I bought $3,3500 worth of Amana Appliances in December of 2006. I bought a washer, dryer and two refrigerators. The selling dealer (The Maytag Store in Higley AZ) provided me with Rebate certificates on the washer, dryer and one of the refrigerators. The products were delivered to me in late January, and the rebate certificates were put in the US Mail on 1/31/2007. I complied with all the terms and conditions for the rebate. One of them was that the certificates needed to be postmarked by 1/31/2007.
Since I was moving, I was not organized, and did not make copies of the submitted documents. I called Amana in April, and they stated that they never received the documents. I figured, it was lost in the mail, and I lost out. However, on September 20 of 2007, I received my documents back from the USPS with a return to sender sticker on the envelope. The envelope had been misdelivered and opened. It was resealed and returned to me 8 months later. I spoke to many people at Amana, and discovered the PO Box In EL Paso assigned to the rebate had been closed on 1/31/2007. In other words the box was closed on the last day submittals were to be postmarked. Amana refused to do anything about it, because so much time had passed.
In my opinion, the problem was caused by the earlier closure of the PO Box by Amana, and not by anything I had done. I followed the rules. They didn't. Therefore Amana owes me the $100.00 rebate that was lost in the US Mails.