American Home Mortgage Servicing
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Category: Business & Finances
Contact Information Louisville, Kentucky, United States
American Home Mortgage Servicing Reviews
patricia t.
March 27, 2011
False Charges and Fees
I was charged for a late payment that was paid they then charged me for a optional product that was a home warrienty that was cancelled in 2008 and the warrenty company is now involved in a class action law suit themselves and are sending me a refund every
month. AHMSI has charged my account several hundred dollars in false late fees. they refuse to cooperate in any way. i can not reach anyone in the company who will tell me anything, I have spent several hours on the phone only to have someone who barely speaks english tell me they can't tell me who to talk to. AHMSI is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune to have business dealings with. Patricia T.
October 19, 2010
Mortgage Fraud
We were behind 3 months on our payments due to a job loss. We received a statement (which we only get 2-3 timws a year) which included the necessary fees to bring our mortgage current. We called AHMSI to verify the amount owed, and were told to send certified funds, which we sent a cashier's check in the amount of $6, 248.00 (the amount on the statement and also the amount told to us over the phone). the rep said to overnight the payment and call the next day to confirm. We called the next day with the confirmation number and were told that our payment was now $13, 000! Well, the rep says he didn't understand what the previous person had done to our account and was going to research it and call us back. After a week, we called and were told again that it was still being investigated. In the meantime, our check was returned to us with no explanation and stated that foreclosure proceedings were started. Still no call back, either. We have received no corrospondence from them and have no idea what is going on. I faxed a letter asking for documentation on what is owed, and received a letter from AHMSi stating that they cannot send us a statement because of the circumstances on the loan. This started in March of 2010 and it is now October and still can not get an answer. I sent them the cahsier's check again, and again, got returned with no explanation. I can not log into our account on the website because the link does not work. We have the money, but we are going to lose our house because they won't accept our payment or give us any information. Class action, anyone?
travis bowers
March 2, 2010
money scam
Don't listen to one fucking thing these people have to say.
The most un-organized company I have ever dealt with.
Get a lawyer, have him/her draw up a certified letter, with copies of bank statements or what ever you need to send to show you are in the right. Send it "certified" to the Texas home office and tell them to go legally fuck themselves and give them 7 days to respond. They won't. It's a money scam.
I have current late fees that were falsified by them (and I have all my bank statements to prove it) on my account that are over two years old. They still call every month to collect but they have never reported anything to the credit bureaus. hmmm?!??!?
If you get called, ask for someone that speaks English and when you get that person tell them to suck your ass, go fuck themselves, their mom is a whore and I fucked her last night . . . whatever . . . just to piss that person off.
I used to get upset about it, now I treat them like the piece of shit they are.
Taliban Nazi Fucks!!!
AHMSI Mortgagee
February 11, 2010
Misapplication of prepayment of principal
I sent in $10, 000 additional with my monthly payment and clearly indicated on the form that it was for prepayment of principal. They applied it first to the next three principal and interest payments, then the remaining half to principal. They have done this before, and there are many complaints on these online forums about this company. I encourage everyone to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (easy online form), their state Attorney General, and their State consumer protection agency. With sufficient volume of complaints the governments will take action.
Scott Osman
October 22, 2009
horrible, illegal customer service
This company is totally bogus, the customer calls get routed to INDIA, they lie, mislead, provide false account info, the website does not work properly and does not allow a customer to make online payments. I have to spend 40 minutes on the phone, trying to get answers to my complaints and they never respond. I've sent certified mail and they never respond. They took too much escrow upfront, which is against the law, and they are being sued by several states attorney generals for the escrow issue. The lawyers are no help either, at Goldbeck, McCafferty and McKeever.
Cit Hts
October 7, 2009
Simultanious Loan Mod/Foreclosure
AHMSI approved our loan mod, even though we made our agreed upon payments they foreclosed. I wrote to them but did not get a timely response. The house sold at auction and we were asked to move which we did. AHMSI rescinded the foreclosure but did not tell us. We learned about this via a collection call and AHMSI is expecting us to bring the loan current and pay all of the late fees and penalties. That means we have to come up with 10 months of payments even though we had to pay rent elsewhere. We are still in Limbo.
