Ambit Energy Reviews
February 11, 2010
January 11, 2010
Billing scam
My wife & I use Ambit Energy for electric service. We (Ambit Energy, and my wife & I) are currently in the middle of a fixed rate contract of 10.5 cents per kilowatt hour for electric service. This fixed rate means that the consumer should pay that fee per kilowatt hour and no more per kilowatt hour for the term of the contract (which does not expire for many months to come). I understand there are a few negligible charges on electric bills, such as an energy efficiency charge, advanced meter charge, taxes and such those are expected. However Ambit Energy is now being charged a higher rate per kilowatt hour for wholesale electric service by Oncor Electric Delivery, and is attempting to bypass the fixed rate contract by charging their customers an Oncor Delivery Rate Increase above and beyond the hourly rate. This in turn has increased our most recent bill of $485.84 to $500.74 before taxes & fees an additional $14.90 which is an effective increase from 10.5 cents per kilowatt hour to 10.82 cents per kilowatt hour. Also Ambit Energy, as of our most recent bill, back charged us this kilowatt hour increase from 9/9/2009 all the way to 01/05/2010. This is probably illegal and is definitely immoral for Ambit Energy to break the contract between their company and the consumer by charging a higher kilowatt hourly rate via an underhanded business tactic. Note: I spoke to a rep & a supervisor at Ambit, but they could not help me. In my opinion Ambit Energy should be fined a large amount of money by the PUC of Texas for this action, which according to the Ambit customer service representatives I spoke to affects ALL of their customers. And all such illegal fees should be refunded to the affected customers, including myself. From 9/9/2009 to 1/5/2010 the total fees defrauded from me by Ambit equal $25.68 and I anticipate they will continue to charge me (AND OTHER AMBIT CUSTOMERS) additional fees until this scam is stopped.
December 2, 2009
What they simply won't tell you about Ambit Energy!
Posted: 12/2/2009 - 1 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]
Financial Freedom can simply be achieved by eliminateing your regular monthly expenses!
I was fortunate to find a company that i have been involved in now for two years, i was able to eliminate my monthly mortgage payment, bmw note and light bill. There were things that i was not able to do before because i had no time, i had to work overtime at work to keep up with my monthly bills. Well i know that statment sounds redundant but most people can relate to it. For me i was working on a job every day that required me to put in more time and effort and barely pay out all of my monthly expenses. On top of that i felt like a slave to my job, in essense the job was owning me not the other way around. I knew it was time for a major change. I would say that the biggest effect the Ambit opportunity has allowed me is the ability to go back to my job every morning more by want than need. I don't think that there is anything wrong with haveing a job, but i do think that you ought to be able to wake up every morning with the ball in your court. See all financial freedom is the ability to make choices that will not effect you financially. It meant takeing back ownership of my life. (More time) That is what financial freedom is to me. I am not hear to sell anyone on the Ambit opportunity but i wanted to tell my story and let people know that you can be a becan of light in other peoples life simply by shareing your life experiences. I f you would like to contact me simply to ask a question or anything my door is open. If you would like to find out more about the Ambit opportunity or [email protected] 866-532-5550
July 30, 2009
Ambit is a rip off
Where do I begin??? I have only had Ambit Energy since October 2008. I REGRET signing up for a contract on July 3, 2009. I had a bill due on July 10th. I was in the middle of moving, and I do admit I did not pay it. HOWEVER, I NEVER RECEIVED A DISCONNECTION NOTICE. I DID receive 2 more bills. One showing a due date of July 31 and another showing August 10th. I know once was final bill from previous address. So, when I got my bill showing due July 31, I thought ok, it shows past due balance, new total balance, and due date. NOTHING ABOUT DISCONNECTION CHARGES, DISCONNECTION OR ANYTHING TO THAT NATURE. So, I wanted to find out what the full amount was that I owed so I could send a check. So on Tuesday, July 28th, I called them on my lunch break. Out of my 30 minute lunch break, I spent about 15 minutes ON HOLD listening to the recording asking if I was calling to establish new service to press another number and if not the call would go to the next available customer service rep. The next rep NEVER answered. When I came home, SURPRISE NO POWER.I called Ambit Energy and was on hold AGAIN from 5:33pm -5:46 and the line was disconnected. I