American Express AMEX Christopher Bown

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Phoenix, Arizona, United States

American Express AMEX Christopher Bown Reviews

scammedbybown November 11, 2009
Former AWSM Technology Owner Works for AMEX
I was looking on the Internet recently searching: “AWSM Technology” and I found Christopher Bown’s resume. I am a victim of AWSM Technology who was taken for thousands of dollars. Christopher Bown was one of the partners of AWSM Technology. I see now that he’s working for American Express. I wonder if AMEX knows that they have a criminal working for them?

AWSM Technology took millions of dollars from their victims between 2005 – 2007. Christopher Bown was the Chief Technology Officer and Partner in this venture. AWSM took me for almost ten thousand dollars by promising first page ranking on the search engines with their “AWSM technology”. This “technology” was nothing but a simple website.

The scam was they the victims were sold a site for a few hundred dollars. They were then assigned to an Ad Director who was little more than an out of work car salesman. The Ad Director’s job was to obtain more money from the mark by any means necessary. This included lying about the service, browbeating and other forms of abuse.

Not only did the sites never actually work right but they were poorly made too. I waited almost five months for all of my sites to be completed. During that whole time I received countless calls from my Ad Director demanding more money. I spent almost $10, 000.00 on two, poorly built, sites that have never made me a dime.

Mr. Bown has obviously seen how his name comes up on the Internet in association with AWSM Technology. Recently, he has taken measures to disassociate himself from that name. He has removed it from his resume.

This is what Bown did, AWSM Technology used to be named Ad Foresight. He has removed the AWSM name from his resume and now refers to that experience as being from AD Foresight; AWSM’s old name.

AWSM then changed their name again to SearchMarketing. As you can see, Bown has that down as an experience on his resume. AD Foresight/AWSM Technology/SearchMarketing are the SAME company under three different names!

Right now, AWSM Technology is part of a Class Action Lawsuit. Here are some details about that which are public record:

Filed with American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) on behalf of Frank Stokes, but submitted as a potential “class arbitration” (i.e., class action).

• AAA Case No.: 11-147-002374-06

• Styled as: Stokes v. AWSM Technology, LLC

• Arbitrator: Brendan N. Hare

**In an Order dated June 22, 2007, the Arbitrator ruled in favor of Frank Stokes on Clause Construction issue. Specifically, the Arbitrator found that “the arbitration clause in question permits the arbitration to proceed on behalf of a class.” A copy of the Order (called a “Clause Construction Award”) can be downloaded by clicking here.**

**Pursuant to AAA rules, the case will now be stayed for 30 days (until July 23, 2007) to allow for any appeal of the Arbitrator’s decision. After that, the case will proceed to the Class Determination Phase.**

Back to my experience with AWSM, in 2007 I was contacted about a seminar at AWSM’s Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona to teach me to run my sites. I attended this seminar and met Mr. Bown who was introduced to me as one of the owners. This seminar was little more then a clever sales pitch designed to get us all in a room so their Ad Directors could work on us to buy even more worthless services.

Shortly after this, AWSM Technology went out of business; they closed their doors. Soon after, I began getting calls from Searchmarketing saying that they had taken over the AWSM Accounts and would now *finally* show me how to make money with these sites. Of course it cost even more money to get started.

Disgusted, I finally quit AWSM and joined the Class Action Lawsuit. I am wondering if Chris Bown was truthful with American Express when he interviewed with them? Did he tell them that he was on the run from a company that scammed millions out of people? Does American Express know Mr. Bown’s history?

I am posting Bown’s resume below this and below that I am posting some things that other people have written about AWSM Technology. Look at Bown’s resume and see how the words “AWSM Technology” have been removed from it.

Christopher Bown 3117 West Saint Kateri Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85041
Phone: 602-738-7547 Email: [email protected]

• 7 years .Net experience (C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, XML)

• 9 years database programming, design and administration (SQL 2000, 05, 08)

• 11 years HTML, JavaScript, CSS

• 9 years VB, ASP

• 2 years WMI, ADSI

• 4 years CRM

• 1 year Java

• 1 year Continuous build systems

• 1 year unit testing (NUnit, MSTest)


• 8 years windows server and workstation, installation and management (IIS, DNS, DHCP, SQL Server)

• 9 years networking design and administration

• 9 years telecom management, traditional PBX systems and VoIP systems.


• 5 years of team building and employee development.

• 5 years managing overseas employees and vendors.

• 8 years brand development and management.

• 6 years project management.

Software Integration

• Developed proprietary blogging service using .Net and SQL server. Integrated the system with and other third party systems.

