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Category: Websites
Contact Information California, United States
Amazon Reviews
August 27, 2009
none payment owed
I have been working for amazon MT for almost two weeks now. the whole time letting my pay continue to build. Not knowing they where not going to pay me later down the road. this is what happened.
As of yesterday i went and noticed they in the claims section in their jobs for entering your bank account they dont have a paypal listing. so i wrote them asking if I could have my pay sent to my paypal account. this was their reply:
I am sorry for any misunderstanding about how your Mechanical Turk earnings will be disbursed.
People from all over the world are welcome to join and participate in Mechanical Turk. However, we currently don't offer the ability to disburse payments via PayPal.
Currently funds received in your Mechanical Turk account can only be disbursed to a U.S. checking account or your Gift Card balance. In order to disburse earnings to a U.S. bank account, you will also need a U.S. based Drivers License or U.S. ID card.
If you request payment via gift certificate, the funds are automatically deposited into your Account. They can't be transferred or used on any of our international websites.
so I wrote them this:
This means I cant even use my bank account for canada on here. I'm American living in Canada. I only have two ways I get paid. via my Canadian bank or Paypal. This mean if I get a gift card I cant use it either, because you dont allow them to be used on your international websites. May I ask how the blank do you pay Canadians then? LOL really I would like to know. I would like money not a gift card I cant use. and after all the work I did, this just isnt right.
Please get back to me soon,
[Unhappy American]
this is what they wrote me back again:
I am truly sorry for the frustration this has created for you. However, the information provided in our previous message is correct.
At this time, payment can be made either by ACH deposit to a U.S. bank account or in the form of a gift card balance applied to your account.
You must have a valid U.S. driver's license in order to disburse funds to your personal U.S. bank account. If you have a U.S. bank account and driver's license, you may enter the appropriate information through Mechanical Turk and then disburse funds to your account.
We do hope to be able to offer additional payment services to our international members in the future, and I'm sorry that we're not able to do so now.
I understand you're upset, and I regret that we haven't been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction. We can't offer any additional insight or action.
And yet again my reply:
Then on this day 08/27/09 I expect a check in the mail to me for fund owed to me. I understand you will need to wait for the rest of my hits to be approved. by U.S. laws you have to pay me. Me being an American I know those laws. If within 30 days on 09/27/09 I do not recieve a check. I will make sure to report this. I am truely sorry, I do love MTing for Amazon. This is just not right. It does remind me of someone being prejudice. Many have tolds me of this happening with a contest that was held last year, I have also found others like my self that are not to happy. I just want to get paid in funds. Please do get back to me. I want to know if you will do what I asked or not. So I can take the appropriate actions.
Thank you
I'm waiting to see what they have to say now.
Asha Rijhsinghani
July 18, 2009
Molemax-half amount sent
Please refer to my previous complaint re: Amazon (Molemax). The Amazon sent me the following e-mail today, threatening to close my claim in 3 days. I hope you can contact them in 3 days, and have them return my money, or send me the packages that I had ordered. Thanks, Asha Rijhsinghani.
Below is their today's e-mail:
Hello from
We are actively investigating your A-to-z Guarantee claim for transaction 104-4594303-3042640. The seller indicates that a return has not been received for this order.
In order to further assist us with our investigation, we will need the tracking number used to return the item. Please note that we will be unable to take further action until we receive this information. If this information is not received within three business days, your claim may be closed.
We look forward to your reply, and thank you for your patience during our investigation.
Account Specialist
A-to-z Guarantee Program
amazon hater
July 17, 2009
Music Download Ripoff
Amazon have one click downloads and it is possible to download music without realizing you are getting charged. They do not have a confirmation that "you are getting charged X dollars for this download" Instead, it just goes through and awhile later you get a confirmation email AFTER the fact.
July 6, 2009
Books Listed For Sale Out of Print
We have decided to remove our Kindle links in preparation of closing our Amazon account. To date, very few Kindle ebooks have sold. Recently, however, we discovered that print and ebooks on our catalog which have been long out of print are still being sold by Amazon without restraint. We have repeatedly sent emails to the Customer Service division pointing this out, as it is now the fifth email of this kind sent to them in about a month. Amazon claims to have its customers in mind when making these kinds of decisions but we disagree with their policy of listing "all editions of all books", whether or not they are in print. Their customers may be loyal but they are wholly ignorant of the problems created for the suppliers of content. This creates what is basically a fraudulent situation, especially if buyers purchase the book and then never receive the delivery. Amazon is also loath to refund the sale, and the customer is left with nothing. Similarly, the publisher is also left with nothing but a bad reputation which is no fault but Amazon's. We therefore join our voices in complaint against Amazon for its strangely erratic policies, bad business decisions, and the attempt at restraint of trade toward those who know better how to run their businesses and are disenfranchised by Amazon's creation of what is in effect a monopoly. The intent makes no difference as long as Amazon succeeds, by creating its open "customer oriented" selling model, in creating one nevertheless. Amazon's founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has yet to reply to many of the complaints received on his desk every day from authors and publishers who are not receiving fair treatment. We also are looking into adding our voices to existing cases against Amazon, or initiating a suit ourselves. We will NOT be drawn into a situation which robs us of honest and well-transacted business on behalf of a badly run business like Amazon's.<br />
<br />
Theresa M. Moore<br />
CEO Antellus<br />
June 21, 2009
misgudence and not protecting my rights
I bought a Toshiba laptop from a company name `SPddys` through `` online last month.
