American Mall Model Search
American Mall Model Search Reviews
February 25, 2012
I has done some research and heard the negative reviews but my daughter really wanted to walk down the catwalk and she was excited about the photo shoot, so I figured I'd go ahead and pay for the pictures. $300 later no pictures were ever received. Yes, I paid for the top of the line package with the photo book, none of which was ever received. I've tried getting a hold of the company but still have found no resolution. Not only am I out the money but what's worse is that my eight year old daughter is extremely dissapointed because she never even got to see her photos. Don't waste your time or your money.
July 7, 2011
My experience was here in Arlington, Texas. I just did it for fun to see how and what it was all about. The lady I talked to (Jessica) said there are no fees to audtion but I knew I was going to pay something so I didnt bring my wallet just in case they sell me. I dont think its a scam but I do believe they are just trying to get money the best way possible. They want only new faces and people because most likely you want have a portfolio. I won the "first round" in competition but there was like 8 others that won and like 2 that didnt make it. Furthermore, American Mall Model search have been at the Parks Mall for weeks everyday at least twice a day and ALL these people are winning. What got me is that I didnt have the money for a photo shoot that day. I understand I need one and HAVE TO PAY FOR ONE BUT I could ONLY pay that day and nothing else. I told her (Trinie)when I come to the photo shoot I dont mind paying then but she said "do you really want to do this" and Im like "yeah". Well I want photos anyways so i didnt mind paying but she told me I couldnt go on if i didnt at least put something down today. Ha! If this wasnt for mostly your money and mostly love my talent and beauty they would let me come back to pay. Basically, this is just for money and the odds are veeerrryyy slim. For a company to have been here sooo long. WHY I HAVE NOT HEARD OF ANY OF THE MODELS OR ACTORS THEY CLAIM GOTTEN CONTRACTS. They were ONLY small jobs that they had. You'll have a better chance to keep entering into tv contest. If this is really your passion go for it and invest in yourself even if its by slim chance but dont let this be your only option.
May 9, 2011
not professional!
I received a call to audition. However, when I arrived no one was at the stage that the company had set up. I called and left a text message like it said and still I got no response. I was unsure about it in the first place after reading reviews online, but figured I would at least see if they would tell me I had to pay. Long story short, no one showed up and I stayed at the mall 4 hours later, and there was still no one there. I can't seem to understand how a company can give you a specific time for an interview and never show up; a bit odd. Not only that, but I was told to come at 7:15 in the morning, I could have stayed sleep.
May 7, 2011
Some people are big idiots when they complain about American Model Mall Search. First of all you only have to pay if you do not have a portfolio. Many of the interns assume that you do not have one so they fill it out for you. You do not have to pay if you have a portfolio and resume on hand. Since there are little kids auditioning who obviously do not have that, they use this fact to fund their operations and keep the business open. I took my little niece to this today and it is legitimate enough for me. She did not know it was an audition of some sort, but she still made the best of it. The people were friendly and even offered to help those who did not know how to do the cat walk. I believe this will be a good experience for her.
April 27, 2011
Greatest Experience
This was the greatest experience for both my child and myself. A couple of months ago my child begged and begged for me to fill out the card with her information, so I did; thinking what is the harm. About 2 weeks later I had received a phone call from AMMS, the lady was asking about my childs experience/personality. After I had told her she was shy but breaking out of her shell the lady was about to tell me that it was not a fit for my child but then I had explaine d that this was all of my childs idea and not myself. The lady then said ok so she may be ready. That was on a tuesday and my childs try out was for thursday. We showed up and there was about 10 people, kids and adults. My child was not a top pick and actually Toby the photographer actually had a talk with us about how she is still a bit shy but that if I felt that she could then he would let her go on to the next round. I answered him that with a bit of practice she would be able to do it. I felt sorry thought because there was another child that did not make it not even with a second try out. So my childs photoshoot was for the following day; yes, I paid the $150. The auditions was for the next day Saturday. We showed up registered, received the photoshoot CD (42 pics total). I paid for the audition CD $25. My child did really well; especially on the cat walk. About a month later (I was getting a bit worried) I receive a phone call from AMMS and they indicate that my child has won the 1yr contract. About 4 days later I receive in the mail the contract packet and the audition CD. So for myself I did not see this as a scam because I have received everything I paid for. Also the pictures of my daughter are absolutely beautiful. Toby the photographer was instructing my child as in how to pose. I wanted to upload one of the pics but the size's range between 4.88 - 6.45MB and the max size is 2MB.
