I said what good is that if they discover it is in use somewhere in that city and she replied well, there is nothing we can do. I asked for the manager, got him and he tracked it and said that particular store had it as a loaner and his records showed it was loaned out to someone else. He said he would credit it. Then it was not credited. When I called back, I was told sorry, I can't help you he was in another call center. I am refusing to pay the bill. Cell phone companies are scammers!
September 26, 2008
credit report
Altell unlawfully did a credit report lookup on my account in August of 2008, I had been their costomer for 2 years prior to that and they checked it for unligitimate purposes. This is illegal and you can find out who's been looking at your credit report by calling Equifax, TransUnion and Experian to request your credit report.
September 24, 2008
faulty phone they say is our fault
As background, I am a Media Relations practitioner in Ohio, and a former employee of Alltel (Writer for Alltel Publishing, Hudson, Ohio). I am representing my daughter and son in law in a matter involving a non-working one-month-old phone that they purchased and subsequently returned to Alltel only to be told that it had “water damage” and they would have to buy new phones. They are honest, forthright adults, progressive citizens and truthful people to a fault. My son in law is a war veteran and as upright a person as you would ever want to meet. I trust them implicitly when they tell me that their month-old phone was not damaged by any activity or action on their end. They are 100% positive that the phone was flawed upon receipt.

We are seeking a new phone at no charge immediately. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the recently purchased phone was either damaged at the store where purchased or is a factory flaw. Here are the facts, stated for the record and for future pursuit:

Chad and Leah Smith renewed their contracts and bought 2 new phones on July 13, 2008. About a month later Leah called a customer service representative when the screen on her phone began to disappear and a symbol began appearing stating that she had voicemail when she did not have a message. The service rep at that time informed Leah that Alltel would place her name on a ticket and that there were multiple tickets from the region expressing this very same complaint. The rep very clearly indicated that it was some sort of regional problem experienced by many others in the area who had purchased those phones. The rep indicated that she would call Leah back in 24-48 hours. The rep never returned that call.

After having a hard time using the phone, and frustrated with no action on Alltel’s part, two weeks ago Chad and Leah made a special drive in to the Alltel office to explain this problem live to a representative. Unfortunately they had received no return phone call from Alltel to correct the problem. The customer service representative stated that they should mail the damaged phone into Alltel’s customer service department and that they would then receive a replacement phone in the mail for free. She did not say this was a possibility -- she said that this is what they would do. Yesterday, Sept. 22, Leah received a letter from Alltel stating that the phone contains liquid damage and there is a corroded component specified by the display lens. She was informed that this alleged “water damage” could be from water submersion, exposure to rainwater, exposure to high humidity, or liquid intrusion.

Leah is 100% sure that she never got this phone even slightly wet. It went from her purse to a DRY counter daily…with no rain, no water ever exposed to it. She called the customer service support service supervisor (for the record she spoke to ID rep number 00048604) and was informed that there was “nothing that she can do about it”and that she would have to purchase another phone for an additional $100-plus dollars. Chad then made yet another special drive to the ALLTEL store where he was also told “so sorry…pay for another phone.” He was advised to call Motorola and did so on Sept. 22. Motorola said they would call back between 24-48 hours. Of course, there has been no return call.

It is time for the utility companies to stop dumping on the lower middle class. This young married couple – a war veteran and both struggling to make a living in a marginal at best economy in a depressed area of the country – paid good, hard-won money for their phones. They have been responsible in paying their bills. But it appears that Alltel, has rewarded their diligence with a flawed telephone, endless customer rep conversations that go nowhere, more bills for a phone they cannot use, and finally a notice that they must buy a NEW phone after only one month. This is unacceptable.

We have no idea where this alleged “water damage” came from or when it occurred. But this we know…it did not happen as a result of this young couple’s negligence. This phone did not get dropped into water at any time nor was it kept in a bathroom or any other place where water would accumulate. If the phone is so cheaply made that “humidity damage” is an issue, then I would maintain that it is incumbent upon ALLTEL to improve the quality of their phones to withstand moisture -- not put the burden on the buyer. Humidity is not a factor the buyer can control.

For the record, my husband and I are both Alltel customers. We switched from Cingular (AT&T) last winter and after switching from Cingular phones to the Alltel phone, noticed right away the inferiority of our Alltel phones. We purchased the lower priced ($100 or more if I recall) phone that came with a refund, but never did get our refund as we missed the deadline date. We’ve only had them a few months and already my husband’s phone does not open easily and the audio flares very loud periodically. What…moisture damage there too? I certainly would not return my phone for another one, as most assuredly I would expect the same abysmal treatment as my daughter received…you keep my phone and expect me to buy a new one. This smacks of racketeering.

