Our small condominium in Fort Lauderdale Florida has broken trash chute doors that were cited by the fire marshal. We called three trash chute companys for quotes. Two of them said the doors were too broken to repair and needed replacement. Already Chute's owner (also doing business as Ecolo Odor Control) told us "No, no, I can fix these door and give you a 1 year warranty on it, if you also hire me to do your trash chute cleaning". His price of $2800 was half that of the other two companies and with condo budgets the way they are, and based on his offering us a warranty, our Board hired him.
HUGE mistake. He fixed them just enough so that they lasted till the fire marshal re-inspected them. But within the month they were broken again. He would fix them, they would last a few weeks, he would come out again to "fix" them. This went on for almost 9 months till he stopped returning our calls. Exactly at the 1 year mark this May, he called to say the warranty was up. We are now stuck with the same broken doors we had at the beginning, he took our $2800, and the fire marshal is again saying the doors don't meet code and cited us.
Avoid Ecolo/Already like the plague. They also lied by saying their company was licensed. It was not, they have a simple business license issued by the city, not a contractor's license. We would never do business with them again.