March 16, 2011
A scam, but not for the reasons you think
I work in the entertainment industry and deal with modeling and acting agencies every day as well as placing talent. My review comes from my professional experience.
First of all, those who think that "if you are talented enough, an agency will pay for you to get started in the industry" have clearly not worked with many professional agencies. When you audition directly with a legitimate, licensed agency you are required to do what they call a "test shoot" if they are moving forward with representation. These test shoots are frequently funded out of pocket by the model, NOT the agency. Agencies make commission off of their models, so how could they afford to pay for photo shoots for every single one of their models or potential models when only a fraction of them find high-paying work?
Secondly, professional photographers that are what is considered "celebrity" quality will have some major credentials and will cost you generally much more than $150, depending on what kind of shoot you are doing and how many looks. Your portfolio should ONLY contain photos of this quality. Anyone who believes that you can make it big in modeling or acting without paying to get yourself started is naive and inexperienced in the entertainment business. To really find paying work you need a strong and current portfolio, zed cards, an evolving resume, and at least some kind of training or experience. Many agencies won't even consider interviewing a person without these (I've seen them literally throw applications in the trash because of this).
Furthermore, age is not a factor for immediate dismissal. Think about all of the children you see in Toys R Us or Pampers ads, or grandparents featured in a family unit or on insurance pamphlets. All ages, shapes, and sizes are considered in modeling because there are SO MANY types of modeling other than what people see on America's Next Top Model.
HOWEVER, all this being said, the American Mall Model Search IS a huge scam. It is not because they charge you for photo shoots, or let absolutely everyone through. It is because they have been operating with a talent agency with a delinquent license, at least for most of last year when their license became delinquent in May of 2010 and was not renewed at least through November. This is highly illegal. I have not yet checked to see if this has been renewed as of the new year.
Also, they operate with false promises that border on the line of false advertising. With promises of fame, they provide you with mediocre photographs and you are REQUIRED to use THEIR photographs to be considered for a contract. While real agencies may require you test shoot with their photographer to see how you move behind a camera, you use other pictures you've already had done to get past stage one. They only test shoot with you if they are signing with you are very seriously considering it. They won't take money from people they know they don't want to represent. It's very unethical, and the American Mall Model Search is looked poorly upon by the rest of the industry for these reasons.
Their success stories are vague. They don't tell you much about who has appeared in what, just that "our talent has been featured in Glamour Magazine, 90210, Pepsi ads" or whatever it happens to be. Where are the testimonials from real life success stories? If they were so successful at representing and finding amazing talent, do you really think they would be out trolling malls? Or would they have a nice posh office and people would be contacting them? Something to consider...
Lastly, their services are fairly useless. You don't need a company like this to "market" you to agents and employers. You need to market yourself. Get great head shots done and send them with resumes to agents in your area. Take professional training classes at a qualified talent school. Make connections with people in the industry. Join local casting groups. These things will get you industry representation, not putting your hopes into American Mall Model Search.