No one should be forced by a corporate utility to pay $100 for a phone, then pay it again a month later because of a malfunction that was not caused by the customer. This young couple made two frustrating and costly trips into Alltel and have been on the phone with customer service representatives for hours to resolve this. They’ve asked my assistance, and I’m glad to help, because I believe businesses (yes, even my business as a media relations practitioner) are responsible for delivering QUALITY service and products. And when they do not, it is their responsibility and privilege to make it right. Responsible is the key word. Please forward a new phone to this young couple to replace the flawed phone. We believe somewhere a mistake was made, and it was NOT on the part of the customers, Leah or Chad Smith.

I would hope that Alltel has not devolved into a corporation that pads its own pocketbooks with substandard technology then would ask a struggling customer to repurchase when the technology fails to deliver. The Alltel I remember from working there 10 years ago would send this young couple a new phone. I would appreciate your response and attention. This is the kind of unfairness and persecution from corporate America to its customers that gives utility companies an increasingly bad reputation. We will pursue a fair ending, I promise you, and are prepared to advance this issue to media, utility regulatory channels and business avenues. You also stand to lose six customers right off the bat if this is not resolved fairly. We are small, but we will fight for right.

September 17, 2008
Rip off company
Where do I begin… Several months ago we started an account with Alltel wireless. We have two lines one is a smart phone the other is not. We did a lot of research on plan cost and phone cost. We thought Alltel was the best match for what we needed. The first two months of our business agreement with Alltel was great. We had wonderful service where ever we were. The trouble started three months into our contract.

We moved to a different city and needed to change our phone numbers to the appropriate area code. We contacted Alltel to do so we spoke to a nice gentleman who said we could change our number without a problem and without charge. We got our new numbers and three weeks later we got our bill with the new number. Two days after that we got another bill with our old numbers claiming we owed $200.00 for closing our old numbers plus we owed them money for the current bill. It took 7 different people at Alltel to fix this problem.

What Alltel had done was a hirer an incompetent person! We were told by the supervisor on duty the (third one we spoke to) the gentleman who switched our numbers closed out our old numbers by closing out the contract and opening a new one, which caused a break in our contract. No notes were ever added to our count with the original phone numbers. OK so this got fixed and we owed just the original monthly bill. We thought everything was going to be fine... What were we thinking...

The following month we get a bill for $50.00 more than what it should have been. We thought we went over or minuets (should have paid more attention to the bill) So we paid the full amount. The following month the bill is even more so we call and only to be told we have two smart phones and that is why our bill is so high. Ok here is the catch we only have one smart phone and one not so smart phone (a normal no bells and whistles phone). We try explaining to Alltel we only have one smart phone they do not want to hear it. We are not outright called liars but as many times as we told them and gave them equipment numbers of the two phones what else could they have been saying... I mean really!!

So finally we spoke to someone with some common sense who fixed the problem. The problem we then had is the payment had already been taken out of our account. We called the next day to get a part of the payment they took from our account back so we could pay our other bills. We were told by a supervisor they could not and would not refund our money. They had no way of doing so, they would use the extra money they took out towards next month's bill. We of course tried to explain to them we are hurting like everyone else in the country and need the money back in our account to pay bills. We were laughed at and told it was not their fault we do not pay attention to our billing statements (for real?). At this point we are very angry and ready to cut our ties with Alltel, but they catch you there as well you have too pay $200.00 for each line you cut the contract with. Side Note: Which by the way if you are paying attention the prior month they explained to us the reason we were billed for $200.00 dollars extra was because according to their records we broke contract on the phones we had. Needless to say we had a credit... so we thought. The following month we ended up with a bill. When we called they had no record of the credit and told us we paid what we owed. Finally after talking with several people we got it fixed and owed a small amount of our bill.

We had not had any problems with them for a few months until today. I guess they thought we had not messed with them for a while... We go to check our account balance so we could find out how much money we could spend at the grocery store and on gas after our light bill and other misc. bills came out for the remainder of the week (today is only Monday) and there is no money in our account. We got online and looked at out account and found Alltel took out a double payment. Of course we called Alltel's Customer No Service Line and spoke to a gentleman by the name of Robert. Robert explained this was their mistake and he would fix it. His fixing would take 2 to 3 business days. We tried to we explain our problem of the light bill which had not come out of our account yet. Robert continued to say there was nothing he could do we would just have to accept this as is. Of course we are now seeing red!!! We decided we are going to cut ties with Alltel at the end of the month we explain this to Robert who out right laughs and says you have one more year with your contract you break it we will get your money anyway. Does anyone else have a problem with this statement??

Needless to say we had to borrow money from our parents to pay the light bill and there will be no going to the grocery store not even for the necessities. I am glad Alltel enjoys putting their paying customers in financial restraints. Not even Sprint Nextel does that!!!

So to anyone who is looking at going with Alltel I ask that you reconsider or at least weigh all of your options before settling.

