We have evaulated the source of most complaints and would like our customers to note the following. We find that over 85% of the time, customers that are inquiring about rebate status have not even completed their rebate forms. We cannot process or send rebates/gift cards without the completion of a rebate form.
These are the steps (all of which must be completed) to receive rebates/gift cards.
Place order with Digital Landing and receive a valid confirmation from the system.
Have your order installed within 45 days after order is placed
If you replace the order with the service provider, you will not get your rebate
Once your order is installed, send two months of your billing statements from the service provider showing that such order has gone through two billing cycles. This means do not ask for your rebate until at least 40-45 days after you have placed your order.
Once we receive your rebate information, we match it up against what the service provider has sent to us in terms of order status
Rebates are only sent if (a) rebate form is completed properly with supporting documentation and (2) we receive ACTIVE status from provider.
If we do not receive status, or status is cancelled, pending or duplicate, you will not receive a rebate.
We make every effort to ensure all customers get properly credited. We do have reliance on data from our service provider partners.
In the past two years, we have responded to every complaint posted on this board. We find most people, surprised and delighted that we actually pay attention, which we do. Unfortunately, we find many people that complain, even after they have received their rebate (even two or three times).
We would appreciate if customers please contact Jason Gallow at [email protected] prior to posting on the board. Your issue will get resolved far faster. If you have posted and been responded, we would appreciate follow up comment noting the matter has been closed
Thank you
Acceller Team