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Montana, United States

Alltel Reviews

February 6, 2008
Worst customer support, misleading information
My partner and I decided to switch to a local carrier, Alltel; as soon as our Verizon contract ended. We needed to have 3 phones in our account, so we were advised to have the Family Plan that also had 1000 Text messages included. During the first month of usage I signed up to monitor this new account on their "Official Website". I recognized that this was a fairly brand new account, I gave them time to update customer usage information on the website. Two weeks passed and I used their e-mail feature for customer support. Never got a reply back. I call their 800 number, and after punching numbers to get any type of usage; which at the time my usage totalled "zero" minutes used. I kept pressing button to speak with a live person. When I expressed my concern, that still Zero minutes still shows in my lines. The representative connected back to the automated service. All To my horrible surprise, their website does not monitor any of my usage. All it contains are ways to look at bills and ways to make payments. The only time you are able to see any usage, it's when it;s too late and they want payment. The even sent text messages to notify that the bill is due, they don't even send an alert that the limits to my plan have reached, they just want the customer to be ignorant of the usage, so the bill get higher and higher. The only call I got from them was to inform us and threated us, that the current bill due is over $500 for overages charges, and if it was not paid at that moment the service will be interrupted. I still haven't seen any bill from them and, the website does not have my supposedly current or past usage. How do they expect me to monitor my usage if their system does not allow any customer to monitor any usage whatsover, only after the bill cycle had ended and we are stuck with a huge $$$$ amount bill.
February 3, 2008
Terrible experience!
My account is being charged for services never requested!
January 31, 2008
Bad customer service!
I have been with Alltel for years, but you talk about bad Customer Service they have to be #1 on the list. I bought 4 phones in December, as advertised on tv and Internet buy 1 get 1 free so go to the store to purchase these phones the unprofessional Alltel ediot that waited on us was holding his bottom lip while asking me questions and when I couldn't understand him and asked him to repeat what he said he seemed to get perturbed with ME! Stupid Eliot, then he told me the cost of the buy 1 get 1 free deal... NOT WHAT THEY ADVERTISE!ended up costing over 400.00 for the phones up front, but after mail in rebates the phones would end up costing around 140.00. We muddled thru all the setups, he handed me all the forms that had to be sent for the mail in rebates that could take 6 to 12 weeks to receive you checks. I sent everything off checked my email and there it was all but one was REJECTED! Was I surprised heck no I relished the bait! I called ALLTEL and then they give me the rebate phone number. The rebate guy said that one of the problem was that the wrong form was sent,well I don't work at Alltel it wasn't my fault that Mr.Lip gave me the wrong form that went to that phone! He fixed it and said my rebate will soon be mailed,then on problem #2 didn't send a copy of the bill, well you received the bill that went to the other phone it all came in the same envelope.The problem was that the other two phones are on 1 bill family phones you know you get the same bill stupid people. Okay the nice guy fixed that one! The real problem started on the third phone which by the way was my sons phone which he in on my plan using my minutes there for only need my bill. So I called again and the intelligent ALLTEL EMPLOYEE said I need to fax them the bill I said you already have the bill because the other rebates were approved try as I may she just couldn't get! She told me fax another bill and then call them back and tell the Smart Alltel Employee to go to the fax and get the bill! Nope won't do it I did my part I am not an Alltel Employee, I will not call to make sure that they do their JOB! Anyway when I finally ask to talk to supervisor and when I SAYED THAT she fixed the problem!
January 31, 2008
Bad service!
Unfortunately, about a year and a half ago I convinced my family to switch to Alltel... Biggest mistake of my life! The service is obsolete. It really doesn't work to any degree. I don't receive calls, or even get the sign of a missed call, and rarely receive the voicemail sent to me after friends think I'm ignoring them. When people call my phone they either get voicemail or rings, but on my end of the phone, I get absolutely no notification of a call or missed call.

So once in a blue moon when my calls do work, they drop, 95% of the time. It's like too bad At&t doesn't follow me around because those commercials with the awkward moments when the phone drops are the story of my life. My phone promts me by displaying "Signal faded. Call lost." and there goes my conversation.

All in all, I can't rely on my phone. My employer thinks less of me because I don't receive her calls, my grandma thinks I don't want to talk to her, and my friends and family think I'm ignoring them or mad at them. It's really dampened my social life.

