Alltell recently gave in and sold out of Verizon. Nonetheless. their AirCard wireless service is terrible. And it hasn't improved with Verizon taking over either. It doesn't matter what make my AirCard is, it's signal recieved by the card that makes the difference and gees is the service and signal awful.
You would like you are using dial-up internet with this thing! I thought two bucks a day was worth having this service and the freedom to roam around town with an AirCard, but nooooo!
I spend my time what the computer "time-out", slow uploading of pages, my browsers unable to find pages, etc. And by the way, I've been a graphics and website designer and in the internet business since "Mosiac" was the only web browser available. So, I know a few things about technology and brother, this service with Alltell and Verizon is a rip-off. I can't stand companies like Verizon - taking over smaller companies and in the end consumers get less for their hard earned money.