My original mortage was in April 2006. Was taken over by ASC only 3 months into said loan. I was never advised of same. Just recvd info in mail from ASC! Since the beginning of said loan I have remiited my payments always in a timely fashion..never a late payment. If they did not recv the payment by the 5th of month I would recieve a call either at my offfice or at my home. Unacceptable.!
I was advised by the original lender that I could refinance within 2 years to a fixed rate. When that time came and I contacted ASC referenicng same I was advised that I should wait for the letter to be recvd from ASC referencing Rate increase before they could act upon an adjustment. I recvd said letter and called and was abruptly "offed" and advised that they could not assist me! I continued to pay as per their statement to me with the rate increase from 6.820% to 8.000%higher. I want to remain in my property. So I paid as indicated in a timely fashion as always. That was in June of 2008. A dollar increase of $271.89. Another rate increase in December 2008 from 8.000% to 9.000%. A dollar increase of $237.11. I again contacted ASC because I lost my job. My company closed it's doors in August of 2008. In August of 2008 also I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery was completed along with necessary follow up. I again requested help from lender (ASC) to reduce payments to $2000.00 per month for about 2 years or at least to the original amount indicating to them that I do have a Business Opportunity awaiting me after my necessary treatments for cancer. Hopefully requesting a decrease in APR @ 4.000% to 6.000%.
Now I'm up the creek!? going forward I have requested a Modificationn with the Governments Home owners assistance Program. Good Luck to me!! :) Poorly organized company. Wells Fargo was no support ref same either.