AmCorp Management sells a business opportunity that provides expense recovery audit services to businesses. They claim to have been recognized on numerous major TV stations such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg and many others. They also claim to have been highlighted in newspapers and magazines such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Entrepreneur Magazine.
AmCorp representations included claims to have a client list that includes notable companies such as Ford Motor, AT& Technologies, McDonald's, Spring, GE Capital, and many more.
AmCorp claims that their services help a significant percentage of clients that meet their minimum criteria. For example, their Utility Audit marketing materials making the following written claims in their brochures:
"A typical utility audit uncovers overcharges that range from 8% to 12% of your utility payments. This could mean huge utility savings for you.
If your company spends over $100, 000 a year on Electric, Gas or Telecom you qualify, or if your company spends over $200, 000 collectively between all your utility costs you qualify. We provide every qualified business with a risk free opportunity to analyze their current utility expenses. Over 88% of those clients are rewarded by refunds, lower utility costs or both."
When they sell the business opportunity they provide the purchaser with information regarding their average recoveries from the prior year and several people to discuss the business opportunity with and the success they have.
None of the purported facts and statistics they provide have proven to be true.
We have filed a claim with the State of Florida, which is where we purchased the business opportunity. What they have done in Florida and in many other states is commit a felony.
I am aware of others who have purchased the business opportunity and hundreds of other people that sign up for their "free" entry that requires you to pay a monthly fee of $29.95 for their back office system.
The founders of this company, Darren and Darryl Oliver, are preparing to bankrupt AmCorp or down size it significantly. They are starting a new company called American Expense Analytics, LLC (A Michigan Company). The Oliver's state they are not part of the new company however that is not entirely true. They are now hiding deeper behind other legal entities that have ownership interests in the new American Expense Analytics, LLC entity and have convinced others to take the lead so they can distance themselves from the organization. Mr Oliver did state that he is a "consultant" for this company. They are also involved with several other companies to collect IT fees etc. from people.
The Oliver's were involved in a previous company with a questionable history. That company was named the Tax Recovery Group, also referred to as TRG.