March 7, 2011
I was called from AMMS after my daughter filled out a questionnaire in the mall. They called her a week later and told her to meet up at the mall for an "INTERVIEW" FOR MODELING AND ACTING at 3 pm on that following Saturday. They told me that it was a free audition and that I would not have to pay. We showed up and to our surprise their was a stage and we were told that my 11 year old had to walk down the catwalk and also recite a line from a small skit. My daughter was not told that at all over the phone when they spoke to me and her so we just simply went home as they lied to us. Now, figure we should have realized that something was wrong, but they ended up calling me 4 days later on Tuesday and they told us to meet up that following Friday at 6:45 pm with an interview with Nick that would be one on one, no catwalk and also no one else but Nick, my daughter and myself on that interview for acting for TV commercials. I asked them again if I have to pay or if its free of service and they said ABSOLUTELY OF NO CHARGE FOR AN INTERVIEW. We got excited and of course showed up and to my belief IT WAS THE SAME CRAP AGAIN, ANOTHER CATWALK TO BE DONE AND RECITE A LINE. Now i did ask for Nick and of course they said that he was in New Hampshire so right away I KNEW THIS WAS A WHOLE CROCK OF LIES!! If Nick was a professional agent he would have contacted me that day and told me that someone else was going to interview my daughter so I knew then this was not all real!!! We still stayed because my daughter was excited and was looking her best. She learned her lines in like 5 minutes, and she went up the catwalk, said her name, her age, and her line and did her walk and DID VERY WELL! At the end of the show, the judge OF COURSE CALLED ALL THE KIDS "AS THEY ALL WON" WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! How can all 6 kids in a show win! They called her name first up to the stage then the other kids and they took a fake pic of the whole group, with a LITTLE DIGITAL CAMERA!!! Now, it gets even better. They called us all to the back of the stage and they called all of the kids one by one and told them how great they were. They left my daughter for last, and then they TOLD HER HOW AMAZING SHE WAS AND HOW SHE HAD GREAT POTENTIAL AT 11 TO BE AN ACTRESS AND TO MAKE IT VERY FAR!! She was excited and then they told me to open the booklet and to go to the page with the head shots and the three prices. The cheapest was $150 and being that IF SOMEONE REALLY WANTS TO DISCOVER YOU THEY DO NOT CHARGE YOU ANY MONEY UP FRONT, I KNEW RIGHT AWAY THAT THIS WAS ALL NOT REAL, IT WAS A TOTAL TRUE SCAM! NOW, ALL OF THE PARENTS WENT TO THE LINE TO PAY, and I simply asked many questions and told the guy that I would come back and think about it and he told me to leave a deposit. I told him that I will just think about it and that I would get back to him, but I am not. I am not going to pay $150 for a company that is bogus and you know off the bat that its all fake, all they want is your money as they kept pushing it, BUT I WAS THE SMART PARENT THAT LEFT WITHOUT PAYING!!! PLEASE BEWARE OF THESE AMMS ASSHOLES!!
October 15, 2010
Fradulent Services
I got scammed by this company too, along with two fo my friends and their kids. I filled out the form like everyone else did and they called me a week later asking me to bring my son in for an interview with their casting Director, Brody. I was told, like everyone else, to be there the following night at 7:15. I was lead to beleive this would be a one on one, at no time did they tell me about walking a catwalk, the many other people that would also be "auditioned", etc. My son is 2, I showed up at 7pm, only to be told to have a seat, we would be called for our appt. time with the casting director. After watching their various advertisements for their company, including endorsements from "Oprah", it was now 7:30 and my two y/o was getting antsy. Finally we were called, only to find out their were multiple people all going up on stage for a talent/fashion show and we were lined up. My son was "picked" along with everyone else, which clued me in something was fishy. I was then told to book an appt. for a photo shoot for them to use on their website and for us to use to solicit jobs, they had three pkg.'s with different prices, but we were told in order to continue on to the next step we had to pick one and pay a deposit up front. The the balance to be paid by the competition date. I then explained to Brody how we were deceived and he apologized and assurred me that the photo shoot would be individualized attention. I went on to explain that I had not brought a juice cup, a change of clothes, a cookie/cracker nothing and I was ill-prepared to have a two y/o wait patiently for 2+ hours (which is how long this whole process took). Like all the other fools i paid the deposit and went shopping for an outfit and showed up with my 2 y/o for our scheduled photo shoot at 6:30 two nights later only to find out they were doing another "audition" and we had to wait until the end, not one of the other 5 staff members could help us. The one guy that could take the stinking pictures was running another "show". Only I had googled them the night before and done my homework and knew that they were a scam. I figured at the very least I could either get his pics done or get my money back at this point. They wouldn't let me talk to Brody and no one else could answer my questions. I was told I am only an intern or I'm just 12 interning and apart of the competition. His assistant Kyle, keep blowing me off and telling me he'd be right back. I even got out the business card and called Brody's cell right there on the spot, of course, no anaswer. I left a message, of ocurse, no return call. After waiting yet again for over an hour, I walked off. I should have listened to my gut and what people told me, if they were legit they would take you on for free, not ask you for money up front. And let me tell you the second "audition" I got stuck watching while we waited for a non-existent appt. for a photo shoot - THEY ALL MADE IT TOO! Funny, we must be some talented people in this town.
