i had the chance to visit this breeder's home in march 2011.
herwebsite claims she never has her dogs in crates. not ture, she has 12 dogs lined up in this little room attatched to her home they are in crates (she call them playpens) but they are crates. and there are only 5 crates for ALL the dogs. and it was not warm in there.
she claims to live on 12 acres, but fails to mention that there are 3 other homes on the same property. the closet one is about 20 yards behind hers. it is hidden behind the tree in her picture she has on her site. the fence in area she has for the dogs is not very big, especially for 12 dogs. i believe the dogs are kept in there "playpens" most of the time.
she has an OFA symbol on her website. there is ONE dog that has been OFa cert.
i have been following her website for quite some time and she seems to have fueds with other breeder quite often.
all of what i am saying is the truth, i am NOT a breeder so i have no reason to try to bad mouth her. besides she is in NY and i live in Ohio so there is no compition.
i am a dog lover and hate to seedogs living in these conditions