August 18, 2009
they are trying to rip me off and foreclosure
Here is my story and why I’m asking for help:
In 11/2006 we had falling behind on our payments due to my husband changing jobs. He is a deputy Sheriff for Riverside County and went from in the jail out to the streets, but before doing this there was 16 weeks of training that no over time or extra days to pick up could be done. We had tried to talk to Option One but for a long time we had to speak to people that we could not understand and had to fight with them to get to talk to a supervisor, but finally we did get a supervisor and the only thing that they could work with us was a payment plan. Our payment went from $1550.00 to $2098.00 (now if making a $1550.00 payment was hard how can they think we could afford a $2098.00 payment).So to keep our house we signed the new contract. We made the payment every month even thru the holidays when money was very tight and our kids had to have a very very small Christmas.
In 11/2007 we made our last payment of the payment plan, when Option One called us and told us that sometime in the middle of our payment plan that our interest rate had gone up, and now that we owed $10, 000.00 or they were going to foreclose on our home again. When we asked what that was for they say that even though we was in a signed contract that said that our payment was $2098.00 a month that the interest rate had gone up but that because of the contract they still only charged us the $2098.00, but that the extra amount of payment that was not paid due to the payment agreement was just adding up behind the contract. So we tried everything we could to get out from under Option One but no one would touch our loan because Option One had reported us late the whole time we were in the payment plan which jacked our credit up. So we did a loan Mod with them and our payment were $2098.00 and was to start on 02/2008 and that we had to make the payment to them thru Western Union Quick Cash (which was $12.99 fee every month). And that there was a 3 month no payments at the start of this new loan mod, ( to help get us ready for the new loan, is what the company told us).
From 02/2008 thru 06/2008 we made our payment to them for the amount of $2098.00, In fact in February we made 2 payments, by mistake so when I called them about the second payment they said yes they caught that and that it was applied for the March payment because they could not refund the extra payment, I said that was find and they said ok, so don’t make March payment just start making payments again in April, but in June they rejected our payment saying that we had not made a payment to them since 02/2008. But when you go online to their web site it showed our payment, we have every one of our receipt showing that we had made our payment. When we showed them our receipts they then came back saying that our payment had gone up due to impounds for the taxes and insurance, but the $2098.00 was suppose to include the taxes but the insurance we have paid for and still pay for separate. They then said that our payments went into a special account not into our account, but when I said then give back our money and we will put toward a new place to live they said they couldn’t do that because then that would be saying that we had been able to live in the house for free all of those months, but I said but that’s what you are saying, so give back my money. Now when we call they are saying that we owe them $10, 000.00 in attorney fees for the foreclosure that should not even happen. They told us that we must agree to pay them $15, 000.00 or our home is to go to auction.
So I started talking to Option One about this problem and, in 06/2008 Option one was sold to American Home Loan Services that told me that they were so sorry that there was problems that to bear with them that when they bought this company they had picked up a lot of problem accounts that they are trying to fix and they put my account on hold. But then in 10/2008 without any other notice we had a guy show up at our house with the notice of foreclosure sale date for 11/2008.
I was able to get this postpone and started talking to a Cheryl in the foreclose department I faxed over 28 pages of receipts and info to them 7 times. Every month from 11/2008 thru now they have reported us 120 days late our credit even though we were not. And even thru the 3 months that we were not suppose to make a payment the reported us late. Our loan is still on hold we still get getting the same answers as always (still looking into it). Now we were told on 02/13/09 by Cheryl at Option One/ American home loans that the office in Irvine CA is closing for good as of April 15, 2009 and that a new office will be opening up in FL. / and also one in Texas, so if we don't get this taken care of soon, someone else will have their hands in our file and it could get even more screwed up.
Also now it’s time to file taxes and they only reported that we paid $4700.00 in interest when in 2007 we paid $17, 800, And we never received a year end statement for our taxes, when I talked Option One/American Home Loans and spoke to Cheryl about this she said that I should have received a year end statement for $4700.00 and that she would reorder a new one for me, but that was 2 weeks ago and still I have not received anything from them.
In the beginning of 02/2009 Cheryl told us that after all the research into our loan that she had done, that she had found that we were right, that we should never had been put on the foreclosure list, but when she opened our account on her computer it still showed our account to be in the foreclosure list and that our account was still on hold. It also showed that it was pending a loan mod for the full amount we owed plus the $15, 0000.00 for attorney fees that they say we owe for the foreclosure, but no one from Option One/ American Home Loans ever contacted us about a loan mod. She then also said that we should not agree to a loan mod that included the $15, 000.00 amount due to the fact that this was Option One/American Home Loan’s mistake and should never have happen.(she said that if we do agree to this amount then we were saying yes that we didn’t make or payments).
