I just wanna say I deeply appreciate this website because I just found out that this company was not only scamming me but lots of other people. I have been called by this company everyday and have tried to cancel the subscription. Everyone keeps telling me the same thing, it's a 3 day cancellation policy. When I ordered them no one ever talked to me about the cancellation policy. I recently spoke with a representative about why the magazines could not be canceled. I don't understand why this is happening but I DESPERATELY AM IN NEED OF HELP because I am currently 9 months pregnant and I have a four year old daughter also so I can't keep making payments to these people for magazines that I don't even want. Now there telling me if I don't make a payment soon that will take legal action against me.
If there is someone out there that can HELP ME contact me back at my email at [email protected]. I would really appreciate it.
Thank you