my name is amanjeet singh, i work with sama and somebody has deliberately used my name and posted lot of bad stuff about Mala singh and harpreet sethi.
I just want you all to know that whatever has been posted by
IS all written by somebody else and had used my name purposely to bring bad name to my modelling agency and the owner.
I have been working with SAMA MODELS since, August, last year. This agency is like a family to me and all the members are very close to me. I have been treated nicely since i ever started working with them
and my life has changed to a great and good extent.
they have provided me with work in my darkest hours and i have gotten a very good exposure in the media world and our south-asian community.
So, I amanjeet singh, disclaim whatever has been posted using my name, to be my words, this is not me and whoever this person is, should be brave enough to use his/her name to write about such matters.
Lastly, if anybody has any kind of doubt, they should feel free to contact me and please notice the difference between my written language and of that aman-mahautsav