--Foodless but I have a cell phone!!
September 13, 2008
service and fees
I have had service with Altel for over two years with no complaint. Now after upgrading to a so called better phone the service sucks. I can not have a simple conversation with out it cutting out, also they do not keep very good records. I was required to pay a deposit of $500 and now after over two years they claim no deposit was made and cannot find any record of one ever being paid. The phone would not have been turned on with out it.
September 4, 2008
Store policy issue
I have been an Alltel customer for many years, having paid my monthly bill on time and had no issues with Alltel, other than despising the waiting line inside the store. But in July, 2008 I experienced a very dissatisfying encounter at the Alltel store. Having been a victim of robbery, the evening previous to my store visit, I had my purse stolen, including my checkbook, driver's license, and cell phone. I visited the Alltel store, to have my phone replaced, as I am one of those folks who gave up their home phone and depend on my cell phone service.

Once finally getting to a representative, I explained I had been robbed and wanted to replace my cell phone. I was asked for ID, which of course, I didn't have. After working through that issue by answering a series of questions, I was able to get set up with a new phone. As I got ready to leave, the rep asked me for $50 to pay for the phone. Of course, with no cash, checkbook, credit card, etc. I did not have one single thing in which to pay for the phone. My credit card accts were closed, my checkbook was closed, my debit card gone, and of course, my cash. The rep asked the store manager if an exception could be made by charging the phone to my account and she was told it could not.

I left the store, embarrassed and insulted. I understand the ID issue, but I could answer all the privacy questions I was asked. I offered to call the bank to verify my situation or whatever was needed to please allow me to charge the phone. In the end, I left as a very insulted customer who felt violated once again. It may seem petty to you but being assaulted and robbed is a very violent offense and I felt the one time I needed the security of my cell phone, I was let down. The robber had the keys to my home and car, and I was now left without a phone in the event I needed it. It may seem petty to the store manager but it would have felt different if were her.

What I would like to see happen, is for future events be managed differently. As a customer in good standing with Alltel, I would expect to be treated in a more understanding and respectful manner. There is always an exception. Don't treat me as a criminal and send me out of the store to come back with $50 in cash, after being traumatized the night before. Most women carry most of their credit cards and ID, inside their purse. I have certainly learned a lesson regarding that, but it didn't help me feel better at Alltel. If not for a current contract penalties, I would remove all 3 of my phone lines and convert to another service.

As for a positive remark, I had a very pleasant Alltel experience a week or two after the above one. Once paying the $50 and getting a "used" phone, I found no one could hear me talk on it so I had to again return to Alltel for a replacement. A young lady named, Nicki, waited on me. Pleasant, understanding, courteous and efficient. My praises to her.

Thank you for listening to my story. I hope it will help other customers in the future.

Denise Buckner.
August 22, 2008
False Charges
I had been a customer with Alltel for many years. In 2007 I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV and also made a stop in Arizona to visit some family. Before I went I spoke with someone at the 800# as well as someone in the store. Both of them advised me that I did not need to change my plan or add anything on and I would not be roaming in the locations that I would be traveling to. Well when I got back and received my next phone bill...hundreds of dollars in roaming charges. And best of all... I appearantly made a call in Sacramento, CA and then another call in Seattle, WA three (3) minutes later. So I called Alltel and they told me that I should have known I was roaming there due to some light on my phone. Well I never saw a light on my phone for that or even knew one was on there. And when questioned about the charges for calls made 3 minutes apart that Superman himself couldn't pull off, they said I made those calls and they could not do anything about them. I tried explaining to the representative as well as a supervisor that it is not possible to make those calls 3 minutes apart and especially if you have never been to either of those places. I told them I no longer wish to do business with a company that is going to give me false charges. They then canceled my contract and charged me $200 some odd dollars for that. When I received the next months bill they had also charged me for another month. When I called and confronted them again they refused to do anything about it. They have the worst customer service and horrible judgement. Alltel is the WORST company I have ever dealt with! They need to learn to rectify situations when they are in the wrong!
August 4, 2008
I have 2 Razor phones through Alltel. Alltel has sent me 3 phones to replace the phones I had bought. Each on the phones sent were sent with their own problems. Talked to Alltel Customer Service and was told they would be replace with brand new ones/new brand. Each store I went in stated they would not replace the phones. Now I have two phones that don't work but still have a bill to otherwise cancel my service altogether and pay $600.00 Great customer service!
July 30, 2008
Calling constantly about jc cooper
Continuous calls from alltell about ajc cooper. Whom i don't know and i have no connection with alltell and i please want these calls stopped. I get about 4 automated calls a day from alltell. It is really annoying.
June 10, 2008
Poor information about service
I changed from a regular plan to a Pay as you go. I asked what I would lose in service. I was told I would lose nothing but on rare occasions I would have to dial the number twice. This rare occasion lasted for 734 miles between Louisville, Ky and the Florida state line. I was also told the number of minutes I purchased in advance would, based on my previous usage would last me 8-9 Months. Today I discovered my minutes expire every 2 months. Since I am now retired and not on the road very much, I won't need the service as much. I was not told the truth by a service rep. in your Invernace Fl. office.

I am now stuck with a service I would never have accepted and locked into buying minutes I don't need. Why are your people so poorly trained and why wasn't I told everything when I changed from one plan to another. I had the previous plan for over 4 years.

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