When I saw that there was a problem with the touchpad of the laptop, I immediately called the seller and he told me `I should be calling Toshiba and Amazon because Toshiba would help me for the technical support and I am paying the money to Amazon he was just shipping. However Amazon told me that it was NOT TRUE, I was actually paying the money to seller. That means he misguided me either by mistake or on purpose.
When I called Toshiba I did whatever the costumer service told me but it didn’t work. I also have a Toshiba laptop so I am not very far from using laptops and following the gudiences. I asked many times if there was anything that I could do to fix or adjust it but after several trials they assured me that it was defective. I even attached a mouse to be able to adjust it from the settings. ( Later in one of the e -mails the seller asked me how I was able to set the computer if the mouse pad was not working kind of indicating that I was lying. This is the very simple answer to that question.) Toshiba suggested me bring the laptop but they told me that once they opened it I wouldn’t be able to return it. Also why should I be paying full amount for the defective item and used the warranty? I didn’t have car or time to look for Toshiba service and go back and forth and wait for them to fix it. So I didn`t.My friends also suggested trying to fix it but I didn`t let them because of the warranty issue, once it was opened I wouldn’t be able to return it and it was not for sure that they would be able to . I also read some internet reviews on touch pad problems some of which wrote it could be an important system problem so I didn`t want to risk it.
After talking to Toshiba I called Amazon and told about it and they guided me to fill a file against him. I had limited time in the USA so I had to act quickly. However I was reluctant to file the case so I made sure that if he responded and fixed the problem I could cancel the file by asking the costumer service of Amazon. I called the seller again but he didn`t pick up the phone that day. I called him next day in the morning again the and left a voicemail message and but he didn`t turn me back. I sent him and e mail and he replied me telling if I had contacted him he would have fixed it but as I filed a case against him he wouldn’t be able to help me in an angry tone. I was surprised and told him that I was guided by Amazon after what he told me and I could cancel the file any moment if he fixed it thinking may be he didn’t know I could cancel the file and he could still fix it but he sent me an e mail telling he wouldn`t talk to me until the case was over. He wrote me it was against the rules to contact to customer if there was a file. I was totally confused because I called Amazon and they told me I could cancel the file if he would ever fix it??? When I called Amazon telling all about, they recommended me not cancel the file. Also he didn’t contact me at all after that.
Before I returned the laptop I called Amazon again because I had concerns that the seller might not be very confidential and he was also angry and wouldn`t want to refund me but Amazon assured me that I would get a full refund because it is Amazon A Z. Had I known that there was a risk of being partially refunded I wouldn’t have returned it because I already had lost my confidence to seller but I had confidence in Amazon.
As I sent the laptop directly to seller not to Amazon since I was guided to do so, I can never be sure whether it was fixed after I returned it. If it was something fixable without opening the laptop, Toshiba would have guided me too or the seller could have called me and guided me but he never did. My all calls with Toshiba were also recorded. My case number is 1-1212821094. Amazon should receive the returned products to make sure that nothing is missing or they are not fixed by the sellers. This is the very big system error.
The seller has never been apologetic but rather angry and never wanted to negotiate with me. He not only failed to guide but also rejected to help me, he doesn’t have any customer service and didn’t answer my calls. He was not being professional. There was a mismatch between what Amazon assured me and what he told me.
He cut off $130 from me claiming it was flawless, he could only sell it as opened. What he told me he did and it worked was what Toshiba also guided me to do but it didn’t work at all. What Amazon responded me was the seller cut off %20 because it was returned and it was flawless and the case was over.
SO he got my money and can still sell it to good price and he lost nothing. It is totally unfair because I had hard time calling all the people and dealing with that issue and I hardly got my partial refund. I did everything according to guidance and now I am paying for that. I wrote to Amazon again about this but they no longer contact me.
I really dont know what else I can do.