called AGAIN and was on hold for another 10 minutes before a rep, Garron answered. He said it was due to bill not paid. I explained the bill problem and that I had called that afternoon with no answer. I was told I would have to pay almost 300 to get reconnected., my past due plus fees. And that power would be connected in the next 24 hours. I told the rep I was a single mom and had NO WHERE to go. He said they send a disconnection notice. I told him, they may have sent it but I did not get it. He said they also called but admitted if it goes to voce mail they do NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. I told him a call doesn’t mean jack if they do not leave a message. I work during the day and cannot answer my cell phone. I told him I’ll make the payment since I don‘t have a choice and move on. I had already asked for a supervisor, but he told me there were no supervisors. After I made the payment and got a confirmation #, I told him I find it is odd that a call center does not have a supervisor there, then all the sudden, he offered to get one for me. I spoke with a “so called supervisor” named Fred. He gave me the same spill and said “If you had called us earlier in the day, we could have had your power turned back on today.” I had to remind him again, I HAD called and was on hold for 15 minutes with no answer. He said they sometimes experience high call volumes. Well, I wonder why!!! I told him I work at a call center myself and 20 minute hold time before anyone ever answers is UNACCEPTABLE. He didn’t seem to care that the customer service sucked! He told me and I QUOTE “We will send the reconnection to Encore as a priority. All of our reconnections are sent as priority.” I called Encore about an hour later to follow up on the order. I spoke to a supervisor named Stephanie, and she told me AMBIT DOES NOT send reconnections as standard and the only way to get a priority order is by paying another $98 fee!! FRED, the SUPERVISOR never even mentioned that as an option, but did say ALL RECONNECTIONS were sent as priority. SHE told me it can be anywhere from 8am-midngiht. MORE THAN 24 HOURS, as stated by Ambit. So, my son and I spent most of our night outside and driving around. We came back home to sleep in a hot upstairs apartment. (not a good night for either of us to sleep in, but had no money for hotel or anywhere to go). The power finally came back on at 8:29am. Thank God I had taken the day off for something. THIS IS NOT OVER. I called On Wednesday to get the balance left and due date. The rep told me it was STILL due on July 31, 3 days later for Another $200. I told her I can’t pay it. She said “We will send a disconnection notice on Aug 1 and you will have 10 more days to pay.” I told her, “ No I am calling you now and telling you ahead of time, I cannot pay it by then since I just paid almost 300 last night!” She repeated herself and I told her again, I can’t pay it. After I got mad about it, she finally said “We can make payment arrangements for 60% of the bill PLUS A 20 FEE !!! (ANOTHER AMBIT FEE, and TO HELP YOU). I told her I had already filled a complaint with BBB and hung up. But WAIT, IT’S STILL NOT OVER…..As a single mom, I just paid $300, and have 200 more due in 3 days later, PLUS another 110 due on August 10th, I contacted SEVERAL community resource companies to get help with the bill (one of which helped me with TXU before). NONE of these community resource places would deal with AMBIT Energy. I told her I don’t blame them. I had signed a contract on July 3rd. When I signed up for that contract for a year to get cheaper rates, it said if you end your contract before the renewal date, one year later, they would charge a FEE of $199. That contract gave me 11 cents per kilowatt!!! I just checked it on line today, and AMBIT put me back on the month to month Ambit standard plan for 17 cents a kilowatt !!! So that sucks, that now they are charging me EVEN MORE and you are not allowed to change your plan until the next billing cycle. HOWEVER, now that I am not on the contract, I WILL GO BACK TO TXU OR ANYONE ELSE once I get money for another deposit. I will NEVER AGAIN SUPORT AMBIT ENERGY AND you shouldn’t either. I am a single mom and needed to save the money. But when the power gets turned off or you need help from Ambit, they don’t give a rats a**. I had TXU for years and was ALWAYS able to make arrangements, and they didn’t charge me a stupid fee!!, With TXU, my power had only been turned off once with TXU. Not even one year with Ambit and it has been turned off TWICE. TXU offers the option to pay a priority fee and I had my power was back on within 3 hours with them!!!
I may be paying more pre kilowatt, but it is worth it to get electricity, great customer service, not lied to and flat ripped off!!!
That’s all I got to say about Ambit. DON’T LET THE MONEY SAVING FOOL YOU. This GREAT DEAL is only on the outside, once you get in, they SUCK!!!
