I started some 9 years ago when I was told I was about to losse 9000 units of a Talk 1000 contract equated to then R10000 AND so I was hooked as every month I lost airtime and over charged for airtime on normal phones as well as data cards
Don't do business with Autopage when it comes to cellphone contracts as their technical staff and admin staff do not know the left hand from the right. I have been blacked mailed me and my family for the past 14 years with threats of unresolved matters and only payed them because our business relied on the numbers via vodacom as our networks and Autopage as our service provider South Africa. We signed up for contracts got incorrect billing and when made queries found issues were unresolved. My monthly bill fluctuated from R4000 to R8000
I spent WELL OVER R400000 ONLY over last 15 years only last week to be told my lines have been softbared and will handed over to legal on the 15th of July yet previous emails stated that they have accepted my payments. Here you have a company that charges what they like and blames Vodacom or signed contracts yet charge out of contract rates do not cancel data cards so becarefull only go prepaid but never sign a contract please can someone email me on [email protected] the consumer protection association dealing with this but who can fight against Altech its like a GOD unto themselves. I suspect their collection staff earn commission on the suffering of others here in South Africa and perhaps the higher ups dont realise this
The thing is they provide statements and we are expected to check them then query them but what if the billing dept. and accounts are not communicating as is with many companies in South Africa like Autopage?
I have been forced to obtain another prepaid number via another provider and to my amazement find for more or less I am paying 1000 per cent less on a prepaid contract so my advice to Vodacom South Africa Autopage subscribers go prepaid DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THEIR CONTRATS YOU WILL REGRET IT IS WE AS A FAMILY DID ..I now must expect summonses from legal collection agencies plus trying to explainwhy and then bouncing back and forth between an unscrupulous service as Autopage I have lost last week huge amounts of business because they barred my cell numbers for me my wife and kids shame on you AUTOPAGE and your Staff member a Lady by the name of Barbara I hope you can Live with yourself with your lies and deceit and blackmail tactics.