• Developed a patent pending website navigation/SEO tool using ASP, VB6 and SQL 2000 initially then converting the system to .Net and SQL 2005.

• Developed multiple custom websites for customers using a variety of technologies including, .Net, ASP.Net, ASP, PHP, SQL, MySQL etc.

Professional Experience
American Express/CDI Phoenix, AZ 2008-Current
Senior .Net Developer

• Integrate .Net into existing continuous build system.

• Testing and contributing to open source project used to integrate into the system.

• Contributed to design and functionality decisions for the project.

• Working on plug-ins for the build system using Java and C#.

• Interfacing .Net systems with Java systems.

• Piloted continuous build system with project teams to determine needs and how the teams would use the system.

• Training and support of project teams using the system in production.

• Piloted Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2005 and 2008.

• Work with different vendors and internal teams to integrate different tools into the system.

Searchmarketing LLC Phoenix, AZ 2006-2008
Senior Developer/Project Manager

• Designed, programmed and implemented custom blogging and social networking system that hosts more than 5, 000 blogs using:

o .Net application programming

o ASP.Net

o Web Services



o SQL 2005

o IIS 6.0


o XML interface/Web services to integrate third party services

• Managed the production team in office and overseas.

• Installed and managed company network.

• Developed new employees, young programmers.

• Helped with initial branding of the company, managing and maintaining that brand.

• Designed the logo for the company.

Ad Forsight LLC/AWSM Technology LLC Phoenix, AZ 2003-2006
Senior Developer/Project Manager

• Designed, programmed and maintained a patent pending system to automatically create navigation sitemaps. System consists of:

o Web spiders built initially in VB 6 and rebuilt use .Net,

o HTML processor originally built in VB 6 and rebuilt in .Net,

o Picture taking bot to take screen shots of the web page originally built in VB 6 and rebuilt in .Net,

o FTP bot to FTP the images to the storage server so the website could access the images built in .Net.

o Sitemap webpage originally built in ASP and rebuilt in ASP.Net.

o Database originally in SQL 2000 ported to SQL 2005.

o Web server and storage servers for all the sites and information.

• Developed new employees and young programmers.

• Hired and managed in house and overseas production staff and customer support teams.

• Designed and implemented systems that produced 100 template based websites a week with custom content.

• Installed and maintained 14 production servers including DNS, Databases, IIS and third party CMS software.

• Designed, installed and managed computer network.

• Evaluated and oversaw the implementation of CRM system ( Managed the conversion from paper based tracking of customers to

• Worked with CEO and outside counsel to produce documentation to apply for a patent that is pending.

• Designed and implemented multiple software systems including dynamic e-commerce and online marketing systems.

• Assisted company transition through a buyout and development of the new company and brand; AWSM Technology LLC.

• Built website and integrated the site with internal database systems for US consumer protection organization.

Ad Forsight Inc Phoenix, AZ 2000-2003

• Worked on multiple website/e-commerce development projects for small to fortune 500 companies using a variety of technologies.




o JavaScript


o MS-SQL, MySQL, Access and Excel

o .Net

• Helped with customer service issues.

• Evaluated company’s hosting issues and designed and transitioned the hosting to a new solution that increased website availability and customer satisfaction while decreasing hosting costs.

• Helped the design team create and maintain brands for company and customers.

• Helped develop processes to capture accurate and relevant user information from customer websites.

2002 Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems. DeVry University, Phoenix, AZ


AWSM Technology Complaint by Frank26

I need help with anyone that can help me fight AWSM technology. They stole over $30, 000.00 from me ! Is there anyone out there that can talk to me ? I trully need help . I know about the lawsuit with GLOVER / VAN COTT but do not know what this means to me . I do not know how to be a part of this clas action suit.

I would be greatfully thankful if someone can teach me how to fight for my money . I am paying 5 credit cards because AWSM told me i could pay them off in less than 3 months.

I have accumilated alot of information since 2005 when i was rapped by awsm . These people have to be stopped ... they are very evil .

Junior Member Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 21

-AWSM Technologies, LLC Embezzlement-

I am a novice at affiliate marketing. I am a licensed partner with AWSM Technologies, LLC. The AWSM ad directors are remiss in providing orientation & information on how to collect commissions. I am filing a criminal complaint with the Arizona attorney general regarding AWSM failure to educate AWSM licensed partners about Linkshare, and the fact that AWSM does not list AWSM Technologies, LLC licensed partners code numbers on the products. Instead, AWSM lists AWSM's code numbers on all products only, because AWSM is a proprietary technologies affiliate. Therefore, AWSM collects the commissions, but AWSM fails to pass the commissions on to the AWSM Technologies, LLC licensed partners.