Right before smashing my phone into a million little pieces, I thought Alltel may be able to help me out, so visited the store. They told me the software wasn't updated and then pushed a few buttons and sent me off. No change whatsoever. I returned, and they did the same thing, not listening when i told them they already did it. After about 8 visits, and half my time spent sitting in the Alltel store, they finally decided to send me a refurbished phone, saying my phone must have been defective. (The rest of my family is having the same problems, are all our phones defective, or is the service, hm?) So i get the phone in the mail two weeks later, it was supposed to be 3 to 5 days, and found no improvement. So now I'm on my third phone and they aren't even refurbished, they are half broken, and my service still sucks. Sweeettt. My mom wanted to get another one too when they said that it was just the phones that were defective, but they told her her warranty was up. Which is weird, because we bought our phones on the same day and activated them on the same day... so why is one warranty longer than the other? I'd guess only Alltel would know, but when i asked the customer service agent, he got angry we asked him because 'he doesn't know and it't not his responsibility.'

I'm counting down the days till november when my 2 year contract runs out. ALLTEL IS THE WORST CELL PHONE COMPANY EVER!!!
November 29, 2007
Bill for old account
I changed my number with Alltel because I moved from VA to NC. They told me I had to open a new account and that the old account was paid in full. Little did I know, as I made my payment on time every month for my new account, that I had been billed $179 on my old account. The bills were going to my old address. I did not receive one phone call from alltel during this time. Five months later, a collection from Alltel shows up on my credit report. I call Alltel and get them to change my old account balance back to zero, but that does not help the fact that my credit score dropped 100 points becuase of their mistake! Now they are telling me there is nothing they can do for me. They won't give me a credit on my bill or waive the early termination fee. Alltel screwed my credit up but they won't do anything for me! Their mistake is going to end up costing me thousands of dollars when I buy a house but they can't even waive my $300 early termination fee! Customer service doesn't care and is not willing to help. Me and my whole immediate family will be switching from Alltel when contracts run out.
November 23, 2007
Did not register for this
I did not subscribe to this CSW Jokes and I will not pay for it I do not want it on my bill. Please take it off or action will be made.
September 15, 2007
Poor service!
I would like to report to you the most unsatisfactory help line experience I have ever had: Today (Sept. 15 2007, 10:30-11:20am, Sat.), I called your customer service line 1800-255-8351, which connected me to someone in India:

1) I waited for more than 20 minutes to get one who answered my phone call;
2) The lady on the line was not knowledgeable and helpful: she told me that the account number was my cell phone number. -- I told her that it was wrong. She said "yes"
3) Then, I said "now please go to", click on "Register now" link on the home page;
4) then I showed her that on the AllTel website, the account number and cell phone number were different - it was like that I needed to teach her on AllTel website and operation, rather than her to provide help service to me, a Alltel customer;
5) then she said "hold the line" please, and disappeared and held me online for more than 5 minutes;
6) after she came back (maybe asking help from her friends there?), she said "ok, please use your phone number and PIN I give you now to log in". - she gave the PIN: 1279
7) I followed up her instruction to log in using my cell phone number and PIN, and tried 3 times, but rejected by the AllTecl website. So I told her that I tried it according to her instruction 3 times, but failed.
8) She became inpatient and said "Sir, can you keep trying according to my instruction?" (it sounds like "you are so stupid, even cannot key in your cell phone number and PIN number correctly!")
9) I was afraid now, so I asked and tried to get the confirmation from her: "is your given PIN the same as the Password that was asked by the AllTel website?". She replied "of course, it's the same!" (she used her term PIN to replace AllTel's term "Password" to confuse customer, but she put the blame to customer, "are you so stupid not to konw this common knowledge?!").
10) I was so nervous (and also felt in my mind that I was so stupid like many ordinary and kind American customers would think), and carefully followed up her instruction to key in my cell phone number and PIN (must be PIN according to her, AllTel was wrong to call it "password") she gave me, but the website rejected me again - I kept trying it for other 5 times, and again all failed.
11) Then she said "at least I got it through when I tried it" (if I would have the privilege as a system administer as her, I can surely access to any account as well!). Then she said "ok, please hold the online and I'll connect you to our technical help line!"
12) after about 30 minutes, she received my help to teach her the difference between Alltel account number and Alltel cell phone number, and she "successfully put a blame" on me not to know that PIN and password were actually the same thing (only Alltel used password to confuse customer and she used the right one "PIN" to show her rich knowledge to use the right term), and she "forcefully" asked me to try keying in my cell phone number and PIN (or password?) for more than 8 times (my typing sill has been improved substantially as a result, thanks to her, an excellent Alltel Call Center helper!)..., she finally gave up to help me (because a customer like me, so stupid and knowing little about so advanced IT technology like ordinary stupid American customers do - ironically my job is to teach IT for living in US! I felt so shameful that I knew so little when I talked with a young Call center lady who appeared to know so much more!), and wanted to connect me to the technical service line.
12) What a relief to me - at least I have a new chance not to be considered "a stupid customer"! Maybe I could have a chance to report this unusual customer service (or a better name for it to be "customer torturing") experience to AllTel, so other "stupid American customers" like me may not have to experience it again next time.
13) the service line rang for about one minute with beautiful music for me to enjoy (unfortunately, I felt so shamed and guilty myself, no mood to enjoy such superb and high class music provided free by AllTel).
14) Suddenly, the line was cut off and left me with all deadly silence - I was really silenced totally ... I didn't have another chance to talk with another service person of AllTel (maybe she/he will a really good and qualified person providing quality customer service and I could provide feedback to her/him), but no chance was given, unless I wanted to spend another more than 50 minutes to call Alltel customer service helpline again? Will you?... I won't!
15) So I decided to spend time to report this most unusual customer service experience in my while life to the public, so other "stupid American customers" like me may not have to experience it again next time.

