My family loves eating "Ambrosia" apples, which are hard to find at times. Safeway has them for $1.99 per lb., and I've been purchasing them. But when I do go to eat them, out of a dozen apples that I had got (the first time), only half of them turned out to be real "Ambrosia" apples. The rest were NOT. They were either "Gala" apples or "New Zealand" apples. And all these apples look the same in appearence. It's only when you bite into them can you tell the difference. "Gala" apples are much darker inside (darker yellow), not as crunchy, and a whole different taste. There is a BIG difference between an "Ambrosia" apples and the rest of the apples that have the same outside appearence.
Now, "Gala" apples and others like it, are anywhere from $0.79 - 0.99 per lb. And as I mentioned, "Ambrosia" apples are $1.99 per pound. That's a big difference. So when I go to buy "Ambrosia's", I expect them to be what they are labeled to be, and what I paid for.
I feel very... "jipped". I will no longer purchase these apples from Safeway until they seriously look into this situation. I am no loon. Ask any apple lover or Ambrosia lovers. They will all agree that the ones at Safeway are not all Abrosia, although they are labeled that.
Please look into this.