Your child may not be receiving the education your state requires, which may cause issues if you ever attempt to place them back in public school. When ask to confirm that they do conform to state standards the answer I received was as follows. They don't know, don't care if their program meets anyones standards. I find this very alarming and not at all what was pitched to me at the Homeschool conference. Their presentation and web site is dishonest. They sale the program as if it will meet your homeschool needs, how can they know that when they haven't even bothered to identify what those needs are?
There response:
You were concerned about our home school curriculum meeting your state standards. We cannot definitely say that it will due for the fact that our curriculum is Christian based and is not always accepted by all states, but it is used widely throughout the United States and Internationally. You should check with either your State Department of Education or contact the Home School Legal Defense Association ( or 1-540.338.5600) to check what your state requirements are. The 9th grade curriculum that you have completed covers the following topics: Bible (The New Testament Survey), History (Civics & World Geography), Math (Algebra 1), Science (Physical Science II), and Language Arts (English 1).