an ordinary customer of
August 27, 2007
Unable to cancel service
Our service was switched from Midwest Wireless to Alltel much to our dismay. As soon as the change took place, customer service and phone service went down hill. We had dropped calls with most every conversation - even dropped calls to customer service and sometimes no service at all. Every call to customer service received a different answer - none of them correct. Being told to go to an Alltel store to fix the service problem, I drove an hour to the closest store only to find that they could not fix the problem either. Store staff informed me customer service did not know what they were doing.

After switching to a different provider, we can not get Alltel to end service to our old phones. The contract has ended but the phones are still usable. We have made six phones calls and written one letter regarding this. We do not want to be billed for any additional charges.
August 20, 2007
Unauthorized charges!
Alltel billed my an additional $5.99 each of three phones or total of $17.97 per month. According to the Service Representative, when you look for ring tones possibilities on the Alltel site, you automatically become subject to the text messages of the latest joke and your horoscope read inf for the day. I reviewed my Alltel account and found that I was being billed and deleted the service.

I have filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission this was admittedly a scam by the employee. if you have had a similar experience, you go the and file a form #1088 and describe the problem.

We will probably pay the bill but will look for another cellular service later.

[email protected]
August 10, 2007
Deceptive billing practices
Cellular/Wireless Sales
Shopko Plaza II
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54495

My daughter Nicole receives cell phone service from Alltel. When the contract expires, we will be canceling our phone service through Alltel and won't go back. Nicole went to the local Alltel office to make her first payment of 186 dollars and change. An Alltel employee named Amy accepted her money and gave her a receipt. When counting the money, Amy divided it up into two piles, one of $100 and one pile containing the $86 and change. My daughter had to remind her to put the $100 in the cash drawer. She then left the store with her receipt. A few days later our phones were shut off due to non payment. Alltel claims that only the $86 and change was paid on the bill. My daughter couldn't find her original receipt, and went to Alltel to get a copy. The Alltel print out showed that some minutes, I think it was 10, after receiving the full payment, $100 was canceled. My daughter did not cancel that $100 nor did she receive $100 back. After MONTHS of dealing unsuccessfully with Alltel, and their outside payment investigation company, they have once again shut off our phones. The payment investigation did not find the Alltel employee or company at fault, since my daughter could not prove that she didn't receive the $100 back from the Alltel employee. It is rather obvious to us that this employee lost, misplaced, or pocketed that $100. And how is a person supposed to prove they didn't receive money? And why would someone pay a bill in full, and then 10 minutes later go back and ask for money back? And who would expect that even if you did ask for the money back, that the company would give it to you? Not only has this been a ridiculously frustrating experience for us, it is costing my young daughter $100 that she already paid in good faith. I called Alltel last night, and the customer service representative hung up on me. My daughter has called numerous times to get the number for the outside investigation company's number, and the Alltel customer service rep claims not to know that phone number. The local store's manager has been incredibly rude to my daughter and she has been disconnected and hung up on several times while trying to resolve this matter. Another employee at the local Alltel store has told my daughter that this is neither the first nor the last incident that has occurred with cash discrepancies concerning the other employee. And still Alltel will not give my daughter the benefit of doubt over this manner.


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