In April 2009, They sent us a loan mod that had all kinds of wrong info on it, when we questioned it they couldn’t answer some of the questions. 2 months later they sent us another loan mod with the same thing on it but now they added more amounts so now are payment went high, they want to do a loan mod for 350, 000.00 when my house right now is around 240, 000.00 and our payment will take one whole pay check and a little under a half of the other pay check .and they gave us only 5 days to look at docs and sign them or they will put on house up on auction.
April 15, 2009
Loan Modification
If any one thinks what they read about AHMS on this website is crazy-it is all true.
Our servicing was sold from Regions to AHMS last Summer. We had a loan modification offer from Region. In September a lawyer called saying they were beginning foreclosure. After 2 months, we finally got that straightened out. Then the actual modification began. I also asked for detail of the amount (31K) they were adding into the principal, and also was told that information is not available until after the mod was completed. The offer was to reduce interest from 10.5 ARM to 7.5 Fixed. In filling out the financial information, they made me jig figures around, or else I couldnt afford the new payment, even at 7.5%-Part of the mod was to have insurance and taxes escrowed. To cap off some of the problems, the self addressed UPS envelope they had me return the Mod paperwork in had the wrong address, Lost for 5 days, interest continues to accrue at higher rate. Then, paperwork re routed to correct address and lost in house. Another 5 days. After a month after I returned the paperwork, I could see things happening online. Property taxes were mailed-However, noticed my payment did not include escrow. I called tax dept and loss mitigation. They said they were working on, to mail payment only. I called over 45 times first month. 2nd month town office called to say they never got taxes. I called again. They said they couldnt do a stop payment until 30 days had passed. Finally, they got the check back (I think it was never mailed) 2nd check sent out REGULAR MAIL. After 1 month, still not received and I have 22K in negative escrow. 71 more calls to Tax Dept, Loss Mitigation and Customer Service. NO ONE RETURNED MY CALL. I finally sent an email to EVERYONE. Got a call. Town told AHMS they were going to sell house for tax sale. 3rd Tax payment went out, FEDEX. 45 days after it was deducted from my account. Still have negative escrow, they cant stop payment-some inner weird process of theirs. Meanwhile, Loss Mitigation, to my surprise backs out all transactions on my account, including 4 payments since my modification. When I called I was told they made some bad mistakes and need to do it all over again. Interest back to 10 1/1 percent. By the way, I JUST got the detail of the new amount added into my principal yesterday. 4 months late. I have filed a complaint with banking industry and Attorney Generals Office. This company needs to be shut down.
April 6, 2009
terrible service, unresponsive, fradulent
My loan was bought by AHMSI in January, we were in the process of a loan modification with the previous company. By the time I got the payment coupon to make a payment it was due the next day. I called to make the payment - this was on a Friday. The following Tuesday the amount showed up in my account as taking out $12, 000 - not the $1, 200 it was supposed to be. You can imagine my surprise when I saw an negative -10, 000 dollars in my account. I called (routed to India) and they assured me they would fix the problem and refund any charges I had as a result. They also assured me the correct amount would be taken out. The initial $12, 000 was refunded - after 1 week I still hadn't received reimbursement for some charges from my bank. I called again only to find out that they said I hadn't made a payment and was going to be charged late fees, and an overdraft fee for THEIR mistake. I then arranged to make a "correct" payment - which then took 5 days to post. I still haven't received any reimbursements for fees and just got a nasty letter from them saying that I owe them late fees. No one is in the states that I can talk to. I have tried calling my "loan modification" person only to get busy signals. Unbelieveable that this company can be in business.
The Gormans
April 3, 2009
Class Action Lawsuit Anyone?
I think they should have a Class Action Lawsuit filed against them for these deceptive practices, fraudulent practices, and just down right not playing fair!!
My Story:
In December 2008 I applied for a loan modification. In January 2009 I received a call from Dena Moss a "negotiator" for my modification. She told me to stop making my payments while my account was being modified. She said I would have 1 lave fee and be reported on my credit for 1 late payment. She said my first payment would be April 1, 2009 at a rate of %5.5 percent and a 'graduating step program' where my interest rate would go from 5.5% to 6% the next year, 7% the year after that and stop at about 8% in the fourth year. She was giving me approximates as she said she would not have the exact figures until the modification had been completed.
In March 2009 when I did not hear from her, I called and she said that the lender put a hold on modification and she would call me back in 3 weeks.
Yesterday, April 1, 2009, my husband was called by AHMSI and told that we were in foreclosure and our modification was denied March 26, 2009. They wanted 4 months worth of payments plus 4 months worth of late fees totaling around $5k to bring the account current and stop foreclosure.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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