Location: Crystall Mall, Waterford, CT
October 15, 2010
I got involved with them just by filling out a little slip in the mall, I was just curious. I wasn't expecting much out of it. Well about a week later, I get a call asking me to audition for them the following day (I was still just curious and figured why not?) Well, I made it past the first round, and my "judges sheet" said to see the judge before leaving. So, I did and she asked me to intern for them. She said that they thought I was perfect for them (Im 5'9 & a size 2, whos been trying to make it in this industry for a long time.) Once I got picked, they then asked for at least 50 dollars on the spot for the credentials & copyrights to the pictures. Then they were asking for 3 payments of 50 dollars total...
So I asked the "judge" - So, if I go and bring you my headshot & a couple of other pictures in my portfolio, (I have a photographer friend that does an awesome job) I shouldn't have to pay you a dime? (When I asked what the money was for earlier, the pictures was the only answer) well...
Her response- No. You need OUR pictures in order to COMPETE. We need to see how you work in a photoshoot setting, and since you dont have much on your resume, the most we could do is let you pay in 20 dollar intervals. Getting your pictures done at the picture people isnt showing us that you have modeling potential.
So by then, i was really fired up & I asked another question- Well, I have been involved in LOTS of things like this (Barbazon, John Robert Powers) where I've gotten through, (along with everybody else who auditoned) and they said they really like me & such, but, in order to move on, you need to pay us. Ive put way to much money into just a maybe, or classes.
Her response- Well, were definetly not a scam, because were giving you the option to walk away. If we were scamming you, we would make you pay, plus this is ofr work, not for classes.
I mean, I give them credit, they have the speech down. But Im sorry, if a REAL modeling angency, (which they are not, they claim to be sort of a "middle man", who will send your stuff out to the real agencies) but, if a real modeling agency was as interested in me as AMMS said they were, they would NEVER just let me walk away. Also, I do understand that pictures cost money and your original headshot & bodyshots will probably cost you something, however, i dont think you should HAVE to get them taken with this company or pay nearly as much as 150 dollars to do it.
For a real agency, You would NEVER pay them to represent them. In the "real world" if you are good enough, they wouldnt even bother with the little kids and people they weren't interested in. Thats why you can tell that they are fake, because they put everyone through, no matter the age or anything. I feel bad for the people that actually gave them their money. SO what happens if you give them the $150, and dont even win the contest?! Well anyway, a real angency would also know if you really have what it takes, the agency gets paid when you get paid. Their goal is you get YOU hired, so that hopefully, they will get profit from it. These people are just a waste of your time & money.
Also, aside from the adults, all of the young people that worked for them, were very rude and not very helpful. Excpecially once I said I wasn't paying. So, from personal experience, if you really wanna make it and are serious about modeling, skip them, and contact the agencies yourself. You can do exactly what they "claim" to do. :)
October 2, 2010
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