This is exploitation by misusing the resources of licensed partners for personal or monetary benefit (embezzlement).

I inadvertently found out about Linkshare via the AWSM attorney who mentioned Linkshare in his filings with the Arbitrator. AWSM ad directors are too involved in marketing and collecting enrollment fees and investments from their consumers to educate the consumers about Linkshare, merchant sites, and in particular, how to collect commissions. There are thousands of other AWSM licensed partners who don't know what to do next.

P. S.: Send this to other AWSM licensed partners on your email lists, and tell them to file with the AZ attorney general! Use my filing number as a cross reference to beat any "statute of limitations": -case#CIC 06-08929 AWSM Technologies- (

Peon Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 5

Hey Gents,

Heres the low down again...Mr. Questions first of all save your money my friend. When i first joined up i was under the impression that i would be making money say not the first pay check but the second one after christmas. They initially tell you you'll make 300% on your investment. Im not sure if they are still telling you guys that or not who knows. Either way i have been trying to get my money back from these guys and it's like pulling teeth from them. Once i gave them my cc the money was gone the very next day, but god help you if you try to get it back...Anyways i have been talking to a gentelmen by the name of Ron for the past day or so, he's a nice guy i will give em that and i believe his intentions are good but i feel that the company is like no matter what under no circumstances we are not go give a refund. So he tells me to talk to a gentleman by the name of Robert and i'll leave it at that not including his lastname. Anyways the guys is another smooth guy, very nice etc and i initially told him i'd like to try to get a refund. He tells me from his experience of investing the 10K's it's taken like a year and a half to see the return on his money which is about 20k a month. Pretty good money yes...But i didn't invest the 10g's...Anyways he goes into saying i know you need money now we have this new concept which is something like micro sites, i saw the examples, they looked great, great ideas everything...These sites are supposed to immediately bring in money, and im sure they do ok...but then he goes they are like 5K...Im like wtf...Im here to try to get my money back and your upselling me????????? lol unbelieveable...So while were talking i think he clued in i wasn't gonna do this and he throws out partially through the conversation that im not gonna get my money back, yada, yada, yada...Im like thats not right. We initally talked some more he said i needed to talk to Ron again. I said they directed me to u ..whats up with that??? He said he's here to make money for people he doesn't do the refunds etc. Sighhhhhhhhh so i spoke with ron again and now he said he's gonna talk to this one guy who i think is the owner, who knows but he said he can ask him which because they've already done my site map etc the contract is completed. I told them i haven't been in that long and theres been alot of problems it's only fair. I even said i dont expect to get the entire amount back. So he's gonna pass me on to the big wig...whoever that is...Hope this helps...

Those of you who have had problems with awsm please let me know as I have a lawsuite pending against them!
Email me at [email protected] This is not a scam, they have $20k of mine.

AWSM Is BAD BAD Business
No need to go over their regretful company again...just wanted to throw out one more piece of evidence against them to keep people from signing up.

They are horrible, their ad directors are ruthless and rude. I never received my "ad" and I was told by a manager that she would do whatever she could to help me get a refund because she had never heard of anyone at AWSM being so rude and pushy. Nor had she ever heard of anyone not receiving their ad. hmmm.

Don't throw your money away! AWSM is a terrible company to do business with; even if their "technology" was real. They are just bad, bad business.

Oct 24th 06 It's know over 14 months and made not a penny. I need to hear from you others who have been taken by awsm,
join the names together for email address; fran sue bon at a o l . com I have an ongoing lawsuit against awsm.

The class action lawsuit against awsm is now public news, just waiting to hear from anyone who invested and feel there ROI is not what you where toldemail me and I will forward your info to the [email protected]

AWSM Technology, LLC is trying to get its, claimed 10, 000 subscribers to divest, and switch over to another web site. This is a scheme to reduce its liabilities because of a potential class-action lawsuit by Frank Stokes ( All AWSM Technologies, LLC subscribers who have invested and lost money should email ([email protected]) with how much they invested;how much they lost; their full name and address;and their Social Security number, immediately!

129 days ago by Luzon
0 Votes
Those turd sucking rats are going to get theirs! I pray we all get our money back with interest and punative awards amounting to the lost monies we would have earned IF this pack of homos had been selling a legit business. I will pursue this until justice is served and I do not care who goes down or who gets financially ruined. I want to see the 4 "Horseman" and the real money man who funded this scam to spend a few years behind bars as bubba's bitches!! See how they like getting it put to them like they did to us!!

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