Dilek Sahin
May 21, 2009
Lack of Customer service
was paid for an item through amazon payments service online in the amount of 300. I verified my bank account with amazon and attempted to withdraw the 300 dollars into my chase bank account. I received a email saying the transfer failed. I called my bank and they said the transfer was not blocked on their end. I proceeded to attempt the withdawl again at which time I realized they put a hold on my account. I was given no reason for the hold and told customer service could not access my account. I was told my account could only be accessed by an account specialist. They proceeded to tell me that there is absolutely no phone number and all contact must be emailed to the account reps and that I would receive a response withing 48 hours.
After a total of 5 phone calls I still hadnt received a response from anyone. I called amazon again today may 21st and Customer service told me that it was my fault that I hadnt received a response because the form I filled out was incomplete.I had not told them my banks phone number. I told the customer service rep that I had not filled out the form, but rather one of their reps had filled it out for me and never asked me what my banks phone number was. I have multiple bank information on my account and asked the rep which number he needed and he told me he could not tell because he could not access the account. I would have to re fill out the form and wait an additional 24-48 Hours for a response from an acoount representative. I told the rep that I want the 300 dollars deposited in my bank account and my amazon payment account closed or I want the Amazon payments customer that sent me the money to have their credit card credited back for the 300 dollars. The rep told me he can do nothing to the account because its on hold and he would have to wait for an account specialist to take the account off hold. So at this point in time i cant even close my account or thouch my 300 dollars. This is the worst customer service I have ever had. This actually isnt customer service because the department does not have the power to provide me with any service whatsoever. All of the service lies in the hands of the Account specialist who dont even have a phone number.
May 11, 2009
Extra charges
I made an e-shopping to and after got the information I should pay more than 80 USD for duties and taxes (the amount spent for shopping was 35 USD) I refused delivery and ask Amazon to cancel my order.
Sent them a mail to inform and got a reply saying they has refund my CC account. I was surprised to discover that I was CHARGED (again) in 44 USD! Really... Not a credit but a DEBIT!
After send information to Amazon, got an answer to check later or contact my CC company and clarify issue. What??? Debit is still there. I am so upset to Amazon I could resign from refund, even, but having a amount charged from my CC is an insult!
February 12, 2009
Rip off company
If you go to Amazon and search for 'Economics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary Edition' you will see a photo of that specific book -- which is a very precise edition of this title with information not found in other editions. Amazon says that they have 'other copies' of this edition for sale for $11.16 instead of the list price of $14.95.
Actually Amazon has not purchased any copies of this edition of the book at all. When you click on the 'Other copies: $11.16' Amazon diverts people away from the 50th Anniversary Edition to a completely different version, which they do sell. There are shops on Amazon who do sell the 50th Anniversary edition but they loose business because Amazon falsely claims that the one for $11.16' is another copy of the same edition when it is not. There own site indicates that 84% of the people who look for the 50th Anniversary edition actually end up buying a version that is not the same, and wasn't updated. At no point are they told they being sent to a different edition with different content.
It is false to claim that they are selling the same book for $11.16 when then are some significant differences. Buyers don't know that Amazon has pushed them away from the version they were looking for to a version that is older, not as current in the numbers, and with different introductory material. Amazon does this because they don't actually sell the first book (even though they are pretending they do) but they do sell the cheaper, less recent edition.
mark benson
January 29, 2009
amazon closed account
we have had our amazon seller account closed permanently, after complaints from sellers, but we refunded all unhappy customers and we can not control customers who lie and find items cheaper else where, purposely damage items then ask for a refund as they are low on funds. we run 2 stores and they problems exist in the real world, and they do happen with online sales.
We contacted amazon many times explaing we refunded or replaced all un happy customers, and would like to work more closely with amazon to keep things within their rules and guidlines, we even asked if we could trade on a 6 months trail period.
Amazon were not help what so ever, no converstaions or discussions, perviosuly they were happy to take their cut of the 5k we sold each month on their site. we feel very let down and the lack of communication and flexibility of amazon is disgusting.
January 19, 2009
False Advertising
Let me say that I was an avid Amazon supporter, but not anymore. On January 9, 2009, I was finally able to order an item that Amazon had shown as Out of Stock for several weeks. When I placed my order, the item showed in stock with next day delivery available. To save money, I chose their Free Super Saver Shipping. The item should have been shipped within 5 business days. After completing my order, I checked the status and everything seemed OK. I checked a few days later, and Amazon showed the item with an estimated delivery of February 20th - March 13. I immediately went to their site and saw that the same item had increased in price, but still had a 1 day delivery option. I spent another 2 days with their useless customer service department trying to make them understand that I shouldn't have to wait 2 months for an item that they show available with 1 day shipping. One of the reps explained that I could cancel my order and pay the new price to be sure I got the item quicker. That just blew me away and so, needless to say, I'm done with Amazon!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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