April 14, 2009
Average Billing Scam
I bought a home a year ago and signed up for Ambit Energy for my new home through a friend consultant. I got a rate of 10.94 cents/kWh which is a very good deal. However, just this month, I reached the 13 month after my 1 year contract and I received a bill over $620. My highest bill in the last 12 months was $164.79 and my average usage in the last 12 months was 890 kWh. So I called customer service and I found out that I was on the average billing plan. I pulled out my contract and saw that there was no mention in there that I had enrolled in such a plan. The representative said that the plan helps me during the summer months when electricity is expected to be high. But how does the plan help any consumer in their right mind if they have to pay for a bill that's over $450 more than their highest bill in the past 12 months at the end of the 12 month term. No one would have budgeted for it.
I think this plan is a scam to mislead people to initially believe that they're saving money, but in the end have to pay it all back. More upsetting is that they do not tell their customers they have signed up for this plan verbally or written.
Stay away from Ambit and save yourself trouble. You can go to to see their complaint rating (I should have done that a long time ago).
April 9, 2009
This company is a scam, In fact the founder Jere Thompson
previously ran another company he started into the ground,
Caprock Communications.
This company lies, and unable to help in times of crises.
Asked for a 2 day extension, and was told “the computer does
it and there is nothing I can do for you, sorry”. I paid off all
but $40.00 of a 390.00 electric bill and was still disconnected
for nonpayment. Yeah, that’s right, disconnected for $40.00.
They then wanted the $40 + $90 for disconnect, reconnect. They
suck, and have no idea how they should treat there customers.
Jere screwed his customer, and employees at Caprock.
Seems like he is up to his same old tricks.
December 30, 2008
These people have disconnected my service when i had mailed 2 checks (i have 2 accts) in one envelope. I was on hold for 1.5 hours.
When i called after Hurricane Ike to cancel because the house was too badly damaged to rent so therefore no need for electricity. They told me it would take a week and i would have to pay for that. That was O.K. at the time but thy never turned it off! They claim that I never called them. I did. I noted it in my planner. the second time i called I asked for a tracking number so that i would have something to reference, they said they don't do that. The call was recorded and they would keep the record of it. again I was on hold for over an hour. there was no electricity at that house fro 3 weeks after Ike, I was still billed for it! Now they are charging me a disconect fee when the original contract was month to month.
Don't use this company. Anyone that askes you to is either stupeid or don't mind taking advantage of there friends.
Dave O.
December 29, 2008
Bait and Switch
Ambit Energy states that they will provide you with a very good rate but will change it (doubled it in my case) the following month after your service is activated. They will also put you in an Average Billing catagory so when you finally get smart enough to leave them you will get a LARGE BILL with your overage charged to you! This is not a very ethical company and they show no remorse for their 'grey' business practices. I thought TXU was bad but Ambit has just raised the stakes!
Donna Carson
December 21, 2008
Extremely BAD Customer service
Do not believe the line that the rates will be lower, or that your bill will be too, and one thing that we noticed also was that your bill will come in 3 week cycles, with absolutely NO grace period. not even 1 day!!! And your services will be shut off!!! The phone lines are horrible when trying to contact customer service, unless you go through "the new customer" department. This is one of the biggest mistakes we've ever made as far as utility companies, we never should have switched!!! Our bill has more than doubled!!! DO NOT buy into Ambit!!!
Vicki Soukup
December 15, 2008
Billing scam
Since Hurricane Ike, Ambit Energy has billed me for AVERAGE use (exceeding > 1, 000 KWh) and has charged me $9.99 for failure to use the minimum KWh. Given the nature of this disaster, there was NO POWER to use, but I was billed for an estimated average and then charged a penalty for FAILURE to use minimum KWH. From Sept-Oct 2008, I used 318 KWH and was charged $179.09. From Oct-Nov 5, 2008, I used 802 KWH and was charged $169.34. When I called, I was told that I was on average billing, so I wouldn't be able to tell that I had been credited. Now, I have been advised that for 926 KWH, I have a bill for $188.86. I don't think the customer should be penalized for not using electricity, particularly when there is NO POWER due to a national disaster. They are refusing to let me out of my contract - please, please help me with this scam!
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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